Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

2. * (α) Conjugate the verbs: referebantur, questum, popularentur, redimere, praeesse, resisti.

• (1) Give the rules for the government of tempore, questum, obsidibus, iis, rebus, and sibi.

3. Give the gender and the genitive plural of canis, classis, miles, animal, vates, mare, vas, cliens; and state, in each case, the rule for the formation of the genitive plural.

4. Distinguish between the Gerundl and Gerundire, and give examples of their uses in Latin.

5. Translate into Latin :

*(α) We read that we may learn.

(6) We lived at Athens two years, and then set out for Rome.

*(c) On the meeting being dismissed, Divitiacus returned to the army.

(d) No one doubted that the forces of the enemy fought very bravely.

(ε) On hearing of the approach of the enemy, the general sent the cavalry to sustain their first attack.


N.B.-Male Candidates in Scotland, who wish to enter the Greek class at the University, must not omit any part of this section, but other candidates may confine themselves to the parts marked with an asterisk.

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*(α) Κῦρος δὲ, συγκαλέσας τοὺς στρατηγοὺς, εἶπεν· “Απολελοίπασιν ἡμᾶς Ξενίας καὶ Πασίων· ἀλλ ̓ εὖ γε μέντοι ἐπιστάσθωσαν, ὅτι οὔτε ἀποδεδράκασιν (οἶδα γὰρ ὅπη οἴχοντνι), οὔτε ἀποπεφεύγασιν, ἔχω γὰρ τριήρεις, ὥστε ἑλεῖν τὸ ἐκείνων πλοῖον. ̓Αλλὰ, μὰ τοὺς θεοὺς, οὐκ ἔγωγε αὐτοὺς διώξω· οὐδ ̓ ἐρεῖ οὐδεὶς, ὡς ἐγώ, ἕως μὲν ἂν παρῇ τις, χρῶμαι, ἐπειδὰν δὲ ἀπιέναι βούληται, συλλαβὼν καὶ αὐτοὺς κακῶς ποιῶ, καὶ τὰ χρήματα ἀποσυλῶ. ̓Αλλὰ ἰόντων, εἰδότες ὅτι κακίους εἰσὶ περὶ ἡμᾶς ἢ ἡμεῖς περὶ ἐκείνους. Καίτοι ἔχω γε αὐτῶν καὶ τέκνα καὶ γυναῖκας ἐν Τράλλεσι φρουρούμενα· ἀλλ ̓ οὐδὲ τούτων στερή σονται, ἀλλ' ἀπολήψονται τῆς πρόσθεν ἕνεκα περὶ ἐμὲ ἀρετῆς.”

(1) Καὶ ἤδη τε ἦν ἀμφὶ ἀγορὰν πλήθουσαν, καὶ πλησιον ἦν ὁ σταθμὸς, ἔνθα ἔμελλε καταλύειν, ἡνικα Παταγύας, ἀνὴρ Πέρσης, τῶν ἀμφὶ Κῦρον πιστῶν, προφαίνεται ἐλαύνων ἀνὰ κράτος ἱδροῦντι τῷ ἵππῳ· καὶ εὐθὺς πᾶσιν, οἷς ἐνετύγχανεν, ἐβόα καὶ βαρβαρικῶς καὶ Ἑλληνικῶς, ὅτι βασιλεὺς σὺν στρατεύματι πολλῷ προσέρχεται ὡς εἰς μάχην παρεσκευασμένος.

*2. Parse fully συγκαλέσας, οἶδα, διώξω, ἰόντων, φρουρούμενα, ἀπολήψονται, πρόσθεν.

3. *(α) Decline fully τὸ βαρβαρικὸν στράτευμα, and the personal pronouns ἐγὼ and στ.

(6) Give the corresponding Greek for: he was writing (γράφω), they wrote, we have written, I may Ι have written, we might have written, to write, write, to be about to write, writing, having written, having been written, to be on the point of being written. 4. How is the " Ablative absolute " in Latin expressed in Greek? Illustrate your answer by examples.

5. Translate into Greek :

*(α) He wishes to stay there five days.

*(6) The teacher gave me a good book.

The master had many slaves, whom he used often to strike.

(d) He said that he was leading the Greeks against the Barbarians.

(e) In this city, which all men admire, many of the citizens are wealthy.


(German words must be written in the English

1. Translate into English :—

Eines der (a) schrecklichsten Ereignisse neuerer Zeiten ist das (a) Erdbeben, welches am 1sten November 1775, die Hauptstadt Portugals plößlich und ungeahnet in den (a) Abgrund des Verderbens stürzte.

Die (a) damalige Stadt hatte eine Burg, ein starkes altes Gebäude, das (b) auf einem der (b) höchsten Berge stand, und sich theils durch seine Größe, theils durch den arabischen Geschmack auszeichnete, in dem es gebaut war.

Der königliche Palaft gewährte vom Flusse her einen prächtigen Anblick: er hatte eine sehr vortheilhafte Lage, da man aus den (6) Fenstern große Flotten vor Anker und alle Schiffe sehen konnte, die (6) in den großen Hafen einliefen.

2. Parse fully schrecklichsten, neuerer, 1ften, ungeahnet, hatte, stand, her, da, fehen, konnte, einliefen, der (a), der (b), das (a), das (b), den (a), den (b), die (a), die (b).

3. Write out the principal tenses of the verbs named in the last question.

4. What is the force of each of the following prepositions, and what cases respectively do they govern ?-wegen, aus, bei, nach, an, auf, hinter, vor. Give examples.

5. Translate into German :-

(a) What sort of fish is that?

(b) At what o'clock does the steamboat start?
(c) How much must I pay for myself, two horses,
and a dog?

(d) Are you ready to go out? No, I am tired.
(e) I want to buy a pair of cotton stockings and
leather gloves.

(f) Do you intend to make some stay here? I may
stay some weeks, or I may go away imme-
diately; it depends upon circumstances.


1. Translate into English :

C'était le moment où le Portugal se livrait, dans un esprit de colonisation ou d'aventures, à des tentatives navales incessantes pour relier l'Europe à l'Asie, et où Vasco de Gama, le colon portugais, n'était pas loin de découvrir la route maritime des Indes par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance. Colomb, convaincu qu'il trouverait une route plus directe en s'élançant droit devant lui vers l'ouest, obtint, après de longues sollicitations, une audience du roi, pour lui révéler ses plans de découverte,

et pour lui demander les moyens de les accomplir.-A. de Lamartine.

2. Parse fully the words où, ou, se, était, que, vers, du, incessantes, après, convaincu, trouverait, longues, obtint, découverte.

3. Write out in full the principal tenses of the verbs in the last question.

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4. Examine the construction in the following expressions, "à des tentatives," "la route maritime des Indes," en s'élançant droit devant lui," " pour lui demander les moyens de les accomplir," "après de longues sollicitations."

5. Translate into French :

(a) Has my sister found her ink (encre)? No, but she does not want it, for she has found her slate (ardoise), but her brother has not been able to find his.

(b) I shall be very glad when I have passed my examination (examen).

(c) He asks no more from you than a little bread; do not refuse it to him, for "he is very hungry."

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Candidates are not to paint their letters in the Copy-setting Exercise, but to take care that the copy is clean and without


Omissions and erasures in the Dictation Exercise will be counted as mistakes.

The words must not be divided between two lines; there is plenty of room for the passage to be written.

Write in large hand, as a specimen of Penmanship, the word Unquestionably.

Write in small hand, as a specimen of Penmanship-

The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.

*For Passages for dictation see page 250.


(Two hours and a-half allowed for this paper.)

No abbreviation of less than three letters to be used in parsing or analysis.

All Candidates must do the Composition, Parsing, and Analysis.


Write a letter, or an essay, on one of the following subjects:

(a) Singing birds :

(b) Fairy tales:

Best way of spending holidays:

(d) Advantages of the study and knowledge of geography.


1. Parse the words in italics in the following passage, not omitting to give and explain their syntax :—

I met a traveller from an antique land,

Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the Desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half-sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command,
Tell that the sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear :—
'My name is Ozymandias, King of kings,
'Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

2. Analyse either the first or the last half of the above passage into its component sentences, and show in separate columns :

The nature of the sentence.

(If dependent) its relation to the principal sentence.

Object (if any).

(d) Its enlargements (if any).
(f) Its extensions (if any).
(h) Its enlargements (if any).

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