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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

understand their own rights, and the danger to which they are exposed.

miraculously elastic, refuses at last to receive any more. A short time ago, whole troops of these ejected sufferers might be seen sitting night by If we could rely upon a strict application of the night on the cold and damp staircases, arranged true principles of law, we might perhaps close with like flower-pots on the stands of a greenhouse! the advocates of slavery, upon their own declaraWe submit these things to the consideration tion. We should not ask Congress to enact a law, of all ranks and professions-to every holder of property, whether urban or provincial. London or adopt a resolution, prohibiting slaveholders, or is the fountain and head-spring of seven-tenths any other class of citizens, from moving into the of the crime of England; the hotbed in which ceded territory, and carrying their property with are conceived and ripened those deeds of fraud them. The people of Pennsylvania or Massachusetts and violence which are afterwards perpetrated by do not enact laws themselves, or request Congress to metropolitan emissaries. This fact is established make them, prohibiting the citizens of any state beyond a doubt by the inquiries of the Con- whatever, from migrating into their territories and stabulary Commissioners; and it surely demands carrying their property with them. But in this the serious reflection of all speculators, and case, the immigrants and their property too, must seekers of political security, in the improved be subject to the laws of the state into which they education of the people. Thus much for personal and social interests. Of others of a graver and If a slave is the property of his master in more solid wisdom, we demand, whether a state South Carolina, and as such is carried to Massaof things so awfully degrading, and yet so easily chusetts, where he becomes instantly free, the removed, should any longer be permitted to exist slaveholder is not prohibited from carrying his under the dominion of a Christian Sovereign. property into Massachusetts, but he is merely prevented from holding a human being as property, under a jurisdiction which recognizes every man as the proprietor of his own bones and sinews.



According to recent intelligence from Washington there appears reason to apprehend that measures for the cession of a large portion of Mexican territory will be consummated by the Senate. If the treaty should be ratified by the two governments, New Mexico and Upper California must become parts of the territory of the United States. The former is estimated to contain 95,700 square miles, with a population of 60,000; and the latter 420,000 square miles, and 30,000 inhabitants. Supposing the contemplated measure to be carried into effect, a question of overwhelming importance is at once presented to our view: In what capacity is this new accession to our territory to be occupied ?

Even while the cession was apparently remote and uncertain, the advocates of slavery have boldly insisted that Congress has no power to prohibit the owners of slaves from moving into the ceded territory, and carrying their property with them. The meaning of this declaration is easily understood. Such parts of this extensive territory as will bear the burden of slave culture are to be occupied by slaveholders and slaves; while, as a necessary consequence, free labour, and those institutions which a free population is sure to form, must be excluded. There is abundant reason to fear that this will be the actual result, and it is therefore of the utmost importance that the inhabitants of the free States, or rather that the friends of republican freedom and equal laws, should


So in case of the removal of a slaveholder with his slaves from South Carolina, into New Mexico or Upper California, the right of removal, with such articles, living or dead, as the laws of South Carolina make absolute property, is not called in question. But the inquiry immediately arises, what authority can the laws or usages of South Carolina confer on the emigrant who has passed beyond her jurisdiction? The claimants in question seem to forget that the relation of master and slave is not a natural one; that the right of ownership to a man is not like the right to a horse, of universal

recognition: but that slavery, as far as it is a legal institution at all, is merely municipal; and must be bounded by the jurisdiction of the power that supports it. Being a slave in South Carolina, no more makes a man a slave in New Mexico, than being a slave in Constantinople or Samarcand. If he is

legally held as a slave in New Mexico, it must be by force of the laws of that place, and not by virtue

of Carolina law.

Now it is well understood that slavery is not a legal institution in any part of the Mexican territory. Upon what principle of law can the emigrant slaveholder then claim property in man, when he takes possession of the ceded territory? It cannot be done by the laws of the state from which he removed, for they do not extend beyond the boundaries of the state. It is a settled principle of law, that in case of conquest or cession, the relations of man to man, and the rights of property, remain unchanged. The laws of Mexico as they were, previous to the cession, must be in force after the trans

fer, until revoked by competent authority. Unless Congress should legalize slavery in the ceded territory, the act of cession will not render slavery lawful in New Mexico or Upper California.

But the great danger is, and one against which early provision ought to be made, that slavery will be introduced into the new settlements in total defi

ance of law. It is probably true, if not absolutely certain, that slavery was never introduced into civilized society, under the sanction of law. During the days of villanage in England, no man was deemed a villein or slave, if any of his paternal ancestors could be shown to have been free. Slavery must have immemorially existed in the paternal line, or it did not legally exist at all. When the first twenty slaves were imported into Virginia, they were not held by law, but without it. Wherever slavery has been tolerated, it has been introduced in fact before it was established by law. Hence slavery comes to be recognized as an existing institution; owing its legality to usage.

MARRIED,-On Third-day the 7th instant, at Friends' meeting, Sixth street, Philadelphia, CHAS. WALTON to DEBORAH LIGHTFOOT, both of this city.

DIED,--At Shrewsbury, New Jersey, Second month 17th, 1848, MARY WILLIAMS, daughter of the late Tylee Williams, in the 36th year of her age.

qualities of mind, she was greatly beloved by those Possessed of superior endowments, and amiable among whom her lot was cast, and gave promise of being a polished shaft in the Master's hand. Whilst, with too many young persons, there was a lack of entire dedication to Him whom she loved from glaring deviations, and to have been of late and honoured, she appears to have been preserved years, sweetly submitting to the preparing hand. The discipline of protracted and acute suffering was seen to be meet for her, and gently casting her could not have spared one pang as a preparation care upon a faithful Creator, she testified that she for an introduction into the realms of blessedness." Strongly attached to the religious society of which it was her privilege to be a member, and earnestly solicitous for its welfare, although unable for some purified spirit has left a void which is sensibly felt, years to attend its meetings, the removal of this even as a loss to the church. As the time of her departure drew near, her physical sufferings increased, yet her better life, as she approached its fulness, was renewed day by day; and, leaning on her Saviour's breast, she was preserved calm and collected to the very last. At a moment of great prostration she said-"Weep not for me-my

If the ceded territory should be filled up with emigrants from the United States, without any provision for the exclusion of slavery, there is a strong probability that such portions, as are suited to slave cultivation, may be occupied by slaveholders and slaves and that this slavery will be maintained under shadow of the Missouri compromise; though that compromise was designed to apply to the terri-Heavenly Father deals very gently with me," tory then belonging to the United States, and not sire for patience, and her trust that it was her at and repeated our Lord's prayer, expressing her deto that hereafter acquired. Under such circum-tainment, as also her comfort, in the hope that she stances it will no doubt be an invidious, probably a dangerous task, to attempt the legal investigation of the authority by which the slaves may be held. In this manner slavery may be established by usage, until that usage acquires the force of law. After which a state government may be formed under a slaveholding influence, and claim a place in the Union on a level with the original


Without stopping to examine the cost already incurred, we may justly reflect that the money to be paid for the ceded territory must, in all probability, be chiefly drawn from the people of the free states, Are we then willing to contribute our money, and assume the moral responsibility of extending the evils of slavery over a tract of country from which it is now excluded? Shall the future historian record the fact, and will posterity believe, that in the middle of the nineteenth century, a people professedly the most free and enlightened on the globe, reestablished the system of slavery on a soil from which it had been previously expelled by a semibarbarous nation?

[blocks in formation]

had a building with God eternal in the Heavens she said that the prayer on her behalf, of a friend who had visited her, was heard in Heaven. Taking evening, the 15th, she expressed considerable in an affectionate leave of her family on Third-day the way of exhortation and benediction, and clasping her hands exclaimed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit in mercy, this night!" She continued during the next day and night, growing gradually weaker, occasionally finding utterance for her feeling; at one time reciting the hymn

"Jesus, refuge of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly," &c. tal," about 6 o'clock on the ensuing Fifth-day She gently and peacefully "ceased to be mor


At his residence in this city, on the morning of the 28th ult., JESSE THOMSON, a member of the Northern District Meeting, in the 78th, year of his age.

On the 18th of last month, at his residence JACOB BELL, a member of Rochester meeting, aged in Rochester, N. York, after an illness of two weeks, upwards of 82 years. He was a native of England, and convinced of the truth as professed by the Society of Friends, in his youth, and remained attached to them until his end. Although his power of speech was much impaired, and his words not easily understood, yet it was evident to his family, that on the day of his death, he was engaged in prayer, thanksgiving and praises to the most High. He died without a struggle, and we believe his end was peace.

For Friends' Review.

PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. The kindness of Dr. Kirkbride, the Physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, has furnished the writer with his Seventh Annual Report to the Board of Managers.

We have, from year to year, looked attentively over the Reports of this officer, and have uniformly arisen from the perusal of them with the conviction, that the Board has been particularly fortunate in being able to place the concerns of this noble institution under the management of an individual who, while he gives all his time and energies industriously to the promotion of its great objects, brings to his aid the advantages of an enlightened judgment, matured by a course of study and investigations, bearing directly upon the diseases of the mind.

201 have been in the house at one time. Notwithstanding the extensive accommodations, such is the well-merited confidence reposed in its manangement, that every room in the building has been filled for several weeks together, and further additions will ere long be necessary. Of the 401 under care during the year, 213 were discharged or died—and of these, 111 were cured. The statements of Dr. Kirkbride clearly show, what has been heretofore repeatedly urged, the great importance of an early consignment of a diseased subject to the management of a skilful physician, and the privileges of a well-ordered institution, before the excitements of home and its associations have strengthened the malady,

or time shall have confirmed it.

Among the admissions of 1847, have been many cases of great, and some of peculiar inWhen the popular mind became so well in-terest. A lad only nine years old is among the structed in reference to insanity, as to admit that functional diseases of the brain, if promptly and properly treated, may as naturally yield to the skill of the medical practitioner, as diseases of the stomach, or other organs, a great step was made towards a general melioration of the condition of this afflicted part of our species. The writer well remembers when the practice was common to farm out the crazy of the township to those who would give them a home for the least possible compensation. They were abandoned to their fate, with a hopelessness which cherished no attempt at restoration, and which seemed almost to discard the idea, that they were entitled to the privileges of humanity. The old system of caring for them, or rather, of getting rid of them, was liable to the most revolting abuses; and, indeed, it must be admitted, that, even at this day, and in some parts of our own country, there is abundant room for the exercise, in these matters, of that great practical law of Christianity which teaches love to all, and to do to all as we would have them do to us; ever remembering that they who are more particularly afflicted, have proportionably stronger claims upon our sympathies, and upon our greatest efforts to improve their condition.

We can scarcely refer to a more unquestionable indication of the progress of the age, than the numerous institutions formed for the benefit of the insane, under the care of persons who give their days and their nights to the study of mental diseases, and which are conducted solely with reference to the restoration of the subject-or, if that be impracticable, to the promoting of his coinfort in the greatest possible degree. These duties, in reference to such as are visited by the most dreadful of human maladies, are opened to us as we cherish the promptings of a broad Christian philanthropy, and the full performance of them, will bring in return the rich rewards for well doing.

The average number in the Hospital during the past year was nearly 185—and as many as

number who have been admitted, and who, from an early period of life, has manifested symptoms of mental disease. A child only three years old, whose father was a well-educated full Indian, was brought to the Hospital for advice. This case was one of deep interest, from the very decided character of the symptoms, and the fact that they were induced from fright! A person of "great private worth, and distinguished for his scientific acquirements, but deaf and dumb from birth, after labouring for many months under unequivocal symptoms of mental derange ment, was compelled to enter the Hospital." The Dr. refers to a still more striking combina tion of afflictions, which occurred in a boy whom he had occasion to see frequently, but who does not appear to have entered the Hospital. He had been, as it was believed, blind from his birth; he subsequently lost his hearing-then the power of speech, and, after some interval, unquestionable indications of insanity were manifested, by acts of the most violent and singular character." A sound mind in a sound body, is one of the greatest of earthly blessings. Where these are withheld or destroyed, the true Christian remedy is an acquiescence in the Divine will and a firm reliance upon the wisdom of Him, of whom it is declared, that he doeth all things well. To amuse and instruct, and to soothe the feelings of the inmates of the Insane Hospital, are among the very prominent objects of Dr. Kirkbride and all his assistants. To promote these, the light labours of the farm and the garden are encouraged. A course of lecturesof which fifty were delivered last year by Dr. Curwen, the assistant physician, on various sub jects-is a means of much instruction and mental employment for the patients. They fully appreciate their value, and are greatly interested in Entomology, Electricity, Astronomy, Ornithology, &c., as theya reablyillustrated by the lecturer. Employment and amusements are, we doubt not, with much reason, relied upon as powerful means for the benefit of the patients;

and it does appear to the writer, that the Prin- | rather than to discourage from the proper use cipal of this Institution has been eminently suc- of a remedy whose virtues we would acknowcessful in these and other respects, in the em- ledge with cheerfulness and gratitude, we ployment of a tact, which is above all rule, and transcribe the following case, as it appeared in which comes forward at the needed moment, to a late paper.* INDEX. do the best thing in the best possible manner. The expenditures of the year were $39,814 48, -the receipts were $34,247 40.

T. U.

For Friends' Review.


Each returning month is increasing our know, ledge of the use of these remedies, and, as al' feel that they may have need of them, all are in terested in noting their progress. The remedies are new, or a new use is made of them; they are powerful, also, and accessible to every one, and as they are stimulating, anodyne, or narcotic, according to the quantities administered, or the temperament of the individual using them, they are liable, in no ordinary degree, to abuse.

Among the professional men who have used these remedies most extensively, and given the result of their experience to the public, is Dr. John Snow, of the St. George's and University Hospitals, London. The Dr. has divided the phenomena of etherization into stages, or degrees, and has thus rendered more intelligible the diverse effects hitherto witnessed under its administration. "In the first degree, the feelings of the patient are changed, but he retains consciousness and the power of voluntary motion; in the second degree, mental functions may be exercised and voluntary actions performed; in the third, there is no evidence of any mental functions being exercised or any voluntary motion occurring; but muscular contractions may sometimes take place, as the effect of the ether or of external impressions; in the fourth degree, no motions are seen except those of respiration; in the fifth degree, (not witnessed in the human being,) the respiratory movements are more or less paralyzed, and become difficult, feeble or irregular." He afterwards says, in the fourth degree, a snoring occurs, and it is the commencement of this snoring, or the beginning of the fourth stage, that he recommends as the most eligible for the operation; and adds further, that "so soon as there is the least sign of snoring, he always leaves off the vapour entirely."*

It has seemed to me that the popular tendency was strong to an indiscriminate, almost a heedless use of this powerful agent, and that it was of importance that the public, as well as the physician, should have some appreciation of the dangers as well as the benefits that may attend


With a view to induce a salutary caution,

Ranking's Half-Yearly Abstract, No. 6, page 198, et seq.

At Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 23d inst., a Mrs. Symonds went to the office of a Dr. Meredith for the purpose of having some teeth extracted. Chloroform was administered, and the usual symptoms were exhibited. After the extraction of two teeth she began to sink, and every effort thereafter to revive her, proved ineffectual, and she finally fell into the arms of death. The husband of Mrs. S. witnessed this sadly sudden scene, he having accompanied her. Dr. Mussey and other physicians were immediately sent for, and conducted to the house, but the efforts were all unavailing. Death's work was done. This is the first death from chloroform.


The subsequent letter from an unknown correspondent, was received on the 6th inst., and is submitted, without comment, to the readers of the Review.

For Friends' Review.

After reading the notice of John Woolman, in the Review of the 4th inst., I was strongly reminded of the circumstances by which my mind was impressed with doubts, as to the propriety of using the product of slavery. With kind feelings towards the Editor, and the work he has engaged in, I offer them for his service.

Being some winters past at Charleston, S. C., I had left the sumptuous accommodations of the Planters' Hotel for the more retired boarding house of E. B. on East Bay street, when one morning, at our breakfast table, I learned that a sale of negroes, the property of a bankrupt, was to take place on Vendue range, near the Exchange.

The thought of attending such a sale was at first revolting, but not knowing that another opportunity would ever occur, and having heard different statements respecting the behaviour of the negroes on such occasions, I concluded to go.

On approaching the place, I beheld a large number of slaves sitting on the curb-stones opposite the auction buildings. Some were entirely too young to comprehend the cause of their being there, and some almost as unconscious on account of age; but many appeared alive to their distressing situation. Notice was soon given that the sale had begun. Several couples of young men and women were ordered to mount the stand, and respectively, to their surprise, were sold as man and wife!! A

North American and U. S. Gazette, Feb. 29, 1847.

middle-aged female was then brought forward and strongly recommended for health and ability as a field hand, who, the meanwhile, was protesting her inability for service, on account of rheumatism and weakness. She was rebuked by the actioneer, with savage fierceness, ordered to hush, and lie no more. Then came forth a man-yes, indeed, he was a manwho, after being highly praised as a good mechanic, was knocked off to a Santee planter for $700. Before he left the block, he declared "to the Santee he would not go." A struggle ensued, but being soon overpowered by numbers, he was forced away, and my heart went with him. I found my teeth began to grind hard together; and to make the matter worse, two respectable foreigners, looking on from a window in the Exchange just above me, observed, "This is republican America."



A separation of some near relations now took place, calculated to wring out sympathy; but the distress of a likely young woman was as much as I could endure, and with difficulty I stood (remembering the end of Korah, Dathan and Abiram) till the sale and separation of seventy fellow creatures were ended. I then went home, told what I had seen, and hasted to bed, although it was yet early in the afternoon. Then and there it was, that with weeping eyes, and a throbbing heart, I seriously pondered how far I had been instrumental in producing the dismal scene just witnessed. I found the verdict was against me, My conscience was aroused from a stupor into which it has not yet relapsed. Truth demanded a sacrifice, and tobacco was called for first. I desired to be excused, as my love of tobacco knew no bounds. Take what thou wilt, only let me enjoy my tobacco. I did not wish to trifle with conscience, but nevertheless I did. Conviction was sealed that I was evading the performance of known duty. But at length the final conflict took place, and through grace, obedience triumphed, to my great advantage many ways.

But even recently, when far from home and somewhat indisposed, the desire of a sweetened cup presented; the temptation was quenched by remembering the morning passed on Vendue

Vera Cruz stands on a bleak coast, with no natural protection for its harbor, except a coral reef in front, just rising out of the water at low tide, on which stands the celebrated Castle of San Juan de Ulua. In the rear of the town is a plain of some forty miles in width, the first fifteen miles of which consist of piles of burning sand, apparently blown together by the windwhich sweeps down the coast here at short periods, while the sun is south of the equator, as though it had been accumulating strength all the way from the north pole. This part of the plain is grown over in places with the prickly pear, and a thorny matted shrub called chaparral. Further back the soil becomes fertile, and supplies this market with every kind of tropical fruit and production. The plain is terminated by a vast range of mountains, the highest peaks

of which are the Coffer of Perote and Orizaba.

The latter is 17,373 feet high-all above 15,000 feet being covered with perpetual snow.

The walls of this city enclose about one hundred and fifty acres of ground, which is regularly laid out in squares of moderate size, and all built up in solid blocks, with little variety of style, and apparently little difference in age. All has the appearance of having stood as it really has-for centuries; and its massive masonry might bid defiance to the "tooth of time" for many centuries to come, though not perhaps to the "rasure" of cannon shot and natural convulsions. The walls of the houses are of great thickness, and composed of a mixture of coral, brick and cement, which is about as hard and durable as stone. The roofs are all flat, and surrounded by a thick wall or parapet of the same material, making every house a very good for tress. The city was once much larger than at present, extending far outside of the wall; but wars have long since destroyed the unprotected portion, and the population now numbers only about seven thousand.

Vera Cruz, like the cities of Mexico generally, is greatly over-supplied with enormously large churches, each surmounted with a dome at one end, and a square tower at the other. The towers are literally crammed with bells of all sizes, which are ringing wretchedly out of tune, by way of religious ceremony, a great part of Let others do as they may in these matters the time from daylight in the morning till ten and I feel no disposition to force o'clock at night.


my brethren

-yet permit me, without further trespassing,

to say that



Every thing here reminds the Hyperborean of his change of latitude. The people are clad in the light garments of summer, and the tables are supplied with the salads of spring together with the fresh fruits of autumn. Plants are all green, and growing on in perfect ignorance of its being mid-winter.

provisions are scarce and remarkably dear. A

Fruit of all sorts is abundant and cheap, but

meal of victuals at the hotel, or any where else, costs a dollar. People eat but twice a day, and scantily at that. Indeed, the natives seem to require but little, and can form no conception of the capacity of a northern stomach. My own appetite being a little sharpened, perhaps, by a sea voyage, I am compelled to use the most diligent exertions at the table to keep them from starving me.

The Mexicans, as a race, are evidently much

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