Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

gard the efforts now making to extend the area of slavery-the opprobrium of the western worldinto the extensive regions now opening to settlement and civilization, with unqualified disappro

ital crimes; and what is quite important, the
theologians, who assume to be the special guar-
dians of the gallows, are not alarmed by it. Our
law has now been in operation for some two years.
No one has been hanged, murders have not in-bation.
creased, and all are satisfied.

May we not respectfully ask whether the numerous respectable and conscientious pro"I do not in the least doubt that Dr. Webster will be hereafter remembered as the last vic-fessors of other religious denominations have not tim of the halter in Massachusetts. By-and-by also voices to raise in opposition to the unchriswe shall without doubt abolish hanging in form tian and anti-republican measures now fearfully as it is now abolished in fact. and tremblingly dependent upon the votes of our Representatives in Congress? The Society of Friends have certainly nothing to glory in; they have done no more than their duty as Christians; but we may be permitted to intimate a belief, that sentiments equally clear and strong, if thrown before Congress, from all the Christian denominations in the Free States, would induce that body to stop and reflect, and eventually to reject the disgraceful and iniquitous measure now pending.

"By incarcerating the murderer in prison for a twelvemonth, the spirit of revenge dies out, the people forget their excitement, and the life of the prisoner is saved; for no governor in cold blood will issue his warrant to hang a man after he has been in a State prison for a year."-Lon. Friend.


In our 22d number of the present volume, a notice was inserted relative to a German settlement in Texas, which appears likely to form, in the interior of that slave devoted country, an antislavery nucleus, around which the emigrants from down trodden Europe may cluster. In the present number we have inserted a short article drawn from a different source, corroborative of similar facts.

DIED, at his residence in Miami Co., Ind., on the 19th of First month last, BENJAMIN DAVIS, in the 68th year of his age.

At his residence in the same County and State, on the 4th ult., THOMAS M. DAVIS, in the



of his age. On the 19th day of the 11th mo. last, RUTH DAVIS, daughter of Benjamin, in the 23d year of her age. All members of Pipe Creek Monthly Meeting.

On the 21st of 2d month, of consumption, LYDIA, wife of Wm. S. Bates, in the 49th year of her age, a valuable member of Smithfield Monthly Meeting, Ohio.

spirit, and with Christian resignation she patiently Quietude was eminently the clothing of her waited the appointed time, when her purified spirit left the wasted tabernacle for its eternal home, in perfect peace.

Discouraging as the present aspect of our public affairs must appear to those who value the fair fame of our country; and greatly as every philanthropic spectator must deplore the unhallowed combinations now laboring to extend the area, and fortify the power of slavery, we may rationally deduce some consolation from the reflection that, though men may make a covenant with death, and an agreement with destruction, there is a power which can frustrate and nullify all their To the President, Senate, and House of Repre unrighteous conspiracies. Deeply and justly as we deplore the misery impending over the eastern world, may we not hope that the convulsions prevailing on the east of the Atlantic will drive many of the hardy and laboring classes to seek an asylum in the western world, and to fill up our extensive forests with a population among whom slave labor will find no place.

Through the kindness of one of our New England correspondents, a copy of the remonstrance presented to Congress a few days ago, by our friends in New England, against the extension of

slavery into the territories west of the Missouri, has been received at this office, and will be found

in our columns this week. The remonstrances

previously published in the Review, and the one introduced this week, bear consistent testimony that the Society of Friends, wherever located, re

sentatives of the United States.

The Memorial of the Representatives of the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends for New England, respectfully showeth

That being assembled at the present time for the discharge of those duties which, as we believe, are connected with the welfare of our religious body, and for the support of those princi ples and testimonies which are inculcated by the teachings of our adorable Saviour and his apostles, we have been deeply and sorrowfully affected in view of the bills now under consideration in Congress, by which, in the establishment of new territorial governments, it is proposed so to legislate, that the area of our country into which slavery may be introduced will be extended. It is, we trust, well known to you that the Society of Friends throughout the world has long believed itself required as a religious duty to testify against slavery; that no one can hold

arousing into action an energy equal to the end. In their anxiety to promote the progress of the slave power, they are blindly prostrating the barriers which stay the advance of freedom. Looking only to self aggrandizement, they forget that the people have virtue superior to their own, and omitting the moral element in their calculations, expect results the very opposite to those which their efforts tend to produce. It is thus that a wise Providence shapes the "ends rough hewn" by folly, madness or ambition, and from the intended evil of reckless and misguided men educes unexpected good.-Independent Herald.

are not only now willing to accept from a re-, possess to effect it. After that shall be accomcreant fraction of the North a repeal of the com- plished, the next object to be striven for will be pact, but to aid by their votes in enforcing that the consecration to freedom of every acre of the repeal, we feel no other regret at the manifesta- National territory, so that no slave shall be pertion of their disposition in this respect than what mitted to exist where the Congress of the Union naturally arises from the spectacle of the aggra has control. It is due to justice and humanity, vated moral delinquency which it presents. It and to the honor of the country, that these great shows that on this subject no faith is to be kept objects should be attained; and we think that with the North when interest or opportunity in- the means by which they may be attained, are vite the breach ;—that a compact, however so- about to be furnished unwittingly by the forward lemnly contracted, and under circumstances add-actors in the present movement. They are reing whatever force to its obligations, is not re-moving the obstacles which lie in the way, and garded when it becomes safe to repudiate it; and that it is in vain to seek to bind the pro-slavery party of the country by any considerations of honor or virtue, such as are acknowledged as of prevailing force in the ordinary relations of life. The lesson which it teaches is, to adhere to the ground of principle, and submit to no compromise which involves a dereliction of virtuous sentiment; and we hope the lesson is one that will be remembered. The Missouri Compromise was the first error. Had that been avoided and Missouri admitted only as a free State, the difficulties that have since overtaken us would not have occurred. The battle having been fought and the victory won, the slave power on this continent would have been broken forever, and every foot of the National domain not then organized into slave From the king to the meanest boor, the entire states, would have been kept clear of that dread nation, each in his own way, seems to be moved and withering curse, which clings to every land with a laudable desire to effect the suppression on which slavery sets its foot. We should not of intemperance. The working-classes, we are then have been afflicted with that bill of abomi-informed, have made a remarkable demonstration nations-the fugitive slave law-nor have been subjected to the mortification of seeing the only free government on the face of the earth lending its influence to sustain an institution justly condemned by the universal sentiment of all civilized nations. With this lesson before us we trust that the virtue and intelligence of the North will be neither frightened nor wheedled into any similar compromise for the future. They owe it to posterity, to patriotism and to humanity to stand firm in the cause of freedom, and to use the power which they possess, moral and political, to save the fertile regions beyond the Mississippi not yet polluted by slavery, from the blight which it threatens to bring upon them.

It is a mistake to suppose that the non-slaveholding states are not decidedly averse to slavery, or that they have not borne with a feeling of impatience the obligations imposed by the Compromise measures of 1821 and 1850. Whatever they may have been induced to do to satisfy the South and for the sake of domestic concord, they are not less anti-slavery in all their feelings and sentiments; and liberated as they will properly deem themselves by the passage of the Nebraska bill from all bonds restraining the free expressions of their opinions, and such political action as those opinions may require, it cannot be doubted that they will speedily demand the repeal of the fugitive law and will exert the power they


against the great distillery kings near Charlshaum, in South Sweden. They marched in immense crowds to the distilleries, refused the gift of money by the brandy-makers, and demanded that no more spirituous liquors should be made at present. The great distilleries are burning up all the corn and potatoes they can lay hold of for the manufacture of this fire-water, while the peasantry are starving for want of food. On their return, the "insurgents"-if we are to call them such-extinguished the fires in the boilingrooms; otherwise they did not hurt a fly.

In opening the diet a few days ago, his Majesty said :-" Agriculture, the most important branch of our industry, has within the last years made the most satisfactory progress. The recent harvests which we have gathered have not, however, given a corresponding augmentation to the general weal. Wasted to a great extent by the fabrication of liquor, the abuse of which threatens to undermine the most noble faculties of the population, those harvests have not availed to exclude importation of articles of consumption from foreign countries, which the soil of our country might supply in plenty, even beyond the wants of our native consumption. Gentlemen, it is time to pave the way to results which are more conformable to the public good. All good citizens are in this respect animated by a sentiment which is as noble as it is patriotic. I have received

numerous petitions from all parts of the country, entreating me to check the disastrous fabrication and the excessive consumption of that liquor.Gentlemen, I shall submit to you a proposition tending to effect that purpose, and I am convinced that you will be eager to meet my paternal intentions."

Now we are not surprised at this agitation and alarm, acquainted as we are with the facts of the case. Drunkenness has in Sweden attained its climax. It is a most extraordinary fact that in a country entirely agricultural and pastoral, drunkenness and crime should greatly exceed that of the manufacturing districts of either England or Scotland. In the rural districts of Sweden the commitments for crime are 1 in 460; while in Glasgow and Manchester they are not more than 1 to 5000. In Stockholm, with a population of only 80,000, and without manufactures of any kind, the commitments are 1 to 78, while the proportion of foundlings and natural children in this town is greater than in Paris, itself, being more than one-third of the population. This fearful demoralization is, however, explained, when it is stated that by an unhappy law, every man, upon the payment of 5s to the Crown, acquires the right of distilling spirits to any extent. In Sweden at this moment, with a population of three millions, there are 150,000 stills in operation, in which are distilled annually thirty millions of gallons, giving ten gallons or sixty bottles, to every man, woman, and child in the country, while in drunken Scotland the average is only eleven gallons, or sixty-six bottles for the men alone. Dr. Huss, of Stockholm, in a work recently published, states that it is a common thing for a working man to consume from five to six glasses of brandy daily, that many habitual dram-drinkers will consume from twelve to fifteen, and that he has known some who drank from sixteen to twenty glasses. This unparalleled intemperance of the lower classes of the Swedish population has originated a terrible disorder, which he designates Alcholismuss Chronicus, and states that no fewer than 139 cases of this disease were treated in one hospital in the course of a single year.

All success we say to the King and his subjects in their laudable endeavors to put an end to their national disgrace.

We rejoice to find the Times saying in reference to the speech of this temperance King:

"It is a peculiarity of spirit-drinking that the money spent in it is, at the best, thrown away, and in general, far worse than thrown away. It neither supplies the natural wants of man, nor offers an adequate substitute for them. Indeed, it is far too favorable a view of the subject to treat the money spent on it as if it were cast into the sea. Yet, even so, there is something exceedingly irritating in the reflection that a great part of a harvest, raised with infinite care and pains on an ungrateful soil and in an inhospitable

climate, instead of adding to the national wealth' or bringing the rich returns that in the season of famine it could not fail to command, is poured in the shape of liquid fire down the throats of the nation that produced it, and, instead of leaving them richer and happier, tends to impoverish them by the waste of labor and capital, and to degrade them by vicious and debilitating indulgence. A great portion of the harvest of Sweden and of many other countries is applied to a purpose, compared with which it would have been better that the corn had never grown, or that it had been mildewed in the ear. No way so rapid to increase the wealth of nations and the morality of society could be devised as the utter annihilation of the manufacture of ardent spirits, constituting as they do an infinite waste and an unmixed evil. To this task the King of Sweden is about to address himself, and we heartily wish his Majesty success in the attempt.

"The man who shall invent a really efficient antidote to this system of voluntary and daily poisoning will deserve a high place among the benefactors of his species. He will increase the riches of nations and the morality of individuals without the demand of any extra labor, or the sacrifice of any rational or healthful pleasure, but merely by a better distribution of those funds which the industry of a people has created, but which their folly dissipates in the consumption of these baneful compounds. Whether he be the occupant of a throne or a cottage—the king, the preacher, or the peasant-such a man is the great want of the day; and, when he ap pears, all right-minded persons must respect him, whether he come in the shape of a crowned head or a poor priest of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland.”

The man which the Times desiderates has already been found. He may make his acquaintanceship in every house which total abstinence has blessed-Abstainer's Journal.

We find the subjoined article in the N. York Tribune, of the 31st ult.:



To the Legislature of the State of New York, in Senate and Assembly convened, the Memorial of the Religious Society of Friends in the State of New York and parts adjacent, respectfully represents :

That the Society on whose behalf they now address you, influenced by the abundant and painful evidence of the demoralizing effects of the use of alcholio liquors as a beverage, its tendency to unfit its votaries for a proper discharge of the duties of this life, and finally, to deprive them of a participation of the joys that are eternal, many years since prohibited the manufacture of, and the traffic in, distilled spirituous liquors, and forbade the sale of grain and other produce

thing that relates to it. I want to say to you, my beloveds, take care of the mystery of iniquity, which worketh wonderfully to frustrate the designs of a kind providence. It blinds the eye and darkens the understanding, and thus men err in judgment, and think they are doing God service, when they are gratifying their own creaturely wills. The time of our annual solemnity is now approaching; how I desire my dear wife may not be interrupted with inconsiderate company! and you, my dear children, be careful not to look about, nor suffer your minds to be attracted by outward objects. When in meeting, humbly seek for the help and strength of the Lord, to perform acceptable worship in spirit and in truth. I also desire that my sons, Nathan and Joshua, may be exceedingly careful in their business; there have been many sorrowful failures, even among Friends. Now, in that love which neither time nor distance has any influence over, I bid you all farewell.


[To be continued.]


To promote these virtues, selfishness, the prevailing evil of the human heart, must be carefully watched, and perseveringly counteracted in our children, and in our own conduct on all occasions. Generosity and benevolence are not of a nature to be enforced by authority. But we may do much to promote their growth by our example, our influence, our instruction, and by the judicious improvement of those natural feelings of kindness, which almost all children occasionally display. There are very few, if any, who do not discover emotions of sympathy and pity at the sight of sorrow and suffering; these are among the favorable opportunities for awakening their benevolence and compassion; not only toward their fellow creatures, but to every living thing. And we should be particularly careful to lose no such opportunity of cultivating this tenderness of feeling among themselves.

When a child has received an act of kindness or generosity, an appeal ought instantly to be made to his feelings, and the duty of contributing in a similar manner to the happiness of others, enforced at the moment when the mind is in a proper tone for the exercise of the sympathetic feelings.

as his will and his passions are strengthened by age?

The principle of responsibility for the right use both of time and property, should be frequently impressed on the youthful mind. Teach them that a lavish use of the gifts of our Heavenly Father is a species of ingratitude to him, and injustice to those of our fellow creatures who need the blessings so bountifully bestowed upon us. Teach them not to waste the least property, nor spoil the most trifling article, as both may be useful to poor people. To give the feelings of commiseration and benevolence a right direction, they should be exercised in good deeds. They may be taught to take care of, and save their clothing when past their use, to give to those poor children who have not sufficient clothes to defend them from the cold. Parents' example in thus saving and giving, is powerful in calling into action those amiable virtues in their children!-J. Mott.


When we are no longer embarrassed by the restless reflections of self, we begin to enjoy true liberty.

False wisdom, on the other hand, always on the watch, ever occupied with self, constantly jealous of its own perfection, suffers severely whenever it is permitted to perceive the smallest speck of imperfection.

Not that the man who is simple minded and detached from self, fails to labor toward the attainment of perfection; he is the more successful in proportion as he forgets himself, and never dreams of virtue in any other light than as something which accomplishes the will of God.

The source of all our defect is the love of self; we refer every thing to that, instead of the love of God. Whoever, then, will labor to get rid of self, to deny him-self, according to the instructions of Christ, strikes at once at the root of every evil, and finds, in this simple abandonment of self, the germ of every good.

Then those words of Scripture are heard within and understood, "Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Cor. iii. 17.) We neglect nothing to cause the kingdom of God to come both within and without; but in the midst of our frailties we are at peace. We would rather die than commit the slightest voluntary sin, but we have no fear for our reputation from the judgIn order to promote sympathetic feelings in ment of man. We court the reproach of Christ children, parents should uniformly manifest an Jesus, and dwell in peace though surrounded by abhorrence of cruelty, under whatever form it uncertainties; the judgments of God do not afmay appear; even when exercised toward the fright us, for we abandon ourselves to them, immost insignificant insect. They should also ploring his mercy according to our attainments watchfully guard against, and endeavor to sup-in confidence, sacrifice, and absolute surrender. press, a revengeful disposition, not only in their children, but also in those around them. For if a child frequently hears the language of retaliation and mutual reproach, can we be surprised if he displays an irascible and vindictive temper,

The greater the abandonments, the more flowing the peace; and in such a large place does it set us, that we are prepared for everything; we will everything and nothing; we are as guileless as babes.

Our illumination from God discovers the light- | widow of Mayer for his contributions to the imest transgressions, but never discourages. We provement of navigation. walk before Him; but if we stumble, we hasten to resume our way, and have no watchword but Onward!

If we would find God, we must destroy the remains of the old Adam within. The Lord held a little child in his arms, when He declared, " of such is the kingdom of Heaven." The sum of the principal directions for attaining true liberty without neglecting our duty is this: do not reason too much; always have an upright purpose in the smallest matters, and pay no attention to the thousand reflections by which we wrap and bury ourselves in self, under pretence of correcting our faults.-Extracts from Fénélon and Guyon.

For Friends' Review.


From that time to this, the best treatises on navigation have all contained rules for finding the longitude at sea by means of lunar distances. The methods of Lyons, Dunthorne, Witchell, Maskelyne and Bowditch, are nothing else than various modes of solving the single problem of finding the longitude at sea by means of celestial observations, of which the apparent distance of the moon from the sun or a star is one.

The essence of the problem is to ascertain the exact time of day at the ship, and likewise the time on a known meridian, that of Greenwich, Paris, or Washington; and the difference of these times converted into degrees, at the rate of 15 to an hour, gives the longitude required. The common watch is generally used, merely to connect the time, when the lunar distance is taken, with that on which the observations for deter

In the U. S. Gazette, of a recent date, we find mining the time of day at the ship are made. a notice of the alleged discovery of a method of Chronometers, which are now brought to a great deducing the longitude by a common watch. The degree of accuracy, are used to preserve the time description, however, turns out to be only an under the meridian to which they are adjusted, obscure and imperfect account of the usual pro-and this time compared with that deduced from cess of computing the longitude at sea, from the observations made at sea, enables the mariner to observed altitudes of the moon, and the sun or a ascertain the longitude without the use of lunar star, with their apparent distance measured on distances. But in this we have nothing new. an arc of a great circle. E. L.

It is a curious illustration of the originality of this discovery, that the Nautical Almanack, which is used in the process, was first computed and published, nearly ninety years ago, to save practical navigators the trouble of making the tedious calculations which this mode of determining the longitude, without the aid of this ephemeries, rendered indispensable.

The plan of finding the longitude by lunar observations, is said to have been suggested by John Werner, of Nuremberg, in 1514; and that Renierus Gemma Frisius, who was born in 1508, proposed the observation of the moon's distance from a star as a means of finding the longitude.


This bill is exciting much attention, the country over. It is not yet through the Senate, and according to present appearances, it is likely to hang there for some time. Certain it is that it will not be permitted to leave that body till its odiousness becomes fully unveiled. The South begins to deprecate all responsibility for it, though willing to accept it as a boon, and supple politicans in Congress who thought that the moral sentiment of the non-slaveholding States was asleep or dead upon the subject of slavery, are surprised to see it thoroughly awakened and aroused. The wickedness of unsealing anew the fountains of bitterness, and involving the country

In the beginning of 1755, Tobias Mayer, of Gottengen, sent over to England, in MS., a set of solar and lunar tables, accompanied with a num-in an agony of strife without the pretence of an ber of precepts and explanations respecting their use; among which we find the method of determining the longitude by lunar distances. He, at the same time, made a claim for one of the rewards, offered by acts of Parliament, for the discovery of methods of finding the longitude at sea. These tables were submitted to N. Maskelyne, astronomer royal, and their accuracy tested by this method of ascertaining the longitude, on two voyages made by Maskelyne himself; in which the moon's place was computed from the tables of Mayer, and the longitude determined by the method now announced as a new discovery. The tables were published in 1770, by order of the commissioners of longitude; and a reward of £3,000 sterling was paid to the

excuse, is appreciated even by those who think little of the still more detestable and abominable wickedness of opening to the introduction of slavery a virgin territory solemnly consecrated to freedom by general compact. Many of the newspaper press that supported the fugitive slave act, denounce the bill and its author. Whatever may be its fate in Congress, it is clear that the people of the North-the free people we mean, not the serfs and hinds of party-are against it, with their whole heart and mind, and will mark its passage, if it does pass, as an era not to be forgotten.

For our part, seeing that the South has so far gained every thing by the Missouri Compromise, and the North nothing, and that Southern men


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