Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

5. If a flock of 60 hens averages 95 eggs a year each, what is the value of the eggs at 75 cents per dozen?

6. What is the difference in the value of two hens, one laying 190 eggs a year and the other 90 eggs a year, if the average price of eggs is 75 cents per dozen?

7. It is estimated that on the farm hens average 90 eggs a year each, but by careful selection an average of 140 eggs a year each could be obtained. What would this difference amount to for a year with a flock of 100 hens with eggs at 75 cents a dozen?

8. A flock of 40 hens having a barnyard for a run are fed daily 3 lb. of wheat worth $2 a bushel. If the hens average 90 eggs a year each when eggs are worth 75 cents a dozen, what is the profit on the flock?

9. A man paid out $66 in four weeks for feed for 360 hens. He sold 744 eggs at 60 cents a dozen during the first two weeks, 564 eggs at 75 cents a dozen during the third week, and 660 eggs at 85 cents a dozen the fourth week. His receipts were what per cent greater than the cost of the feed?

10. If a cow averages daily 3 gallons of milk which is 4 per cent butter fat, how much butter does she produce per year? (One gallon of milk weighs about 8.5 lb. One pound of butter fat will make about 14 lb. of butter.)

11. For $50 a man can buy a scrub cow that gives 14 lb. of milk per day, or for $120 a Jersey that gives 25 lb. of milk per day. If the first cow's milk is 2 per cent butter fat and the Jersey's 4 per cent, and the butter averages 70 cents a pound the year round, which cow will yield the greater per cent on the investment the first year?

12. A farmer spent on a 12-acre field the following amounts: plowing, $30; harrowing and rolling, $ 22; seed, $16; drilling, $2.75; cutting and threshing, $27. His income from the field was 240 bushels of wheat at $2 a bushel, and $5 for pasturage. Find the balance in his favor.

13. A man had 8 acres planted to asparagus. The expense per acre for fertilizer was $ 40, for labor before cutting, $22, for cutting and bunching, $42. From each acre he cut 2000 bunches and sold them at 10 cents a bunch, allowing a commission of 3% for selling. What was his net return from the 8 acres?

14. If a bushel of wheat weighs 60 lb., how many pounds of wheat will be produced on a field of 40 acres where the average yield is 24 bu. to the acre?

15. After a heavy summer rain the water of a small stream was found to contain 1 lb. of sediment for every 500 gallons of water. If the rainfall was 1 in., the area of the basin drained 4 square miles, and the amount of water that ran off of what fell on the ground, how much soil did the rain carry away?

16. If the water running from a piece of planted land contained 1 lb. of sediment for every 250 gallons of water, how much soil was carried away from a 40-acre field after a 2-inch rainfall, of the water running off?

17. If seed corn averages 800 grains to the ear, how many ears will it take to plant an acre, 2 grains to the hill, when the rows are 3 ft. 8 in. apart, the hills in the row being the same distance apart?

18. If a farmer can increase the weight of each ear of corn 2 ounces by proper selection of seed, what will the increase amount to on a 40-acre field averaging 6500 stalks per acre, 1 ear for every stalk, when corn is selling for 95 cents per bushel?

19. If 12 ears of selected seed corn will plant an acre, how many ears will it take to plant a field 40 rods by 60 rods? 20. If a solution for spraying fruit trees and plants is made

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what will 100 gallons of such a mixture cost if lime costs 25 cents a pound, copper sulphate 40 cents a pound, and Paris green 75 cents a pound?

21. What is the cost per tree for the mixture of Ex. 22 if a sufficient amount to spray one tree is 2 gallons?

22. If a solution for spraying is prepared, without the Paris green, but otherwise like the above, what will it cost per 100 gallons if sulphate of copper costs 40 cents a pound and lime 25 cents a pound?

23. For a vineyard of 30 acres how many pounds of sulphate of copper and lime are necessary if 150 gallons of mixture will spray 1 acre? (See Ex. 22.)

24. If a man with a team at $6 a day can spray 4 acres in a day, what will it cost to spray 40 acres of grapes if the spraying mixture costs $6 per 100 gallons?

25. The estimated value of a crop of grapes is $450 per acre. Thorough spraying costs $9 per acre. If, without spraying, 30 per cent of the crop is lost, what is the net value of spraying 10 acres?

26. If 100 gallons of a lime-sulphur mixture for spray contains 40 lb. of lime and 30 lb. of sulphur, what will it cost for sufficient to spray 300 trees, 25 gallons being required for 9 trees, if sulphur is worth 25 cents per pound, lime 25 cents per pound, and the labor of preparing the mixture 75 cents per 100 gallons?

27. How many pounds of Paris green are needed to spray 300 trees if 5 gallons of spray are used to a tree and every 150 gallons contain 1 lb. of Paris green?

28. What is the value of a 160-acre cotton-crop if two bales are raised to the acre and cotton is worth $.40 a pound? A bale of cotton weighs 500 lb.

29. What is the value of the annual alfalfa crop on 160 acres if 165 tons can be raised on a 10-acre piece and alfalfa hay is worth $22 a ton?

30. Determine the relative costs of fencing two 40-acre fields if one of them is square and the other is a rectangle whose length is twice its width.

31. If it requires a pull of 90 pounds to draw a ton over a good gravel road, and 2.4 times as much to draw the same load over a common dirt road, what pull is required for the dirt road?

32. The gross returns from a 10-acre orange grove were $4560. The expenses were $ 922. What was the net return per acre?

33. The yield for oranges by years is as follows:

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34. Find the net profit per cow in a herd of 18 if the total received from cream in one year was $ 1902, and the expense of keeping the herd was as follows:

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