8. The weight of the entire blood of a full-grown man varies from 20 to 30 lbs.; of this the lungs, in a state of health, contain about half a pound. The heart beats, on an average, 60 or 70 times a minute. Every beat sends forward two ounces of the fluid. It rushes on at the rate of 150 feet in a minute, the whole blood passing through the lungs every two minutes and a half, or more than twenty times in an hour. In periods of great exertion the rapidity with which the blood flows is much increased, so that the whole of it sometimes circulates in less than a single minute. 9. According to these data, all the blood in the body travels through the circulatory route 600 or 700 times in a day—a total movement through the heart of 10,000 or 12,000 lbs. of blood in 24 hours. At the same time there escapes from the lungs nearly 2 lbs. of carbonic acid and 11⁄2 lbs. of watery vapor. The skin loses by perspiration 2 lbs. of water, and there escape in other directions about 24 lbs. of matter. In the course of a year the amount of solid food consumed is upward of 800 lbs., the quantity of oxygen is about the same, and that of water, taken in various forms, is estimated at 1500 lbs.; or altogether a ton and a half of matter, solid, liquid and gaseous, is ingested annually. We thus see that the adult of a half century has shifted the substance of his corporeal being more than a thousand times! SELECT ETYMOLOGIES.—Adult : L. adul'tus, grown up; p. p. of ado-les'co, I grow up; fr. ad and o-les'co, I grow; fr. oleo, I smell; h., ab-olish, ad-olescent, ol-factory, red-olent (v. red, p. 35), etc. . . . Aliment : L. alimen'tum; fr. alo, I nourish; al-es'co, I grow up; h., alimony, co-alesce, co-alition. Astronomy: Gr. astrònom'ia; fr. as'tròn, a star, nòm'õs, law. . . . Atom : Gr. at'ŏmos, uncut, indivisible; fr. a, priv., and tõm'õs, a cutting; fr. tèm'nō, I cut.... Avoirdupois: F. avoir du poids, to have some weight; avoir, fr. L. hab'eo, I have; poids, fr. L. pen'sum, a portion weighed. . . . Corporeal: L. cor'pus, body; h., corporal, corporation, corpse, corpulent, in-corporate.... Cycle: L. cy'clus, Gr. ku'klos, a ring or circle. . . . Data: L. pl. Gas: fr. A. S. gast, Ger. geist, spirit, ghost... of datum: v. PARDON. ... Illusory: fr. L. illu'do, illu'sum, to play at or with, to mock; fr. in and lu'do, lu'sum, to play, to make sport of; h., al-lude (to hint at), col-lude, delude, e-lude, il-lusion, ludicrous, pre-lude, etc. . . . Ingest: to carry into; L. in'gero, inges'tum; fr. in and gè'ro, ges'tum, to carry; h., con-gestion, di-gest ... (v. dis, p. 32), gestation, gesticulate, gesture, re-gister, sug-gestion (v. sub, p 35).... Minute: L. minu'tus; fr. min'uo, minu'tum, to lessen; fr. mi'nus, less; h., com-minute, di-minish, di-minutive, minimize, minim, minish, minimum, minor, etc. . . . Oxygen: fr. Gr. ox'us (òğús), sharp, and gĕn'ein, to engender; so called because once supposed to be an essential part of every acid.. Particle: L. partic'ula; dimin. of pars, par'tis, a part. . . . Permanent: L. per'manens; fr. perman'eo, I stay through or to the end; fr. per and man'eo, man'sum, to stay; h., im-manent (staying within), manage (through the F. ménage, housekeeping; fr. maison, a house, fr. L. man'sio, a staying), manor, manse, mansion, re-main, etc. . . . Physiology: Gr. phusiŎlog'ia; fr. phu'sis, nature, lõg'os, discourse. Pulverize: L. pulveri'zo; fr. pul'vis, dust; h., powder, etc. Renovate: L. ren'ovo, renova'tum; fr. re and no'vo, I make new; fr. nov'us, new; h., in-novate, new, novel, novice, novitiate, etc. ... XLVI. THE PULPIT. I. I VENERATE the man whose heart is warm, Whose hands are pure, whose doctrine and whose life, Coincident, exhibit lucid proof That he is honest in the sacred cause To such I render more than mere respect, Whose actions say that they respect themselves; But, loose in morals and in manners vain, To make God's work a sinecure; a slave Preserve the church! and lay not careless hands On skulls that cannot teach, and will not learn. II. Would I describe a preacher such as Paul, And tender in address, as well becomes Behold the picture! Is it like? Like whom? III. In man or woman, but far most in man, What! will a man play tricks, will he indulge When I am hungry for the bread of life? IV. Therefore, avaunt all attitude and stare, Who handles things divine; and all besides, Heard at conventicle, where worthy men, Wol. So I have. Farewell The hopes of court! my hopes in heaven do dwell. SHAKSPEARE. SELECT ETYMOLOGIES.-Angel: L. an'gelus, a messenger; fr. Gr. ayyedos. Doctrine: Bishop: Gr. ěpis'kõpŏs, an overseer; fr. ěp'i and skõp'Ŏs, one that varina; iг. ao ceo, doc'tum, to teach; h., docile, doctor, document, in-docile, etc.... Exhibit: L. exhib'eo, exhib'itum, to hold out; fr. ex, out, and hab'eo, I have, I hold: v. ABILITY. . . . Extreme: L. extre'mus, outermost; superlative of ex'ter or ex'terus, outward; comparative extěr'ior, When he has run his course and sleeps in blessings, Impleca • I imanla May have a tomb of orphans' tears wept on 'em! Crom. That Cranmer is returned with welcome, Wol. That's news, indeed. Crom. Last, that the Lady Anne, Whom the king hath in secrecy long married, Only about her coronation. Wol. There was the weight that pulled me down. O Cromwell, XLVIII. -ON THE ACT OF HABEAS CORPUS. In 1804 an act was passed by the British Parliament by which it was enacted that a warrant from a court in Great Britain might be transmitted to Ireland, be endorsed and executed there by a justice of the peace, and the accused party transferred for trial to the court from whence the warrant issued. Under this act Mr. Justice Johnson was arrested for libel, but a habeas corpus was issued, the cause was brought up in the Court of Exchequer, February 4, 1805, before Chief-Justice Lord Avonmore and the other barons, and Curran made a speech in the prisoner's behalf, from which we take the following passages. The judgment of the court was against the prisoner's release. CI'MON, an Athenian general, son of Mil-ti'a-dēs, distinguished himself against the Persians 470 B. C. EPAMINON'DAS, a Theban general, fell in battle B. C. 363. FABRICIUS, a Roman general, was a pattern of virtue in his integrity and contempt of riches. LUCRECE or LUCRETIA fell by her own hand, having been dishonored by Sextus Tarquinius, the king's eldest son, which event led to the expulsion of the Tarquins from ancient Rome by Junius Brutus The story of VIRGINIA is told else Must I, then, leave you? Must I needs forego The king shall have my service; but my prayers eatest of the ancient Greeks, on for your consideration signed with his own hand by Mr. Bell, an Irish jusistice Johnson in Ireland, direct way, in such man ner as these bailiffs may choose, across the sea, and afterward to the city of Westminster, to take his trial for an alleged libel against the persons intrusted with the government of Ireland. Enter CROMWELL, amazedly. Why, how now, Cromwell? Cromwell. I have no power to speak, sir. At my misfortunes? Can thy spirit wonder A great man should decline? Nay, an‡ you weep Crom. How does your grace? * Thomas Cromwell, a statesman of the time of Henry VIII. of England. +Shakspeare often puts the accent in aspect on the last syllable. |