structions from London, Liverpool, Glasgow, I of the Saxon Switzerland; the book was opened, Dublin, Paris, Hamburg, Amsterdam, or any other commercial place in Europe. Thus British enterprise has been and is leading onwards the majestic stream of civilization; and we may say that, supported as it is by the European public, it is the only successful and permanent conqueror of the world." A paragraph in illustration of the uses of the Electric Telegraph is going the round of our contemporaries which recalls an incident of which we heard not long ago. Each of the anecdotes shows, in its way, how science tends to remove the perils and suspend the romance of travel. The newspaper paragraph relates, that a Liverpool citizen, touring in Holland, suddenly found himself in want of 1007.; instead of writing from Amsterdam to Liverpool and waiting the return of post, an operation of five or six days, he walks into the telegraph office and sends a few words by lightning to state his need. This was at twelve o'clock. A turn or two on the quays, round the square of the Palace, would bring him to the hour of dinner. Six o'clock found him at his wine. A tap at the door, a stranger is introduced:- "Have I the honor to address M. the story found, and the reply sent back. By ten o'clock the answer was at the gates of Vienna, the Croats gave up their spoil, and in less than an hour afterwards the tourist was enjoying a Viennese breakfast at the Herz-Erzhog Karl. In such anecdotes we see how science has tended to lengthen life by superseding the necessity for intervals of waste, and assisted to disarm the despotisms of the world by atoning for accidents and offering a ready means for innocence to vindicate itself, -as it does, in other cases, for the circumventing and overtaking of guilt.-Athe næum. POSTAGE ACROSS THE ENGLISH CHANNEL. Opinion seems to be awakening in France to the evils of the present high rates of postage between the two countries. An argument to which we helped the Cheap Postage Association in favor of their reform as regards America-and which, we are glad to see, they have used somewhat liberally-applies in a more striking degree to the case of France than even to that of America. The fare of a man from London to Paris and back by the express tidal train, say second class, is 31.: the man may be 200 lb. in weight and his luggage may be 60 lb. more. He travels by the best train, he claims protection of life and limb, he must have a comfortable carriage on the rail and a snug place in the steamer; he may get in and out of the train fifty times, requiring service at every turn, and he has the privilege of using the machinery of the company as it may suit his convenience for thirty days. Now, take the case of the same weight of letters. They are put into a bag and sealed; they are stowed away in a baggage-van on the line, and lowered into the hold of the steamer. They take up less room than the man and his baggage; they ask no service; they have no hunger to detain the convoy, and no sea-sickness to alarm the ?" "Yes.” “Our London correspondent desires us to place in your hands a cheque for 100l." Our own anecdote has a different interest. The scene is the Prague railway station in Vienna, the time, six in the morning, on the arrival of the great train from Dresden, Prague, and Brunn. An Englishman, who has lost his passport, is on his way to a guard-house, conducted by a Croat soldier, on suspicion of being a refugee and a conspirator. He has about him letters to various persons in Hungary and in Italy, chiefly patriots, and, knowing the Austrians, he is altogether conscious that his case is bad. Arrived at the guard-house, he is asked to tell the story of his life, those of the lives of his father, mother, friends, and acquaintances. He is cross-questioned, doubted, threatened. Of course, he lets them know that he is a free-born crew. Yet, for taking 260 lb. weight of letters Briton, and he plainly hints that they had better mind what they are about. His words are disbelieved, and put down as evidence against him. He is without a passport, and every man without from London to Paris, and bringing a similar quantity from Paris to London, the charge-taking the letter at its full weight of a quarter of an ounce is no less than 1,3861. 13s. 4d. The a passport is a vagabond. A thought strikes "peculiar conditions" cannot be very mysterious him:--when he entered Austria at Bodenbach, in the case of postage between London and Paris. he remembers that he was detained a couple of A penny, as is well known, is enough to cover hours while the police looked into his passport the inland cost on either side the Channel. As and copied it into their books. That entry must to rapidity and regularity, the argument is still be there. He appeals to it, and suggests an against the Post Office: for travellers go by the inquiry by telegraph if his story be not true. tidal trains-letters by Dover and Calais, the The Croats, with their long guns and baker-boy longer route. Even if there be some expenses faces, stare in bewilderment: they were proba- attending the transfer of letters that do not at bly thinking of the glacis and a short range. But the official could not refuse the appeal, especially as the prisoner offered to pay the expenses of the inquiry. Away flashed the lightning along the plains of Moravia, by the Moldau and the Elbe, through the mountains of Bohemia to the heart tend the transfer of passengers and luggagewhich we are not aware of the difference between 31. and 1,3867. has margin enough and to spare for all omissions. We would ask our French readers to ask themselves, and to ask of their neighbors, why 260 lb. of man and port manteau may travel to and fro between London and Paris for 31., and 260 lb. of paper with writing on it should be charged by the Government 1,862. 138. 4d. In this way public opinion is created, and once created it will act of itself. Athenæum. EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES. In the National Era for the 1st inst., we find a set of tables deduced from the late Census, showing the absolute and the relative number, over twenty years of age, in the several States, who cannot read or write. These tables, taken in their extent, are too copious for the Review; yet a general summary, and a few of the inferences, are too interesting to be omitted. It appears that of the white population of all ages in the Union, consisting of 19,557,271, there are 962,898, or 1 in 20.3, over twenty years, who cannot read or write. But to give a fair representation of the relative numbers of the educated and uneducated, the comparison ought to be made between the number of twenty years, who cannot read or write, with the whole white population of the corresponding age. Now, not having the census of 1850 before me, I deduce the number of white persons over twenty, in 1850, from a comparison of the numbers in 1830 and 1840, and hence conclude that the number of whites over twenty years of age, in 1850, may be fairly estimated at 8,732,000. The conclusion would then be, that of the white persons in the United States, over twenty years, 1 in 9.1 cannot read or write. The calculations in the National Era, to which I have alluded, are, however, made on a comparison of the whole population, of each description, with the number over twenty who are quite uneducated. To estimate the relative state of education in the free and slave States, we find in the former, among the whites, computing on the whole population, 1 in 29.6, and in the latter 1 in 12.1, who cannot read or write; but computing on the estimated number over twenty years of age, we find in the former 1 in 13, and in the latter 1 in 5.4, unacquainted with reading or writing. Comparing the condition of the free colored, in the free and slave States, and computing upon the whole number, we find in the former 1 in 6, and in the latter 1 in 4, who cannot read or write. But confining our estimate to persons of twenty and upwards, we find in the former 1 in 2.7, and in the latter 1 in 1.3. Of 858,330 natives, white and colored, over twenty years, who cannot read or write, the free States furnish 305,731 and the slave States 552,599, or something less than 3 to 5; while the whole population of the former bears to the free of the latter a ratio of more than 2 to 1. If the natives of the free States had furnished a number of uneducated, bearing the same ratio to the whole as the slave States, their aggregate of that class would have been 1,169,000, or more than three times their actual number. The following constitute the principal comments of the Editor of the Era : "A comparison between the free and slave States shows, that while the proportion of persons over twenty who can neither read nor write, is as 1 to 30 of the entire white population in the former, it is as 1 to 13 in the latter. But this does not tell the truth fairly, or indeed half the story against Slavery; for the proportion of fourfifths of the foreign population, with its great mass of ignorance, lies in the free States, and is included in the comparison just made. To obtain a clear view of the ruinous influences of the Slave System on the cause of Education, we must compare the native populations of the free and slave States, over twenty, that can neither read nor write, and then we find the proportion in the free States as 1 to 60 of the entire native free population, and in the slave States as 1 to 12! "The most extensively educated population in New England is that of Vermont; in the Middle free States, that of New York; in the Western free States, that of Wisconsin; in the slave States, that of Mississippi. The least extensively educated in New England is that of Rhode Island; in the Middle free States, that of New Jersey; in the Western States, that of Indiana; in the slave States, that of North Carolina. And in this connection we may remark, that the Independent Democratic Party has cast a smaller proportionate vote in Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Indiana, than in any other free State. It will be found, too, that Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana, have had a larger proportionate amount of immigrants from the slave States, than has been the case with the other Western free States. Thus, in every way, we trace the mischievous influences of Slavery on Education, and the tendency of Ignorance to check the growth of AntiSlavery Sentiment. "These tables should be held up constantly in the face of the South, not with a view to its humiliation, but to demonstrate the abominable workings of a system which has covered it with Egyptian darkness. It is not too much to assume, that one in every six of the white adult population of the South can neither read nor Do they love ignorance? Nothing of the sort; but Slavery denies them the blessings of a common school system-it makes such a system an impossibility. The children of the wealthy planter may be educated at the well-endowed academy, at college, or by the private tutor; but the non-slaveholding masses in the slave States cannot afford, generally, the necessary expenditure. They need the common school, but Slavery requires large plantations, scatters the population, plants slaves where the free laborer ought to be, and renders impossible that concentration of the masses necessary to sustain such a school. write.* Are they deficient in natural capacity? | SUMMARY OF THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE.-After A serious collision is stated to have occurred between our citizens engaged in the guano trade, and the Peruvian authorities; for which redress was demanded by our minister at Lima; and a belief is expressed that Peru is disposed to offer adequate indemnity to the parties aggrieved. "We have no disposition to glorify the free States, but we are devoted to Freedom, and Free Labor Institutions, and can neglect no opportunity of 'magnifying them and making them honorable.'" FRIENDS' REVIEW. L. PHILADELPHIA, TWELFTH ΜΟΝΤΗ 17, 1853. The narrative published in the present number, of the rescue of an Indian woman from the fate to which she had been condemned by a Council of her own people, comes to the Editor authenticated by the signature of a near connection of the worthy Friend who was the happy instrument of saving from savage execution, on the charge of an impossible crime, not merely the destined victim in this case, but probably, as appears in the close of the narrative, of many others, whom jealousy or antipathy might have exposed to a similar charge. As the pseudo-prophet was probably the sole accuser of the poor woman, his retirement, in disgust, from the Council, when he found the intended victim likely to escape, was very consistent with the conduct of ignorant pretenders of all ages and descriptions. The pardon of the woman was no doubt regarded as a tacit admission of her innocence, and consequently an evidence that his credit and influence were on the decline. False prophets have always been tenacious of their credit, from the son of Chenaanah, who smote Micaiah on the cheek, to the brother of Tecumseh. At page 612 of our 5th volume, a brief notice is taken of Col. John Johnston, with a statement that he died on his farm, a few years ago, deservedly lamented. This statement, it appears, was erroneous, as we find by the appendix, that he was living two months ago. In what manner our correspondent W. fell into this mistake, cannot now be explained. * The white population of the slave States being 6,122,515, the number over twenty years of age, estimated as in the text, may be taken as 2,733,000; while the number of uneducated whites within the same limit of age, appears to be 194,000, or 1 to 5.5. some general observations, among which we find an allusion to the wisdom of religious toleration, and the importance of national integrity resting on the truths of Divine revelation, he proceeds to remark that our diplomatic relations with some of the foreign powers, involve questions of a disturbing character-among which the conflicting claims of our government and that of Great Britain, in relation to the fisheries on the north-eastern coast, appear to hold a conspicuous place. Upon this subject a negotiation has been opened, with a fair prospect of a favorable result. A naval force, however, has been stationed there during the fishing season. Embarrassing questions between the same governments, have arisen in regard to Central America, which are referred for adjustment to our Minister in London. The designation of the boundaries between some parts of our domain and the British possessions, is recommended to the attention of Congress. The relations with France are stated to be quite friendly, and the removal of some existing restrictions on their commerce is suggested. The interference with our commerce, arising from the jealousy of the Cuban authorities, is complained of; and the Minister at Madrid has been instructed to press on the government of Spain a modification of the existing arrangement. The shameful demand of the Spanish government for compensation on account of the captives who liberated themselves in the schooner Amistad, is recommended to the favorable attention of Congress. The case of Martin Koszta, a native Hungarian,who had resided two years in the United States and declared his intention of becoming a citizen, and was afterwards arrested by the Austrian authorities within the Turkish dominions, but finally released in consequence of the interference of several American officers, -is brought into view, with the declaration, that the conduct of those officers was fully approved. The commissioner to China, recently appointed, has been instructed to avail himself of all ocсаsions to extend our commerce with that empire and other Asiatic nations. An expedition was sent last year to Japan, with a view of opening a commercial intercourse with that country, but the result remains unknown. Some difficulties with the Mexican government in relation to boundary have arisen, which are subjects of pending negociations. Efforts are being made to prevail on the Brazilian government to relax its restrictive policy, so far as to open the navigation of the Amazon, and thus facilitate our commerce with the nations occupying its numerous branches. The opinion is expressed that the controversies which have hitherto agitated the nation, are passing away, with the causes which produced them, and allusion is made to the duty of respecting the peace, the welfare, and the institutions of the several states; an allusion which, though expressed in general terms, is readily understood. The balance remaining in the treasury at the close of the fiscal year, the middle of 1852, was $14,632,136. The public revenue for the year ending at the same time in the year 1853, amounted to $58,931,865 from customs, and to $2,405,708 from public lands and miscellaneous sources, making together $61,337,573. The public expenditures for the same period, exclusive of payments on account of public debt amounted to $43,554,262, leaving a balance of receipts above expenditures of $17,783,311. The message calls it $32,425,447; but this includes, with an error in the addition, the balance in the treasury, at the beginning of the fiscal year. is The public debt at the commencement of the present administration, (3rd month 4th, 1853), stated to have been $69,190,037; on account of which payments have been made amounting to $12,703,329, leaving unpaid, but in a course of liquidation, $56,486,703. The reduction of the tariff, and the increase of the free list is recom mended. fety, and member of Ferrisburg Monthly Meeting. He was one of the earliest settlers in that part of Vermont, and possessing a good understanding, with an affectionate disposition, enlarged and refined by religious experience, he gained the respect and attachment of those who knew him, and particularly of those among whom he resided. Being green in old age, and having oil in his vessel, he was evidently prepared, when the midsuddenly pronounced, to enter into night cry was the bridegroom's chamber. On the evening previous to his departure, he retired to rest in an unusually comfortable condi tion, but after sleeping a short time, he was seized forever. Notice of WILLIAM WEST, of Leeds, England, The life of this dear Friend is instructive, as an illustration of the truth that, to the rightly disposed mind, some particular sphere of usefulness is ever open. He was born at Wadsworth in Surrey, in the year 1792, and was the eldest son of Samuel and Katharine West. From early youth he was the subject of deep religious imhappiness which he had experienced in early pression, and often spoke to his children of the yielding to the convictions of duty. He took a warm and active interest in the various philanthropic societies of his own town and neighborhood, and in those for the encouragement of mental improvement; and whilst serving on committees connected with the latter, was always anxious to carry out the guarded principles of our religious Society, with reference to the introduction into them of improper books, or subjects of a trivial or doubtful tendency. He believed that the holding of office in these societies, involves great responsibility, and often felt called upon to differ from those of his colleagues, who considered themselves merely required to carry out, not in any degree to lead, the tastes and pursuits of those who had elected them. It is pleasing to contemplate the life of those who, having talents committed to their trust beyond those which distinguish many of their fellows, yet retain that simplicity in religious things, which must ever attach to the disciples of Him who said, "Except ye receive the kingdom of Heaven as little children, ye cannot enter therein." Our dear friend, we believe, was favored to retain to the last, clear views of the spirituality of true religion. Whilst actively engaged in an increasing business, as well as in the more public duties already referred to, and in contributing in various ways rivers they shall not overflow thee;" and although He may not always see meet to permit those glimpses of the eternal city which lead the soul to exult in the foretaste, ere it has passed the bounds of time, a testimony to the truth was not needed from the dying bed;-life with its endlessly varied pursuits furnished it, and how transcendently precious is that testimony!-Annual Monitor. to several of the first societies in the kingdom for the encouragement of science, in the retirement of his private study, a portion of each day was set apart for the reading of the Sacred Volume, and for religious meditation; and although little was said to his family, of these things, yet, whilst commending the same rule to them, it was evident, even had they not been otherwise aware of it, that the advice came from one who had long felt its value. The subject of this memoir was for many years engaged as a lecturer on Chemistry, to a class of medical students, and in his addresses to these young men, he endeavored to mingle with the regular instruction, hints for their social and moral improvement, which in Being one of those, probably numerous, readsome cases led to the happiest results on indi-ers of the Review, who have traced with much viduals, and so far from offending even those interest the detailed account of "the Six Nations," lightly disposed towards sacred things, eventually and the labors of some devoted Friends for the led to increased esteem on their part. His professional engagements, more especially those into which he was called, as scientific evidence in legal cases, often led him into great mental exercise. Holding, as he did, the inviolable sacredness of human life, -in those dreadful cases of poisoning, in which his evidence as to the fact might lead to the conviction, and consequent forfeiture of life of the suspected party, every experiment was tried and retried under a solemn feeling, that nothing but the plainest proof could justify his testimony being given against the prisoner; and whilst we believe 1 he never entered the witness-box without a secret petition that truth alone might prevail, yet it was matter of rejoicing to him, when the evidence of intention was so far doubtful, that the prisoner escaped the extreme penalty of the law. Whilst from the nature of his engagements he was brought into intercourse with many whose habits of life little accorded with that self-denial which is enjoined to the Christian, he was careful to avoid the appearance of evil, in walk and conversation, and, as occasion offered, frequently took a private opportunity, kindly to point out what appeared improper: and such admonition, offered in humility and seeking for right direction, was, we believe, often favored to be a word in season to those to whom it was addressed. For some years prior to his last illness, our dear friend suffered much from bronchitis, in addition to some decline of strength, the natural result of a life so arduous as his had been. About ten days before the date of his decease, he was seized with a severe attack of dysentery, which made it too evident, to those who watched by his bedside, that life would not long be spared. Although sensible almost throughout his illness, the exhaustion of strength, during the intervals from severe suffering was too great to allow of his saying much to those around of what passed within his own mind, but the promise is sure to those who seek the Lord, whilst life and strength are their portion-"When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee, and through the For Friends' Review. A BRIEF NARRATIVE OF A REMARKABLE good of the poor Indians; and one who has had a particular acquaintance with many dear Friends who devoted much of their time and substance to the cause of the Red man, within the last thirty years, I have thought it might be interesting to many, to relate a remarkable incident which, in connection with some of those labors, occurred in the year 1820. In the autumn of 1819, a certain superintendent, who had been previously engaged by the then "Acting Committee of Indian Affairs," of Baltimore and Ohio Yearly Meetings, removed with a part of his family, and took charge of the mills which had been erected for the benefit of the Shawanoese tribe of Indians near Wapaghkonetta, in the State of Ohio. Before this time, however, he had, as a member of said committee, visited the place several times, and had been sent there by the committee to receive those mills from the contractor's hands; so that he had become well known to a number of the chiefs and other individuals of the Shawanoese Nation, as well as intimately acquainted with his valued friend, John Johnston, the then "Indian Agent for the North West." It was, I believe, in the following spring, that one of those Indians, whom the Friend believed to be a sober, well-inclined man, became very much enfeebled and debilitated with what he believed to be "pulmonary consumption." The Friend often visited him, after he became confined to his house, for the purpose of administering medicine, or taking him nourishment. On going to his house on one of those occasions, he found the door shut and fastened, so that he could not enter; but after a time it was opened, and on going in he found the sick man lying on his face, his back being bare and badly cut in several places; he had bled much and was nearly exhausted. There was with him in the house a noted Indian, whose name I do not now remember, but whom the Friend knew personally. The Indians called him their "Prophet," and he claimed to be twin brother to the celebrated Tecumseh. |