tering shall specifically state whether they retail or wholesale milk or cream. On Motion, the following rule and regulation was adopted : Any person who sells milk, either to milk dealers, or private families or to a creamery, shall report within twenty-four hours to the nearest Local Board of Health, and also to the State Board of Health, the existence of any of the following contagious or infectious diseases: which eixsts on the premises, from which said milk originated, together with the names and addresses of any persons served with said milk. If said premises, from which said milk is secured, is a source of danger of infection to the milk supply, said milk shall not be sold or delivered to anyone. If, however, the location of the dairy and milk house and attendants is such as not to endanger the infection of said milk, then said milk may, after securing a written permit from the State or Local Board of Health, be sold or transported. All reports must be made on blanks furnished by the State Board of Health. Failure to comply with this rule invokes the penalty to comply with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health. ! On Motion of Dr. J. A. Draper, seconded by Dr. C. Α. Ritchie, the following rule and regulation was adopted: Every house in which a case of has occurred or exists, shall be immediately properly placarded by the Local Board of Health, in all incorporated towns, and when outside such health limits, then by the physician or person in charge of the case, and remain so until the end of the quarantine. The following diseases shall be quarantined by the following colored placards: Red - Scarlet Fever Measles Typhoid Fever Green -Cerebro Spinal Meningitis Polio Myelitis Yellow-Anthrax Asiatic Cholera Bubonic Plague Leprosy Typhus Fever Yellow Fever 1 + * 203 All the requirements as at present provided for by the Law and other rules and regulations of the State Board of Health must be complied with. On Motion of Dr. J. A. Draper, seconded by Dr. C. A. Ritchie, the following Rule and Regulation was adopted: Every house in which a case of Anthrax Asiatic Cholera Bubonic Plague Cerebro Spinal Meningitis Diphtheria (Membraneous Croup) Leprosy Measles Polio Myelitis Scarlet Fever (Scarletina, Scarlet Rash) Small Pox (Varialoid) Yellow Fever exists shall be immediately quarantined by the Local Board of Health in all incorporated towns, and when outside such health limits, then by the physician or person in charge of the case. On Motion of Dr. W. A. Draper, seconded by Dr. C. A. Ritchie, the following rule and regulation was adopted : 1 Every house in which a case of Anthrax Asiatic Cholera Bubonic Plague Cerebro Spinal Meningitis Diphtheria (Membraneous Croup) Leprosy Polio Myelitis Scarlet Fever (Scarletina, Scarlet Rash) Small Pox (Varialoid) Tuberculosis (Pulmonary) Typhoid Fever Typhus Fever Yellow Fever has occurred or exists, shall be completely disinfected upon the recovery, death or removal from such house of the patient or patients having any of the above mentioned diseases. All the requirements as at present provided for by the Law and other rules and regulations of the State Board of Health must be complied with. On Motion the Secretary was ordered to prepare, have printed and distribute the necessary forms, letters, etc., to carry into effect the above passed rules and regulations. The Secretary reported on the health conditions throughout the State The Secretary reported that the Vital Statistics were being well reported throughout the State. The Secretary reported having fully gone over the revised code of the State of Delaware, before its passage, and that its provisions comply with the former health laws of the State. The Secretary reported the violation and resistance to the State Quarantine Laws by the family of Benjamin McNatt, living west of Harrington in Kent County. He also reported that Dr. Steele was placed in charge of this quarantine, and it was the consensus of the opinion of the board that after the family had been fumigated, the Law should be fully enforced relative to punishment of this case. The report of H. J. Watson, Pathologist and Bacteriologist, for the past six months, was received. Said report showed the good workings of our Laboratory, and the good work it is doing. A. E. Frantz, Secretary. Wilmington, Del., April 1, 1915. The Annual Meeting of the State Board of Health was called for Newark. There not being a quorum present, the Board adjourned to Hotel DuPont, Wilmington, Del. Present: Doctors Wm. P. Orr, W. F. Haines, E. R. Steele, C. A. Ritchie, A. E. Frantz. year. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Wm. P. Orr, M. D., was elected President for the ensuing 1 A. E. Frantz, M. D., was elected Secretary and Executive Officer. Herbert J. Watson, Ph. D., was elected Pathologist and Bacteriologist for the ensuing year at a salary of $500 per quarter. On Motion, Doctors Ritchie, Draper and Steele were appointed a Committee to audit the accounts of the State Board of Health. 4 The Secretary made a report on health conditions in the State. The report of H. J. Watson, Pathologist and Bacteriologist for the past six months was received. The report showed the good workings of our Laboratory, and specially noted the increased work being done at that institution. A. E. Frantz, Secretary. Wilmington, Del., May 6th, 1915. A Special Meeting of the State Board of Health was held this day at 504 Delaware Ave. Present: Doctors Wm. P. Orr, J. W. Clifton, C. A. Ritchie, E. R. Steele, A. E. Frantz. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The report of the Special Committee appointed at the last meeting was read, and the recommendations of the Committee were adopted. On Motion the following was adopted: On and after this date all bills shall be paid quarterly. General health conditions of the State were discussed and on motion adjourned. A. E. Frantz, Secretary. Wilmington, Del., July Ist, 1915. A Meeting of the State Board of Health was held at 504 Delaware Ave. |