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of some and to the calumny of others: but this did not cool his love for them; he received all as permitted for his good, and felt that he suffered for his Master and for the sake of his cause, and this gave him strength to bear what was extremely painful to his affectionate disposition. In the year 1791, after this period of confusion, he visited England, where he was received with great kindness, and where he obtained a more accurate knowledge of the discipline of the Society of Friends; but the wars which soon followed for many years wholly interrupted the communications between the two countries.

After the revolution he was employed in the sale of the lands which had belonged to the nobles, when he gave proof of great uprightness and disinterestedness. He had the means of

time I determined to relinquish every occupation which could divert my attention from my beloved family and our little flock, and to give up a situation which afforded me much ease and outward gain, in order to attend to the education of young people, a painful employment at my age, as it obliges me to pass a sedentary life, which is injurious to my health; but I believe duty calls first, and that without bearing the cross we cannot obtain the crown."

From his profession of a valuer of land, he was afterwards called in as arbitrator in cases of differences in families, and in the division of property; on these occasions he did honour to his religious profession by his strict justice and impartiality; so that he was often sent for from a considerable distance from his home.

His ministry was simple, but energetic and persuasive. He called the attention of his hearers to the spirituality of the gospel dispensation, to the necessity of a change of heart and of fire, to that new birth without which we affections, to the baptism of the Holy Ghost and cannot be accepted of God. In his youth, and when he was in health, he often felt himself called to visit his brethren of the same faith; having a very lively sympathy for his friends who were situated at a distance from the places were meetings were held; and he embraced every opportunity which presented itself to

to himself, to his own words, or to anything tience, and in waiting upon Christ. It was not visible that he was concerned to direct the attention of his friends, but to Jesus Christ the Saviour, the way, the truth, and the life, testifying that all have access to the Father through faith and obedience. When circumstances did not allow of his visiting his friends, he conveyed his feelings to them in writing, and his letters always bore marks of experience of the

enriching himself, but would not take advantage of this unhappy period; he bought nothing for himself. His family increased, and he found it difficult to provide for their wants; as soon as he was allowed to do so, he recommenced the school, and some time after acted as a surveyor under the new taxation undertaken by Buonaparte, and was for many years thus employed. In this difficult office, he was remarkable for his strict uprightness, and thus gained the respect and esteem of all amongst whom his lot was cast. The duties of his profession took him away from his family, whom he dearly loved, and although overcome often by fatigue, in hav-encourage them to persevere in faith, in paing to provide for a family of eight children during a time of scarcity, war, and perplexity, he was calm and resigned, happy in being still enabled to impart some relief to others. He saw, however, that this occupation was not that to which he was called; he says in the letter which has already been quoted, "The part which I had taken in the affairs of the Government was in some respects honourable, since it had an influence in establishing proportionate justice and equity in the assessment of the landtax; but the sting of necessity kept my soul in painful uncertainty; I wished to be in many places at one and the same time, this was not possible. In the meantime not only our discipline became relaxed, but the education of our children, and particularly of my own family, was neglected. I was engaged in a very painful conflict between my religious duties and the making a necessary provision for the wants of my family. But O, my dear friend, I saw to my great affliction that I ought not to have hesitated so long in choosing the best part. I was greatly afflicted, and I acknowledged, but perhaps too late, that the manifestation of the Supreme will cannot be resisted with impunity." "I was in the midst of this trial at the time of the visit of our dear friend Stephen Grellet, towards the end of the year 1813; that visit was a great consolation to me, and from that

same zeal and love.

His religious labours were almost entirely confined to the members of our little society; yet he went twice to St. Etienne, to visit a small community in the neighbourhood of that town, consisting of individuals who had separated themselves from the Roman Catholic worship, and who professed principles similar to those of Friends. He was well received, and had extensive service amongst them, and he afterwards kept up an interesting correspondence with a few individuals of them.

He was affable and kind to all, ready to be serviceable to his neighbours and friends, as well as to strangers; and the superior information which he possessed often qualified him to be useful to them. He had good health, and was remarkable for his sober habits, his industry, and the serenity of his mind, the expression of which was strikingly visible in his countenance.

The last years of his life were spent at Con- | him some merit, "Do not say that: O, yes, I génies; his time was principally occupied in hope, but I feel that I have need of mercy; making translations from the writings of Friends. there is nothing but that," or to that effect. He A translation of the works of Richard Claridge, often spoke of death with surprising calmness. which he completed in the early part of the To another of his daughters, who had cared for year 1837, appeared to fatigue him; and in the him during his years of weakness, and who says 6th mo. of the same year he was attacked with that she never left his room in the evening paralysis. For many days fear was entertained without hearing him a short time after engaged for his life; but though he was greatly weaken-in imploring the blessing of God, praising him ed by the attack, it pleased Infinite Wisdom to restore him so far, as to enable him to superintend his own concerns, to attend meetings, and to minister to the spiritual wants of his friends. It was evident to them that his communications were more and more fraught with love to all; and although his bodily weakness deprived them of a part of the energy for which they had been remarkable, it was deeply felt that they proceeded from the same source; his mental faculties remained unimpaired, although he had no longer the strength to employ his time as before, and his perceptions of divine things remained the same.

for his goodness, or supplicating for his pardon; he said one day, with a smile, "The fruit is ripe, then it must be gathered." On the 4th of the 3d mo. a friend for whom he had long been interested came to see him; he appeared much pleased with the visit, and before he parted from him, he said, "Keep near to Him who has already enlightened thee, and He will be thy guide; attend to the manifestations of Him who has said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.' What may have appeared to thee (meaning our principles) full of imperfections, contains, on the contrary, what is the most perfect do not remain in a state of uncertainty, in which thou wilt suffer loss. I should like to see thee again attend our meetings, I think thou wilt find peace in it.”

In the 8th mo. 1840, during the visit of a Committee of the Meeting for Sufferings of Friends in London, he had a second attack, which threatened his life. In the course of this He had evidently nothing to do in his last illness his patience and resignation were re-moments, and he said many times that he was markable, and he appeared prepared for Heaven; but it pleased the Lord again partially to restore him, so that he was permitted to attend meetings, and to encourage and exhort his friends. Although, after those attacks, and particularly after the last, his power of speech was considerably impaired, it was very remarkable that his religious communications were always clear and intelligible.

He remained in this state of weakness until the 2nd mo. 1842; when he was suddenly attacked with internal inflammation, which weakened him very fast. From the beginning of this illness he thought that it would be his last, and that it was a call to a better world, and he received the message with all the calmness of the Christian who is at the disposal of his Master; with him all was submission to the Divine will, and the expression which he most frequently uttered was, "May the will of God be done," and this his countenance conveyed more than his words. He evidently passed the greatest part of his time in prayer. One day, one of his daughters wishing to know how it was with him, asked him if his thoughts were turned towards God, he quickly answered, "Oh, yes, always." After having said to him that she hoped he had a trust that when the Lord should call him from this world, he would exchange a life of trial and suffering for a state of happiness, she added, that his life had been such that God would not forsake him at last, he quickly answered, as if to reprove her for this last expression, which seemed to attribute to

happy in the prospect of death, adding at one time, "All you have to desire for me is, that I may have an easy passage ;" and this, his last desire, was abundantly granted him. In the evening of 7th day, the 5th, he thought his last hour was arrived; he had his family called, named those whom he did not see around his bed, and had strength to say, "May the will of God be done! Farewell, all; love one another; live in peace, and the God of peace will be with you." To a friend, who came to see him, he sweetly said, "Thou seest me at the end of my life." And when she remarked, that she believed he was going to enter into a better life than the one he was leaving, he said, "Oh, yes;" and immediately turning to his daughter, who had for some time moistened his lips, he said to her, proving his anxiety to be gone, “And thou lengthens my life." But on her observing to him that it was right to the last to give every relief to the poor body, he added, with sweet submission, "Well, then lengthen it." Some time after, feeling himself weaker, he said "Now I am going; fare thee well; do not give me any more; I want nothing more." He remained some time in a state of apparent sleep, which was interrupted only by the motion of his hands, which he often clasped before him, and he was evidently in prayer. In the evening of 6th of the 3rd mo. 1842, his spirit was dislodged from its earthly tenement, and, we doubt not, is gone to the abodes of the just. He was aged seventy-eight years, and had been a Minister about fifty-four years.

The account of Friends' Boarding School in Indiana, has been furnished by a Friend in that State. We think it can hardly be read by any one in the Eastern States, without the feeling of a warm desire that the cheerful prospects and hopes of its friends there may be realized. Friends of Indiana Yearly Meeting are spread over a large extent of country, in many parts of which, the means of educating their children are very restricted. How important then is it, that in a matter of so much moment, the body at large should extend every possible assistance. Friends' Boarding School in Indiana. This institution went into operation in the Sixth month last. It is situated in a healthy location about one mile west of Richmond, and about eighty rods south of the National road, from which it will, when finished, present a handsome appearance. The vicinity is gently undulating, and the scenery interesting. A traveller would think the comforts of the place much diminished, by the want of shade trees near the building, but on approaching he would be interested by the prospect of a well planted grove, which is making its first year's growth.

The school is made up of near fifty scholars, about an equal number of each sex, and has given satisfactory evidence that it is furnished with competent instructors.

The present session will close about the middle of the Ninth month, and the school will be vacated until after Indiana Yearly Meeting. The present building will accommodate about one hundred scholars, and that number will probably be made up at the opening of the winter term. Friends have manifested much interest in the school, and it is hoped that the good influence it may have in the education of the young people of Indiana, may induce those who have been fearful of its tendency, to become its zealous supporters.

Great inconvenience is experienced in the management of the school, on account of the poor adaptation of the present building to the accommodation of both sexes. The committee having charge of it, have evidently shown much good judgment in the plans they have devised for the accommodation of the students in this particular. It remains for the friends of the institution to determine whether the unfinished part of the establishment shall be put up. Great advantages would arise from its completion. It would then accommodate three hundred scholars, and be a well constructed edifice, nicely adapted in all its parts to the right management of a good school. The expense has been estimated by a workman to be $14,000, a sum much less than has been the usual estimate. A little concert of action could surely do the work, and the growing interest among Friends will remain unsatisfied without it.

A good Library and apparatus have been procured by the liberality of Friends in England, who have ever manifested a laudable interest in the concern.

The amount of land in connection with the

school, is sufficient to hold out inducements to enterprising young men, to defray a part of their expenses by manual labour. More labour has thus far been in demand, than could be furnished in this way.

We trust that the Friends of Indiana, may find the good influence of their school diffusing itself throughout their large Yearly Meeting, and rendering it a heritage which the Lord will delight to bless.

The New Paper. To the Editor of Friends' Review.

It is only within a few days that I have been aware of the determination to commence the publication of the new paper that has been for some time, and pretty extensively, looked for among Friends; and while I was gratified to be thus advised, I felt particularly solicitous that all vigilance might be exerted to keep it within its legitimate path, and that if the hopes of many that it may do much good should be disappointed, it may at least be prevented from doing harm.

The press of our day, is indeed, the moral lever of Archimedes; the world is moved by it for good or for evil, and we can scarcely be too forcibly impressed with a conviction of the high responsibility resting upon those who are placed in positions to regulate its movements. It is true, that he who caters for the public, should consult the public taste; and he pledges himself to do so, who undertakes the issuing of a periodical Journal, but he has a right to presume that the public taste is correct in morals, and rests upon sound principles of right. His aim should be high, even as the eagle's to the sun. The labour of the well disciplined and truly exercised Christian will be, not only to spread such information over his pages as intelligent men would wish to possess, but also to give such a tone to public feeling as shall induce a recognition of his own high standard. The field is abundantly large for efforts of this character. We are crowded with a mass of light literature, and periodicals, which are nuisances in the land. They are thrown abroad with an industry which the hurry of steam itself can scarcely satisfy, and which nothing but the love of gain could keep from tiring. In the midst of these multiplied and poisonous influences, is it not to be regretted that so few of a different character are at work among us? and cause of congratulation that one more is about to be added to the number whose only aim, we confidently rely, will be to promote the "general good."

The field is indeed large. There is much

ground to improve, not only throughout the ge-
neral community, but also in our own religious
Society, where there is also much that is unoccu-
pied. In consideration of these facts, I cannot
withhold the expression of my satisfaction in
finding that a number of our Friends," meaning
well, and hoping well, prompted by a certain
something in their nature," will train "them-
selves to do service in various essays, poems,
histories, and books of art, fancy and truth."
In conclusion, may the writer, without exposing
himself to the charge of impertinence, venture
to express the hope that the Editor will pursue
the straight forward path of Truth, rather show-
ing its beauty and consistency, than hastily
combating error, or enlisting in the unprofitable
field of controversy.
Eighth mo., 17, 1847.

Haverford School.


The arrangements for the re-opening of this Institution are in progress, and we doubt not that it will gratify the friends of a sound and liberal course of instruction, to know that the applications for admission are numerous, and that there is good reason to believe, if the school were opened it would be well sustained. The difficulty which now retards this desirable event, arises from the circumstance that no suitable Friend has yet been found to occupy the station of superintendent. The great usefulness of this school is no longer a question—it has been tried, and its results are upon the whole very satisfactory. The experience of twelve years has not been lost upon the managers, and no doubt some modification of their plans, and some different arrangements in regard to the studies, will be found proper. Yet on one point there has been no change; the conviction remains deeply impressed upon those to whom its oversight is committed, that the moral discipline, the training of the students in habits of self-restraint, and of conformity to the principles and testimonies of the religious Society of Friends, are objects of paramount importance.

The superintendence of such a school is no doubt a charge of much responsibility; but it may also be one of eminent usefulness, if entered upon under a due sense of accountability to Him from whom the ability for the discharge of any of our duties proceeds. It can scarcely be doubted that there are within our Society, in this country, many who are qualified to occupy this station; and perhaps some, who could efficiently carry out the views of the Board, may be deterred by an undue estimate of the qualities which are needed, or too low an opinion of themselves. To such, a free conference with the managers might be desirable, and not without important results. Should any Friend be looking towards the station, he may address "the Committee on Superintendent," under cover to the publisher of this paper.

Philadelphia, 9mo. 1st, 1847.

Bombardment of Towns.

The earliest instance of the bombardment of a town, is said to have occurred in 1684, when Algiers was attacked by the French. On this, Sismondi remarks: "Louis the Fourteenth was the first to put in practice the atrocious method, newly invented, of bombarding towns; of burning them, not to take them, but to destroy them, of attacking, not fortifications, but private houses; not soldiers, but peaceable inhabitants, women and children; and of confounding thousands of private crimes, each one of which would cause horror, in one great public crime, one great disaster, which he regarded only as one of the catastrophes of war."

This first instance occurred under the reign of a monarch, whom the people of the present day generally regard as a tyrant. The last that has come to our knowledge is that of Vera Cruz, by a republican army, acting under the authority of a government professedly the most free and enlightened in the world. The object of the first was to procure the release of christian slaves; the last to extend the dominion of slavery.—Vide Sumner's White Slavery, &c.

From the National Era., Barclay of Ury.

The position which this Institution is designed to occupy, is certainly a very important one. Not only does it aim to afford an extended course Among the earliest converts to the doctrines of instruction in connection with the inculcation of Friends in Scotland, was Barclay of Ury, an of sound moral and religious principles to those old and distinguished soldier, who had fought who might otherwise be placed in situations of under Gustavus Adolphus in Germany. As a great exposure, but it is designed for the train- Quaker he became the object of persecution and ing of young men as school teachers, and thus to abuse at the hands of the magistrates and the supply a want which is greatly felt in our So- populace. None bore the indignities of the mob ciety. The fund which has been recently sub- with greater patience and nobleness of soul than scribed, will greatly promote this object, and we this once proud gentleman and soldier. One of trust that Haverford will henceforward be to his friends, on an occasion of uncommon rudesome extent a Normal School, from which the ness, lamented that he should be treated so seminaries of Friends, may be supplied with in- harshly in his old age, who had been so honoured structors, not only well grounded in science and before. "I find more satisfaction," said Barclay, letters, but initiated into the great art of teaching." as well as honor, in being thus insulted for my

religious principles, than when a few years ago it was usual for the magistrates, as I passed the city of Aberdeen, to meet me on the road, and conduct me to public entertainment in their hall, and then escort me out again, to gain my favour."

Up the streets of Aberdeen,
By the kirk and college green,
Rode the Laird of Ury;
Close behind him, close beside,
Foul of mouth and evil-eyed,

Press'd the mob in fury.

Flouted him the drunken churl,
Jeered at him the serving girl,

Prompt to please her master;
And the begging carlin, late
Fed and clothed at Ury's gate,
Cursed him as he passed her.

Yet, with calm and stately mien,
Up the streets of Aberdeen

Came he slowly riding;
And, to all he saw and heard
Answering not with bitter word,

Turning not for chiding.

Came a troop with broadswords swinging, Bits and bridles sharply ringing,

Loose and free and froward;
Quoth the foremost, "Ride him down!
Push him! prick him! through the town
Drive the Quaker coward!"

But, from out the thickening crowd,
Cried a sudden voice, and loud:

"Barclay! Ho! a Barclay!"
And the old man, at his side,
Saw a comrade, battle tried,

Scarr'd and sunburn'd darkly;

Who with ready weapon bare,
Fronting to the troopers there,

Cried aloud: "God save us!
Call ye coward him who stood
Ankle deep in Lutzen's blood,

With the brave Gustavus ?"

"Nay, I do not need thy sword, Comrade mine," said Ury's lord; "Put it up, I pray thee: Passive to His holy will, Trust I in my Master still,

Even though he slay me."

"Pledges of thy love and faith, Proved on many a field of death,

Not by me are needed." Marvelled much that henchman bold, That his Laird, so stout of old, Now so meekly pleaded.

"Wo's the day," he sadly said,
With a slowly shaking head,
And a look of pity;

"Ury's honest lord reviled,
Mock of knave and sport of child,
In his own good city!

"Speak the word, and, master mine, As we charged on Tilly's line,

And his Walloon lancers;

Smiting through their midst will teach Civil look and decent speech

To these boyish prancers!"

"Marvel not, mine ancient friend,
Like beginning, like the end:"
Quoth the Laird of Ury,

"Is the sinful servant more
Than his gracious Lord, who bore
Bonds and stripes in Jewry?

"Give me joy, that in his name
I can bear, with patient frame,
All these vain ones offer:
While for them He suffereth long,
Shall I answer wrong with wrong,
Scoffing with the scoffer?

"Happier I, with loss of all,
Hur.ted, outlawed, held in thrall,

With few friends to greet me,

Than when reeve and squire were seen, Riding out from Aberdeen,

With bared heads, to meet me.

"When each good wife, o'er and o'er,
Blessed me as I passed her door;
And the snooded daughter,
Through her casement glancing down,
Smiled on him who bore renown
From red fields of slaughter.

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