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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]


1 9, which from 17 units leaves 8 units; passing to tens, 1 (carried) and 3 and 4 and 4= 12 tens; reserving the left-hand figure to add in with the figures of the subtrahends in the next column, the right-hand figure, 2 tens, which we subtract from the 5 tens of the minuend, and have left 3 tens; and, passing to hundreds, we add in the left-hand figure 1, reserved from the 12 tens, which with the other figures 1 and 2 and 1 5 hundreds, which, taken from 6 hundreds, leaves 1 hundred; and 138 is the answer sought.

2. John Drew has a yearly income of 2,500 dollars; his family expenses are 1,300 dollars, his expenditures in improving his estate 450 dollars, and his contributions to several worthy objects 225 dollars. What remains to lay up or invest?

3. A speculator bought four village lots; for the first he paid 620 dollars; for the second, 416 dollars; for the third, 350 dollars; for the fourth, 225 dollars; and sold the whole for 2,000 dollars. What did he gain?


4. Daniel White, dying, left property to the amount of 27,563 dollars, of which his wife received 9,188 dollars, each of his two daughters, 4,594 dollars, and his only son the balWhat did his son receive? Ans. 9,187 dollars. 5. The United States contain 2,983,153 square miles, of which the Atlantic slope includes 967,576, the Pacific slope 778,266, and the Mississippi Valley the remainder. many square miles does the Mississippi Valley contain?


Ans. 1,237,311.

6. The British North American Provinces contain 3,125,401 square miles; of which 147,832 square miles belong to Canada West; 201,989 to Canada East; 27,700 to New Brunswick; 18,746 to Nova Scotia; 2,134 to Prince Edward's Island; 57,000 to Newfoundland; 170,000 to Labrador; and the re

mainder to the Hudson's Bay Territory.

What number of

square miles belong to the Hudson's Bay Territory?

Ans. 2,500,000.

7. James Howe has property to the amount of 63,450 dollars, and owes in all three debts; one of 1000 dollars, another of 350 dollars, and another of 12,468 dollars. How much has he after paying his debts?

8. The entire coinage of the mint of the United States, in'cluding the coinage of its branches, from 1792 to 1856, amounted in value to $498,197,382, of which $396,895,574 was gold, $100,729,602 silver, and the remainder of the amount copWhat was the value of the copper coinage?


Ans. $572,206.


54. MULTIPLICATION is the process of taking one number as many times as there are units in another number.

In multiplication three terms are employed, called the Multiplicand, the Multiplier, and the Product.

The multiplicand is the number to be multiplied or taken. The multiplier is the number by which we multiply, and denotes the number of times the multiplicand is to be taken. The product is the result, or number produced by the multiplication.

The multiplicand and multiplier together are called FACTORS, from the product being made or produced by them.

When the multiplicand consists of a simple number, the process is termed Multiplication of Simple Numbers.

In the following table, the invention of Pythagoras, may be found all the elementary products necessary in performing any operation in multiplication, since the multiplication of numbers, however large, depends upon the product of one digit by another. The products, therefore, of each digit by any other, should be thoroughly committed to memory. Considerable more of the table, even, may be memorized with fully compensating results.



75 80 85 90 95 100 105|110|115 120 125

[blocks in formation]

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60


6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48| 54| 60 | 66| 72 78| 84 90 96|102|108|114 120 126 132 138|144|150
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70| 77| 8+ 91 98 105 112 119 126 133|140|147|154|161|168|175
8 16 24 32 40| 48| 56| 64| 72| 80 881 96|104|112|120 128 136|144|152|160 168 176|184|192|200
9 18 27 36 45 541 63 72| 81| 90 | 99|108|117|126|135|144|153|162|171|180 189 | 1981207|216 225
10 20 30 40|50| 60| 70| 80|90|100|110|120|130|140|150|160|170|180|190|200|210 220 230 240 250
11 22 33 44 55 661 771 88| 99|110|121|132 143 154 165 176|187|198|209|220|231|242 253 264 275
12 24 36 48 60| 72 84 96|108 120 132|144|156|168|180|192 204 216 228 240 252 264|276|288|300
13 26 39 52| 65 78 91104|117|130|143|156|169|182 1951208|221|234|247|260 273|286/299|312|325)
14 28 42 56 70 841 981112||26|140|154|168|182|196|210|224 238 252 266 280 294|308|322|336|350
15 30 45 60 75| 90|105|120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345|360|375|
16 32 48 64 80| 96|112|128|144|160|176|192|208|224|240|256|272|288|304|320|336|352 368 384|400
17 34 51 68| 851102|119|136|153|170|187|204|221 238 255 2721289|306|323|340 357|374|391 408 425
18 36 54 72| 90|108|126|144|162|180|198|216|234 252 270 | 288 | 306 324 342 360 378|396 414 432 450
19 38 57 76| 95|114|133|152|171|190 2091228|247|266|285|304|323 342 361|380|399|418 437 456 475
20 40 60 80 100 120 140|160|180|200|220|240|260|280|300|320|340|360|380|400|420|440 460 480 500||
21 42 63 84|105|126|147|168|189|210|231|252|273|294|315|336|357|378|399|420|441|462 483 504 525
22 441 66 88|110|132|154 176|198|220|242 264 286|308|330|352 374 396 418 4401462 484 506 528 550
23 46 69 92|115 138 161|184|207|230|253|276|299|322|345|368|391|414|437 460 483 506 529 552 575
24 48 72 96|120|144|168|192|216|240 264 288 312 336|360|384 408|432|456|480 504|528|552|576|600
25 50 75 100|125|150|175|200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375|400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575|600|625

find, where the lines intersect, the same result. may look for the 7 at the left hand, and the 5 at the top, and and where the lines intersect is 35, the number sought; or, we we look for 7 at the top of the table, and for 5 at the left hand,

For example, suppose we wish to find the product of 7 by 5;

55. The repeated addition of a number to itself is equivalent to a multiplication of that number. Thus, 7+7+7+ 7 is equivalent to 7 × 4, the sum of the former and the product of the latter being the same. Hence multiplication has sometimes been called a concise method of addition.

56. The product must be of the same kind or denomination as the multiplicand, since the taking of a quantity any number of times does not alter its nature. Thus: 5, an abstract number, X 3 15, an abstract number; and 9 yards × 7 63 yards.



57. The multiplier must always be considered as an abstract number. Thus, in finding the cost of 4 books at 9 dollars each, we cannot multiply books and dollars together, which would be absurd, but we can, by regarding the 4 as an abstract number, take the 9 dollars, or cost of 1 book 4 times, and the product, 36 dollars, will be the result required.


58. The product of two factors will be the same, whichever is taken as the multiplier. Thus, 8 x 6 6 x 8 48; and the cost of 5 hats at 2 dollars each gives the same product as 2 hats at 5 dollars each. Also, the product of any number of factors is the same, in whatever order they are multiplied. Thus, 2 X 3 X 5


3 x 5 X 2


5 × 2 × 3



59. A COMPOSITE number is a number produced by multiplying together two or more numbers greater than 1. Thus, 10 is a composite number, since it is the product of 2 × 5; and 18 is a composite number, since it is the product of 2 × 3 × 3. 69. To multiply simple numbers.

Ex. 1. Let it be required to multiply 1538 by 9.

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place, and reserve the 7 tens to add to the product of the tens. We then multiply the 3 tens by 9, obtaining 27 tens, and, adding the 7 tens which were reserved, we have 34 tens

3 hundreds and 4 tens. We write down the 4 tens in the tens' place, and reserve the 3 hundreds to add to the product of the hundreds. We next multiply the 5 hundreds by 9, obtaining 45 hundreds, and, adding the 3 hundreds which were reserved, we have 48 hun

dreds 4 thousands and 8 hundreds. We write down the 8 hundreds in the hundreds' place, and reserve the 4 thousands to add to the product of the thousands. By multiplying the 1 thousand by 9 we obtain 9 thousands, and, adding the 4 thousands reserved, we have 13 thousands, which we write down in full;-and the product

is 13842.

2. Let it be required to multiply 2156 by 423.


Multiplicand 2156


423 6468






Ans. 911988.


In this example the multiplicand is to be taken 423 times = 3 units times +2 tens times + 4 hundreds times. 3 units times 2156 = 6468 units; 2 tens times 2156 = 4312 tens; and 4 hundreds times 2156 8624 hundreds; the sum of which partial products 911988, or the total product required. In the operation the right-hand figure of each partial product is written directly under its multiplier, that units of the same order may stand in the same column, for convenience in adding.

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RULE. Write the multiplier under the multiplicand, arranging units under units, tens under tens, &c.

Multiply each figure of the multiplicand by each figure of the multiplier, beginning with the right-hand figure, writing the right-hand figure of each product underneath, and adding the left-hand figure or figures, if any, to the next succeeding product.

If the multiplier consists of more than one figure, the right-hand figure of each partial product must be placed directly under the figure of the multiplier that produces it. The sum of the partial products will be the whole product required.

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NOTE. When there are ciphers between the significant figures of the multiplier, pass over them in the operation, and multiply by the significant figures only, remembering to set the first figure of the product directly under the figure of the multiplier that produces it.

61. First Method of Proof. - Multiply the multiplier by the multiplicand, and, if the result is like the first product, the work is supposed to be right. (Art. 58.)

62. Second Method of Proof.-Divide the product by the multiplier, and, if the work is right, the quotient will be like the multiplicand.

.NOTE. This is the common mode of proof in business; but, as it anticipates the principles of division, it cannot be employed without a previous knowledge of that process.

63. Third Method of Proof. Begin at the left hand of the

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