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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

attractions and virtues of the female sex. But modesty, of which they had none, forbid him to speak out in their own language, but obliged him to conceal, under indirect terms and hints, an apparent state of depravity, which sets the descriptive power of words at defiance. He therefore contented himself with the following reflections, after retiring to his


This must then be the place of which I have so often heard. O human nature how shamefully art thou fallen! To what a depth of wickedness art thou capable of sinking! when once the reigns are thrown upon the neck of the passions! Here may be daughters of reputable, virtuous families, whose conduct has cost, an aged father and a most affectionate mother, a flood of tears; a tempest of sighs. Hither the licentious and heedless youth, regardless of health, reputation, and the best advice from parents worthy of the highest esteem, hastes with incautious feet, to satiate a more than brutal appetite. And who shall contradict me, if I suppose, that here the marriage vow is broken; and those who bear the sacred names of husband and father, sacrifice both, on the accursed altar of LAWLESS and DAMNABLE love. While a virtuous, weeping wife laments her sad fate, and spends hours of lonely sorrow, bearing with every possible breach of the marriage vow, rather than place her dear, her beloved babes in the hands of strangers.

Several things may have contributed to form this abandoned class of beings. Among these we may reckon the ill example of parents; a defective or neglected education; an aversion to industry; or an idle disposition; being left destitute orphans in the world, without any to exercise guardian cares and kindness; libertines having been successful in their base intrigues, have blasted, the otherwise, fair reputation of some; who, in a fit of despair, have fled from their acquaintance and given themselves up to a vice, to which they were at first the unwilling subjects; while others have willingly become its slaves, and in opposition to all remonstrances from within and without, are become the basest, lowest, most abandoned, most hateful, and most to be pitied of all our species.

If these conjectures be just, what, in the first place, have parents to answer for; who by their own ill examples have led the way, for the degradation and ruin of their daughters! They ruin, not only, their health and moral character, but

are likely to ruin their souls forever. Such must be destitute of all parental feelings, and of the very least principles of humanity. It must be extremely shocking to the moral part of mankind, to find parents, who connive at the most disgraceful of all crimes, and purposely help their daughters on to commit them without shame or remorse. These persons may be said, most emphatically, to glory in their shame. Nor can it be conceived, that any can arrive at such a pitch of foul disgrace, without first having eradicated all belief of accountability to God; or at least, adopted a set and unal terable purpose of soul, to wage perpetual war against all convictions of truth. In either case, their state is deplorable.

A defective or neglected education may be less criminal; but in some instances, not less fatal. If the defect is owing to ignorance, which circumstances render unavoidable, it may mitigate the offence; but if either arise from a criminal inattention, or from beloved habits of vice; they must be, in a certain sense, answerable for the criminal and disgraceful conduct of their daughters. If these observations come too late to prevent the past, they, may and ought to be regarded as a warning to parents of the above character; that in future, they may set against this current of evil by precept and example. If one out of many can be hindered from plunging into this vortex of iniqnity, or be snatched from the devouring deep, it may be worth strong and repeated exertions. And this will appear to be a truth, if the comfort of parents, the inestimable value of reputation, usefulness to society, and above all, if the infinite worth of the never dying soul, be taken into a right account.

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If idleness open the way to this criminal course of life, it is to be feared, that, in some instances, parents were too indulgent; their daughters were therefore not trained to hab its of industry; nor made acquainted with suitable employ ments, nor taught to love them from habit; hence, they become subjects of this dreadful degeneracy. But if they have been properly taught, and after all, will rather inherit guilt and infamy, than labour, working with their hands for a livelihood; all the guilt and punishment must fall on their own defenceless heads. Though it is hardly probable, that these remarks will ever be read by this abandoned part of society; so as to reclaim them from their infamous folly; yet they may fall into the hands of others, and operate as a preventative. Should they have this effect on one only, the labour of publishing, would be a thousand times compensated.

Such as are led away for the want of parental or guardian care, demand more our pity, than our resentment. To prevent such evils in future, that laudable, yea, more, that highly commendable institution, called the "Female Asylum," was raised. But there is a loud call for a more extended charity, Though the respectable ladies who have engaged in it, have deserved well of the community, by a munificent charity and unwearied exertions; and though a sympathising public, as well as individuals have shown a pleasing liberality; yet much remains to be done, to extend the institution to the relief of others; who are equally exposed, and would afford equal evidences of the excellency of the institution, did they enjoy its protection.

But those unhappy creatures, who have been reduced to a state of degradation and despair, by the pretended friendship, the deceitful cunning, the covered art, the disregarded and violated vows, of the accursed, detestable, what shall I call him? wretch, villain, miscreant, are names too good; nor does the English language afford a term suitable to express the vileness and criminal meanness of his execrable character-Or could the vocabulary of devils be ransacked, it remains a doubt, whether the most wise of all the Pandemonium court, have ever yet been able to coin a term so foul in meaning, and so big with infamy, as to suit the detestable character of that son of disgrace, who avowedly wages war with female virtue.-Unhappy creatures, I say, unhappy indeed! They are probably in a continual state of remorse, sighing in vain for the reputation they have so unhappily lost; cursing the authors of their ruin; and unable to give proof of the treachery that ruined them, or to wash out a stain, for which they would feign weep tears of blood.-How much do these deserve commiseration! The vice is detestable, but it could be wished, it might be buried in oblivion, and its despairing subjects be restored to virtue, to society, and to peace.

What shall be said of such, as are the willing votaries of so vile a sin? Could it be hoped, that the vilest and most opprobrious epithets would excite the least emotion of shame, or afford the least check to their conduct; or the most alarming voice of terrour, warn them of danger, and deter them from a sinful repetition; or virtue, or interest be heard in calling them back to duty; then should the sons and daughters of virtue raise the cry of wisdom and of truth, of vengeance and of mercy; and hold up with the mingled emotion of grief,

hope, and joy, all the arguments, motives, and entreaties; which should be thought conducive to save from present disgrace and future ruin, this wretched portion of the human family. But there is little hope, that all which can be said on this subject, will be of any further use, than to fence up the way against those, who are tempted to walk therein; and who have as yet not begun to slide, or travel in this road of certain ruin. Such may resist temptation and happily escape the snare set for their unwary feet, and be preserved as ornamental and useful members of society.

The next day was the anniversary of the American Independence, which was announced at sunrise, by the roar of cannon and the tumultuous ringing of bells. Every thing looked blithesome and gay. The old men talked of '76 and seemed to grow young and vigorous. They told of British wrongs, of Yankee resistance, of the declaration of independence, of the hardships and deprivations of the revolu tion, of heroes slain, and spots of earth consecrated to liberty by their patriotic blood; of battles and victories, and of the blessed fruits of freedom and prosperity which followed. Around them stood, listening, the boys of ten and the youths of eighteen; while a mixture of indignation, triumph, and joy, glistened in their eyes. One might have transcribed a history of patriotic feelings from the faces of these young auditors. Charles had never seen the like before, and to him it spake more than volumes. He was a living branch. from an American stock, and he felt an unusual flow of patriotic sap.

The hour appointed for the oration arrived. Charles attended, together, with a numerous assembly of gentlemen and ladies. Some appropriate lines were sung, a serious prayer adapted to the occasion, was offered to the God of the whole earth. The oration commenced with a suscinct account of British oppressions, from the persecution which drove our pious fathers to this country, down to the present time. He related the kind providences by which our infant country had been led in times of darkness, protected in danger, sustained in weakness, provided for in want, and raised from small, unpromising beginnings to be a great, free, and independent nation. He described several despotic forms of government, and painted in just but lively colours, the hor rors of tyranny; and concluded his description, by an exhibition of our own, in the light of truth. He proceeded to

show the use we are to make of our liberties, and in what manner we are to conduct, that divine providence may perpetuate to us the blessings of a free government. He concluded the whole by an address to the patriotic feelings of his auditory, which was well calculated to rouse all the latent energies of the soul; it almost made the ladies forget, they were born subjects of the softer affections, rather than for the hardier virtues of the field.

The services being ended, the procession was formed. It was stately and numerous. The ship of state well manned, and drawn by seventeen white horses, was a novel object, and much attracted the attention of Charles. The plough, emblem of husbandry, inscribed by a motto, implying a prayer for God's blessing on the field, was drawn in form to give variety and meaning to the actions of the day. The persons clothed in clean white frocks, carrying each a sheaf of grain, a sickle, and bottle of oil; gave a lively expression of the innocence and usefulness of husbandry. Actions speak louder than words, said Charles, when he saw the two young patriots bearing each a book of the Constitution, tied with blue ribbon. This says to me, we respect the constitution as the palladium of liberty, we have sworn to be true to its principles, to defend it against foreign and internal violence and corruption.


They moved to a spot of ground, consecrated by the blood of heroes, who bled in defence of their country's rights. spacious, decorated tent warded off the scorching sun-beams. A dinner was in plentiful readiness. A blessing was craved on the prepared food, they sat down to eat.

A band of music constantly playing, was highly enter taining to Charles. Many present behaved with becoming gavity and sobriety; but here the inverted climax began, and it descended to a depth, hardly to be measured by the line of description. Each one took his own way of expressing bis independent feelings. Some ate as if they had no dependence on any thing for to-morrow-Some drank till they could not depend on their feet to carry them, and going home they independently took up the whole road; going from side to side, to show they had the liberty of walking as crooked as they pleased. Some talked independent of good sense, good manners, and good order.

This class grew more and more boisterous, till the toasts were given, between each of which, cannon were discharg

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