Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

7, How many Arabic letters are there in the Persian alphabet? Name 7 them. What particular letters do not occur in Arabic and are purely Persian ?

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A wolf clothing himself in the skin of a sheep, and getting in among the flock, by this means took the opportunity to devour many of them. At last the shepherd discovered him, and cunningly fastening a rope about his neck, tied him up to a tree which stood hard by. Some other shepherds happening to pass that way and observing what he was about, drew near and expressed their amazement at it. 'What,' says one of them, brother, do you make hanging of sheep ?' 'No,' replied the other, but I make hanging of a wolf whenever I catch him, though in the habit and garb of a sheep." Then he showed them their mistake, and they applauded the justice of the execution.


FRIDAY, 8TH November.

[2 р.м. то 5 Р.М.]


1. (a) What is the difference in meaning according as the following 12 words are masculine or feminine :-Terre-neuve, critique, trompette, manche, paillase, enfant.

(b) Give the feminine of-Chanteur, coq, singe, cochon, loup, bénin, fou, eux, nouveauné.

(c) Give the plural of—Bail, bleu, detail, déficit, cheflieu, abatjour, unc basse cour, troisquarts, nouveauné.

(d) Give the diminutives of-Ver, oiseau, agneau, lion, maison.

2. When is in translated into French by dan, en, and when by de?

Translate-In the reign of; in the beginning; in that way; in the future; in the middle of; in summer; in spring.

3. How are possessive adjectives translated when the object possessed forms part of the possessor?

Translate(a) I am going to the barber's to have my hair cut; (b) shut your eyes and open your mouth.

In what cases does a verb having several subjects, agree only with the last one?

4. Explain the difference between-La flotte de France and la flotte de la France; à la campagne and en province; convenir de and convenir à; fabriquant and fabricant; épouser, se marier, and marier; bouche, gueule and embouchure; cloche, sonnette, and grelot; depuis, pendant and pour.

5. Give the Present Infinitives, and the Present and Past Participles of-Il vit; nous défimes, il faut, il élit, enfuyons nous, il décherra, je naquis, que je croisse, qu'il vît.




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(a) Ce monsieur est à même de payer, car il a de quoi.

(2) Vous avez fait cela à bon escient; je ne m'y suis jamais attendu.
(c) Il tient beaucoup de sa mère.

(d) On lui avait appris qu'elle pouvait tirer parti de son esprit, elle n'y pensait pas.

(e) Son parti fut pris sur-le-champ.

7. Translate into French :

(a) A few days more or less will make no difference in the matter.

(b) Is that the pen you are looking for? Yes, it is.

(c) What I complain of is one thing, and what you are alluding to is another.

(d) How pale you are! What is the matter with you?

(e) We shall have a fine game at cricket on Monday week; will you join us?

(f) Do not fail to come this evening; he tried to do it but failed; the bauk failed.

8. Translate into English :

Je ne crois pas qu'il y sit rien au monde de plus riant que les idées qui s'eveillent daus le coeus d'une mère à la vue du petit soulier de son enfant: surtout si c'est le soulier de fête, des dimanches, du baptême; le soulier brodé jusque sous la semelle; un soulier avec lequel l'enfant n'a pas encore fait uu pas. Ce soulier-là a tant de grâce et de petitesse, il lui est si impossible de marcher, que c'est pour la mère comme si elle voyait son enfant Elle lui sourit, elle lui baise, elle lui parle; elle se demande s'il se peut, en effet, qu'un pied soit si petit ; et, l'enfant fût-il absent, il suffit du joli souier pour lui remettre sous les yeux la douce et fragile créature. Elle croilt le voir elle le voit, tout entier, vivant, joyeux, avec ses mains délicates, sa tête ronde, ses lèvres pures, ses yeux sereins dont le blanc est blen. Si c'est I'hiver, il est là, rampe sur le tapis, il escalade laborieusement un tabouret, et la mère tremble qu'il ne s'approche du feu. Si c'est l'été, il se traîne dans la cour, dans le jardin, arrache l'herbe d'entre les pavés, regarde naivement les grands chiens, les grands chevaux, sans peur, joue avec les coquillages, les fleurs, et fait gronder le jardinier, qui trouve le sable dans les plates-bandes et la terre dans les allées. Tout rit, tout brille, tout joue autour de lui comme lui, jusqu'au souffle d'air et au rayon de soleil qui. s'ébattent à l'enxi dans les boucles follettes de ses cheveux. Le soulier moutre tont cela à mère, et lui fait fondre le coeur, comme le feu une cire.

9. Translate into French :

The captain gave an account of all that had happened to him and the ship, and to the great delight of Alice, who was with her father, he told them of the good fortune that had attended Whittington's venture. Mr. Fitz warren immediately sent for Dick to hear of his good fortune, and told him that it was a just reward granted by heaven for his patience under hard trials, and for his good conduct and industry. When the boxes and bales containing the treasures sent by the African King and Queen to the owner of the cat were displayed before the astonished youth, he burst into tears, and implored his master to take all, if he would but continue to be his friend. But the merchant would touch none of it, declaring it to belong to Whittington, and to him alone. Before the captain took his leave, he said to Dick playfully, "I have another present for you from the African Queen," and calling to a sailor below, ordered him to bring up the wicker basket, out of which leaped Mrs. Puss, to the great joy of her former master; and right happy was she to see him again, purring round him, and rubbing her head against his face when he took her up in his arms. For the rest of her days she continued to live with her grateful master.



[2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.]




1. Translate into English :


Os gregos, polidos a pouco e pouco, se julgaram em estado de se poderem governar por si mesmos e a maior parte das cidades se formaram em républicas; para não ¡umultuarem tiveram sempre a fortuna de terem sabios legisladores que as souberam conter nos seus limites. Leis escriptas n'un estilo simples e em peqneo numero serviam de freio aos povos e os endireitavam para o bem comm in A idea de liberdade que inspirava um tal procedimento era formosa; porque os gregos a representavam sujeita á Lei, isto é, á razão, que todo o povo reconhecia. Tinham medo de que

os homens não abusassem. Os magistrados, que eram tratados com summo respeito em quanto durava o tempo do seu ministerio, entravam na classe de qualquer particular logo que expirava o sen governo e ficavam sem mais distincção do que a boa fama do seu merecimento. A Lei era senhora; a Lei repartia os cargos, regulava a jurisdicção, e era severa em castigar sem do' todo aquel le que tinha desempenhado mal o seu officio. Não direi se todas estas ideas eram mais especiosas do que solidas; o que é certo é que vogavam pela Grecia, que se tinham apoderado dos corações até preferirem os descontos, que traz ccmsigo a liberdade, aos defeitos inseparaveis de uma subordinação legitima, ainda que sejam muito menores.

2. Translate into Portuguese :

When the tidings reached Lisbon of this wonderful bark, anchored in the Tagus, freighted with the people and productions of a newly-discovered world, the effect may be more easily conceived than described. Lisbon, for nearly a century, had derived its chief glory from its maritime discoveries; but here was an achievement that eclipsed them all. Curiosity could scarcely have been more excited had the vessel come freighted with the wonders of another planet. For several days the Tagus presented a gay and moving picture, covered with barges and boats of every kind. From morning till night the vessel was thronged with visitors, among whom were cavaliers of high distinction, and various officers of the crown. All hung with rapt attention upon the accounts given by Columbus and his crew of the events of their voyage, and of the New World they had discovered, and gazed with insatiable curiosity upon the specimens of unknown plants and animals, but above all, upon the Indians, so different from any race of men hitherto known. Some were filled with generous enthusiasm at the idea of a discovery so sublime and beneficial to ma kind; while others repined at the incredulity of the king and his councillors, by which so immense an acquisition had been for ever lost to Portugal.

3. What are adjectivos adv erbiados? How are they declined? Give examples.

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4. Define verbos defectivos. Distinguish between rerbos impessoaes and 10 pessoaes. Give examples.

5. In how many different ways is the gerund used in Portuguese ? 6. Give


(a) the past participles of matar, salvar, insurgir, encher, agradecer ; (b) the feminine of abbade, barão, poeta ;


(c) the gender of official, personagem, lente, capital, rubi.

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जी कृष्णागुरु ताप वारुनि सुखें दे स्वाश्रिता पन्नगा,
त्यांहून प्रभु संश्रिता प्रिय करी, नाशूनि आपन्नगा ;
या कृष्णा गुरुला त्रितापपरमक्लेशात जे भेटले,
त्यांचे तापशिखी अशेष शमले, नाहीं पुन्हा पेटले.

(b) Scan the first line of the above stanza and name the metre.


2. Disjoin the following words, giving the rules of Sandhi in the case of the first three :-

नीरस, अम्मय, सज्जन, अहोरूप, अक्षौहिणी and कुलटा.

3. Distinguish between तद्धित and कृदन्त ; घोषवर्ण and अघोष वर्ण; विशेषण and भाववाचक नाम; and यौगिक, रूढ and योगरूढ.

Illustrate your answer by examples.

4. (/) Give the Inst. sing. and Dat plu. of जळू, पै, काय, मी, हसें and


(b) How are diminutive nouns formed in Marathi? Give examples. (c) Derive as many words as you can from एक.

5. Give one instance of

निमित्तार्थी तृतीया, तुल्यार्थी चतुर्थी, अपादानार्थी षष्ठी, अलुक् तत्पुरुष, एकशेष द्वंद्व, सहार्थी बहुव्रीहि, विशेषणोत्तरपद कर्मधारय and अकर्तृक क्रियापद.

6. Give (a)_3rd_pers.sing. Mas. and 2nd pers. plu. Fem. विध्यर्थ and संकेतार्थ of गा, बघ and दे; (8) 1st, 2nd and 3rd pers. plu. Habitual Past of पी, ने and हो ; and (c) the Causal forms of जूट, ये, रूप, गूत and पी.

7. What are F (Potential) verbs? How are these formed? State clearly their use in sentences.

8. Point out the grammatical inaccuracy in the following

मी आर्या पाठ झटली ; गुरूनें शिष्यास शहाणा केलें ;
तूं कथा सांगितलीस; and भी मुलीला निजविली.



9. Explain in English the following phrases and frame sentences to 10 illustrate thcir use:

मेलें अन्न, मेलें हत्यार ; हाडीं खिळणें, हार्डी लागणें ; पाय घेणें, पाय काढणें ; पाणी जोखणें, पाणी सोडणें ; and कानास खडा लावणें, कानांत तुळशी घालणें.


Give the meaning of the following words and trace them to their origin :

जानिवसा, सैरावैरा, दस्तऐवज, शिदोरी, रूबरू, जिव्हाळा aad



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