Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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1851 The eternal duration of future punishments is not inconsistent with the Divine

Attributes of Justice and Mercy.

1859 To compare the Doctrine of the Love of God, and of our Neighbour, as dedueible from our Natural Reason, and as Revealed in the Scriptures. 1853 The Scriptural doctrine of the influence of the Holy Spirit as illustrated by 1854 Faith in Natural and Revealed Religion is necessary for the purification and perfectibility of Man.

the Analogy of Nature.

1848. Several members of St John's College, desirous of testifying their sense of the honour which JOHN COUCH ADAMS, Esq., M.A., had conferred on his College and the University, by having been the first among the Mathematicians of Europe to determine from perturbations the unknown place of a disturbing planet exterior to the orbit of Uranus, raised by subscription a Fund, and offered it to the University for a biennial Prize Essay, to be called "The Adams Prize."

The subject of the Essay is selected by the Adjudicators of the Prize, which may be on any question in Pure Mathematics, Astronomy, or other branch of Natural Philosophy. Any graduate of the University may become a candidate for this Prize, and the successful candidate is required to print and publish his Essay. The successful candidate will receive about £130 for his Essay.

The following subjects have been proposed for this Prize : 1849 The theory of the long inequality of Uranus and Neptune, depending on the 1851 An investigation of the perturbations of the Moon in latitude produced by the action of Venus, and particularly of the secular movement, and the inequalities of long period in the movement of the Moon's node.

near commensurability of their mean Motions.

1853 The Theory of Biela's Double Comet.

1848. A large number of members of the Civil Service of India, who were students at the East India College at Hailey bury at various intervals during the thirty years that the Rev. CHARLES WEBB LE BAS, M.A., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, was connected with that institution, desirous of testifying their regard for him, and of perpetuating the memory of his services, raised a fund, amounting to about £1920, 3 per cent, Consols, which they offered to the University for founding an annual Prize Essay, in English, to be called the "Le Bas Prize."

The offer having been accepted by the University, it was decreed that the subject for the Prize Essay shall be selected and the Prize adjudicated by the Vice-Chancellor and two members of the Senate each year.

The Essay is required to be on a subject of General Litera ture, such subject to be occasionally chosen with reference to the History, Institutions, and probable destinies and prospects of the Anglo-Indian Empire.

The candidates must be Bachelors of Arts, under the standing of M.A., or Students in Law or Medicine, of not less than four or more than seven years' standing.

The following subjects have been proposed for this Prize: 1849 The Historical and Chronological determination of the extent, duration, and succession of the several Principalities established in Bactria, and on the confines of India, by Greek princes after Alexander's invasion of India. 1850 The Political causes which conduced to the introduction and establishment of British Sovereignty in India between the dethronement of Suraj-u-Dowlah and the second treaty of peace with Tippoo Sultaun.

1851 The effects of Caste on the Institutions and probable destinies of the Anglo-Indian Empire, 1852 A View of the Routes successively taken by the Commerce between Europe and the East, and of the Political effects produced by the several changes. 1853 The Causes of the Turkish invasion of Europe. 1854 The Jews in Egypt from the Captivity to the Destruction of Jerusalem.

1850. The Rev. WILLIAM WHEWELL, D.D., Master of Trinity College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy, wishing to promote that study, and to enhance the honour of a place in the Moral Sciences Tripos, has instituted three Prizes, with the sanction of the University, two (to be continued during his tenure of the Professorship) of £15 each for two commencing Bachelors, and one (to be continued for four years, 1852-5,) of £20 for a Bachelor of the year above, who shall shew the greatest proficiency in Moral Philosophy, at the Examination for the Moral Sciences Tripos.

1853. Several friends of the Rev. WILLIAM CARUS, M.A., Canon of Winchester, and late Senior Fellow of Trinity College, desirous of testifying their regard to him, and of establishing, in connexion with the University some memorial of his disinterested and zealous labours, for more than twenty years, in promoting true religion and piety among the junior Members of the University, raised a fund of £500, 3 per cent. Consols, which, at his desire, was offered to the University, and accepted, Feb. 2, 1853, for founding a prize or prizes for the encouragement of the accurate study of the Greek Testament.

Mr Carus generously offered £500, 3 per cent. Consols, to augment this fund, which was accepted by the Senate on May 25, 1853.

Two Annual Prizes have been founded, one open to Under

graduates, and the other to Bachelors of Arts and Students in Law or Medicine, of not more than seven years' standing. The Examination embraces translation and questions on the criticism and interpretation of the Greek Testament. The proceeds of the fund, after the Examiners have been paid, are to be divided into equal parts, and to be expended on standard Theological books, as prizes for the two successful Candidates*.

1854. The Venerable CHARLES PARR BURNEY, D.D., Archdeacon of Colchester, the representative of the last surviving Trustee of a Fund, which was raised by the friends of the late Professor Porson for his benefit, proposes, in conformity with the intention of the said trustee, to invest the residue of the said Fund now remaining in his hands, and the interest thereon, in the 3 per cent. Consolidated Bank Annuities, in the names of the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, upon certain trusts, for the purpose of founding a Classical Scholarship, to be called the Porson Scholarship, so soon as the money shall have accumulated to such an amount as will produce the yearly sum of £65.

It is arranged that any undergraduate may be a candidate who has resided not more than five terms, and the Scholarship shall be held for three years and a half, and the yearly payment to the Scholar shall not be less than £60 a year. The residue of the income arising from every cause shall be invested in the like stock, and appropriated to the general purposes of the trust.

The Porson Scholar is to be resident during the major part of each term, unless prevented by sickness or other cause to be approved of by the Vice-Chancellor and a majority of the electors. This Scholar is not allowed to hold any other University Scholarship.

• A fund has been raised for the purpose of establishing a suitable and lasting memorial, of the late Rev. James Scholefield, M. A. Regius Professor of Greek, and it is to be offered to the University to be applied for the encouragement of the Critical Study of the Holy Scriptures.


FOUNDED 1284, A.D.

THIS College, incorporated by Royal Charter in the nint year of Edward the First, is the most ancient institution c that kind in the University. It was founded by HUGH D BALSHAM, Bishop of Ely, and by the recommendation of th king, constituted after the model of Merton College in Oxford which had been founded a few years before by the king's letter patent, bearing the date of 1274. The first endowed College in Cambridge was Peterhouse, founded in connexion with S John's Hospital in 1280, and afterwards in 1284, as a separat establishment. Its site is that of a certain area and building • which had been occupied by the Prior and Friars of the Peni tence of Jesus Christ, situated in the Parish of St Peter near the Borough of Cambridge, without Trompetongate. This foundation was designed for a Master, fourteen Fellows (Scholares), two Bible-clerks (Bibliotiste,) and eight poor Scholars, whose number might be increased or diminished according to the state of the revenues. Fuller, in his History of Cambridge, writes, "At this day the College maintaineth one Master, nineteen Fellows, twenty-nine Bible-clerks, and eight poor Scholars, beside other officers and students, amounting lately (namely anno 1634) to one hundred and six."

1555. Thomas Lewin devised property to the Company of Ironmongers for various purposes, one of which was, that the Company should pay yearly to two poor Scholars, one at Oxford, and the other at Peterhouse, Cambridge, the sum of £2. 10s each, towards their maintenance there.

These Exhibitioners are appointed by the Court of Assistants, and they receive the payments, if resident, till the time of admission to the degree of B.A. The Exhibition at St Peter's College is now of the value of £2. 15s. per annum.

1574, circa. Edward, Lord North, founded six Scholarships for Students in Divinity.


Rev. Henry Wilshaw, D.D., founded one Scholarship.

Archbishop Whitgift founded one Scholarship for a Student in Divinity, of £2. 12s. per annum.

1580. William Heron, citizen of London, and Woodmonger, gave by will, among his other bequests, to the company of Cloth-workers, the yearly rents of £5 to University College, Oxford, and £5 to Peter-house, Cambridge, towards the education of poor scholars.

This benefaction to St Peter's College is now of the value of £25 per annum, and is paid yearly to the Tutor of the College, and distributed by him among the deserving scholars.

1589. Andrew Perne, D.D., formerly Master of the College, founded two Bye-fellowships, the candidates for which must be B.A. at least, and a preference is given to those who are of the founder's kin, and then, cæteris paribus, to natives of Ely, Balsham, Somersham, Colne, Pidley, and East Bilney, and then to natives of Norwich. These Fellowships are virtually open. He also founded five Scholarships.

1601. Lady Mary Ramsey, widow of Sir Thomas Ramsey, Lord Mayor of London in 1577, founded four Scholarships, which in the year 1817, were £13. 68. 8d. each, with a preference to Students from Christ's Hospital, who intend to take holy orders. They are tenable till M.A.

This lady also founded two Bye-fellowships, the appointment to which is vested absolutely in the Master. The fellows must be chosen from the scholars on the Ramsey foundation, if any be duly qualified. Fellows on this foundation are required to be in holy orders within a year from their admission.

Mrs Margaret Fulnerby, of Teversham, in Cambridgeshire, gave property to support a Bible-clerk. 1613. Mr Warren founded one Scholarship. 1620. Mr Blythe founded two Scholarships. Mr Slade founded two Scholarships.

1631. Two Scholarships were founded by Dr Hawkins. 1632. Lady Frances Matthews, wife of Dr Matthews, Archbishop of York, gave £200 to the College, to found two Scholarships.

1637. Thomas Parke, Esq. of Wisbeach, high-sheriff in 1628, founded four Scholarships, each of £10 a year.

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