deeply and largely on many subjects; nor did he | the staunch and consistent advocate of religious neglect the wholesome cultivation even of his imagination. He was fond of poetry, and I venture to assert that the beauties of nature were to him clothed in almost double brightness. No man better understood the meaning of the poet's words, 'My Father made them all,' "His ministry was very peculiar, being a large gift in few words. His communications were almost uniformly very short; seldom continued for more than a few minutes; but they were remarkably full of matter, evangelical in substance, simple in manner, and lively through the power of the Holy Spirit. "Surely this beloved friend, this humble devoted Christian, rests in Jesus; surely when Christ who is our life shall appear, he will appear with Him in glory. May I die the death of the righteous, and may my last end be like his! Amen and Amen." CONTRAST BETWEEN GEORGE FOX AND OLIVER liberty, which he advanced by suffering, and by preaching the truths of the gospel. "The power of Cromwell died with him, being founded on usurpation, and supported by the sword; that of George Fox still survives, and continues to spread in ever widening circles; being founded on religious principles that are in their nature imperishable." The following notice is cut from the N. Y. Tribune. It may be hoped that the member of the House, to whom allusion is made, will escape the sting of the rebuke by casting his vote in favor of Freedom. A BLASTING RECORD. Seven years ago, the sham Democracy of New Hampshire carried that State after a desperate struggle. The Legislature thus chosen made haste to pass the following Resolves, which received the vote of every 'Democratic' member of either House: "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court convened, That we regard the Institution of Slavery as a moral, social and political evil, and as such we deeply regret its existence, and are willing to concur in all reasonable and constitutional measures that may tend to its removal. "Resolved, That in all territory which may hereafter be added to or acquired by the United States, where Slavery does not exist at the time of such addition or acquirement, neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude, except for the punishment of crime, whereof the party has been convicted, ought ever to exist, but the same should remain free; and we are opposed to the exten Janney, in his "Life of George Fox," (recently published,) draws the following contrast: "Among all the great men and master spirits, whose minds were developed during the troubled and eventful period of the civil war in England, none were more remarkable for their qualities and their success, nor do any afford a more striking contrast in their characters, than George Fox and Oliver Cromwell. Both were endowed with great talents, and subjected to deep spiritual conflicts; but how different were the results in their principles and conduct. Cromwell took up arms to resist his sovereign, signed the warrant for his execution, became the chief actor in some of the bloodiest battles on record, and, in his Irish campaign, 'showed towards his ene-sion of Slavery over any such territory; and mies greater severity than had ever perhaps been that we also approve of the vote of our Senators exercised by the pagan leaders of antiquity.'* Yet and Representatives in Congress in favor of the being under the influence of a delusive fanaticism, he could thank God for victories stained with crime, saying, 'God made them as stubble to our swords;' This is no other than the work of God, and he must be a very atheist that does not acknowledge it.' "George Fox, being called to a spiritual warfare, and becoming a subject of Christ's peaceable kingdom, did not meddle with the powers of the earth, nor could he take up the sword, even in self-defence. Like his Divine Master, he was willing to suffer for the truth, giving his cheek to the smiter, and not returning insult with injury, but 'overcoming evil with good.' "Cromwell having attained to absolute power, professed to be the guardian of the church, and the champion of religious freedom; yet he suffered his name and his power to be used for the persecution of the Friends, thus destroying the liberty he professed to guard. George Fox was • D'Aubigne's Cromwell, 263. Wilmot Proviso. "Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and our Representatives requested, by all expedient and constitutional means and measures, to sustain the principles herein above set forth. "MOSES NORRIS, JR. "Speaker of the House of Representatives. HARRY HIBBARD, President of the Senate. "Approved June 30, 1847. "JARED W. WILLIAMS, Governor." -And that same Moses Norris, that same Jared W. Williams have just voted to repeal the Missouri Restriction which excludes Slavery from Kansas and Nebraska, while that very Harry Hibbard stands ready to follow up the blow by a similar vote in the House! A man of clear reputation, though his bark be split, yet saves his cargo; he has something left towards setting up again; and so is in a capacity to receive comfort, not only from his own | doing something, and that something probably industry, but from the friendship of others. A no trivial affair, to diminish the temptation to extend or perpetuate this nefarious institution. sound piece of timber, if thought not fit for one use, will yet be laid by for another; and an honest man will probably, at one time or other, 'be thought good for something. - Government of the Tongue. FRIENDS' REVIEW. PHILADELPHIA, THIRD MONTH 25, 1854. Our readers will find in the present number, a specific report of the deputation from the Meeting for Sufferings of London, detailing more fully than had been previously published, the circumstances of their interview with the Emperor of Russia. This report is given in full this week, at the expense of a little repetition of former intelligence. Whatever politicians may think of this interference, on the part of our religious society, with the measures which have thrown the European world into commotion, we can hardly fail to perceive that the Czar was sensibly touched with the force of the appeal. The pains which he took, both by verbal communication and his written reply, to place his own conduct and motives in a favorable light, furnish unequivocal evidence that he was not insensible of the truths which their address presented so vividly to his view. May we not yet hope that the rulers of England and France will lay hold of the pacific declarations which this address elicited from the Emperor, to renew their efforts for the maintenance or restoration of peace? What publicity may be given in Russia to this address can hardly be known on this side of the Atlantic, but we may reasonably conclude that the dissemination of the noble and Christian sen timents which it contains, will carry conviction to the minds of those who candidly peruse and consider them. The Editor will take the liberty of soliciting the attention of his readers, and particularly those of the western States, to the article on the culture of flax. An opportunity is evidently now given to farmers to engage in a profitable branch of agriculture, and at the same time to promote by free labor the production of an article for domestic consumption which appears well calculated to supercede, to great extent, the use of one of the great staples of slavery. While our country is agitated throughout its length and breadth by the recent attempt at Washington, to extend the area and fortify the strength of this iniquitous system, we are now presented with the means and the opportunity of In the 23d number of the current volume an account, copied from what was supposed a reliable source, was inserted, relative to the burning, in a horrible manner, of a negro, for the offense of striking a white man. No date was given to the alleged transaction, but it was of course supposed to be a recent event. Since that notice was published a letter has come to hand, from one who subscribes himself a subscriber and constant reader of the Review, enclosing a slip from a southern paper, which represents the story as a fabrication. As the Editor has always studiously guarded against permitting this periodical to be, in any instance, a vehicle for incorrect information, and certainly has no disposition to impute imaginary evils to the system of slavery-for unhappily the real and undeniable concomitants of that institution are amply sufficient to satiate any inclination for the horrible which he has ever indulgedthe earliest opportunity is taken to present to our readers the southern exposition of the case. The circumstance, out of which this story is said to have been manufactured, is referred to the year 1841; at which time, we are told, two fugitive slaves, who for some time eluded pursuit in a sparsely settled parish in Louisiana, became a terror to the neighborhood, committing a number of atrocious crimes, among which were several murders of unoffending individuals. They were at length captured separately, an interval of about a week occurring between them, and were both burned alive, without legal trial; and the narrative adds that the torch was applied to the first pile by a woman, whose husband had been murdered by them. The account of a large number of slaves being assembled to witness the execution, and of the addresses from magistrates and ministers is totally denied. The few negroes present, are said to have manifested more indignation towards the criminals, than did the whites. One respectable planter, we are informed, who witnessed the last execution, was opposed to this summary proceeding, and wished the culprit to be subjected to a legal trial. DIED, On the 14th inst. of pulmonary disease, in the 22nd year of her age, MARY J., daughter of Enoch Lewis, a member of the Western District Monthly Meeting, in this city. In the removal of this amiable and interesting young woman, the community has lost one whose strong and cultivated mind afforded a rational prospect of extensive usefulness. But the blossom was nipped before the fruit was fully developed. Died, On the 26th of 4th month last of pulmonaTHE SUMMER TERM will commence on Fourth ry disease, which she bore with Christian patience day the 10th of Fifth month next. Applications and fortitude, MARY, widow of William Hornaday, for admission may be addressed to Jonathan Richand a member of Cane Creek Monthly Meeting, ards, Superintendent, at the School, or to N. C., in the 61st year of her age. -, In Cumberland, R. I., on the 2d inst., EBENEZER METCALF, in the 73d year of his age, an esteemed member of Providence Monthly Meeting. -, At Valencia, Brazil, on the 26th of 12th month last, SETH KELLY son of Eli Kelly, of Blackstone, Mass., and a member of Smithfield Monthly Meeting, in the 30th year of his age. His many virtues endeared him to his family and a numerous circle of friends. -, Near Richmond, Ind., on the 25th ult., of pulmonary disease, PRISCILLA Wife of Henry Jay, aged about 25 years, an esteemed member of Dover Monthly Meeting. - On the 29th of first month last, at his resi. dence in Henry County, Ind., NATHAN DAVIS, in the 63d year of his age, an esteemed member of Spice land Monthly Meeting. CHARLES YARNALL, Secretary of the Board of Managers, 39 Market St. Philadelphia. 3d mo. 25-tf. Respectfully Represents-That your Memorialists observe with much regret, that a Bill has been introduced into Congress for organizing two Territorial Governments, out of that section of country called Nebraska, in which, if the Bill should pass into a law as proposed, Slavery may be admitted and legalized. From a deep sense of the wrongfulness and injustice of Slavery, and the many evils, social and moral, springing from the system, our forefathers in christian profession were induced to abolish it themselves, and to recommend to all others to do the same. And now, after many years of observation and experience, our sense of the unrighteousness and impolicy of the system has not changed. We cannot, therefore, behold any effort to extend its limits, or provide for its perpetuity, without concern and anxiety, mingled with sincere and earnest disapprobation. Greatly could we desire that in place of its borders being extended, and its way made easy, it might be circumscribed within narrower and narrower bounds, until it should disappear from the earth; and that all men might come to enjoy, not in name only, but in truth, those inalienable rights with which they are declared to be endowed by their Creator, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." We therefore believe it to be our duty to raise our voice respectfully, yet earnestly, against those provisions in the Bill which will admit Slavery The committee having charge of Friends' Establishment among the Shawnee Indians, are desirous of employing two young men to labor on the farm, (practical farmers are desirable.)They also want to engage a teacher in the School, and a female to assist in the family; a middle into the proposed Territories; and to implore aged man and his wife for teacher and assistant Congress not to pass itinto a law with those proin the family would be preferable. Application to be made to Simon Hadley, or John Hadley, Jr., Sligo, Clinton County, Qhio, who will give any information necessary. Friends of good character, and of religious experience are desirable. HAVERFORD SCHOOL. The Semi-Annual Examination will commence on Second day 4th mo. 10th, and close on the following Fourth day. Copies of the order of Examination may be procured at this Office and at the School. *Friends who furnish obituaries are requested to forward them seasonably. visions. It would appear, moreover, that the passage of a law under which Slavery might be introduced into the said Territories, would operate as a repeal of that part of the Act of 1820, admitting the State of Missouri into the Union, by which Slavery was forever prohibited north of 36° 30′ north latitude; and that the good faith of Congress in passing that Act would be thereby violated. Confident we are that it is by righteousness only that a nation can be permanently exalted; and that a departure from the great principles of equity, integrity and truth, is not only a reproach to any people, but if continued in, will lead ultimately to their ruin. Whilst, therefore, we thus lay before you our solemn remonstrance against the measure proposed, we crave for you, and for our beloved country, the blessings of Heaven; and that you may be endued with that wisdom which is from above, to guide you in counsel and assist you in judgment; and may the fear of the Most High, who ruleth in the kingdoms of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, be ever with you. Signed on behalf of the meeting aforesaid, held at Whitewater, near Richmond, Indiana, on the 22d day of the Second month, 1854. DAVID HUNT, Clerk. AMERICAN FLAX GROWING. The American Linen Company, composed of some of the best business firms in this City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and Fall River, (their mills are at Fall River,) have issued a circular to the farmers of America, to encourage them to grow flax, which we copy in another place for the information of our readers. The Company furnish samples with prices affixed, and promise to pay those prices for all the flax offered within a year; so that the grower has nothing to fear from an over-stocked market. The American Linen Company have expended over $450,000, and expect to make the sum over half a million, in completing the best manufacturing establishment in the world for spinning and weaving shirtings, sheetings, table-linens, and goods for men's wear. They will re quire nearly two million of pounds of lint, and for its FLAX GROWING. CIRCULAR. Having made extensive arrangements, within the past two years, for the spinning and weaving of Flax, and the manufacture of Linen Goods, which will enable us to consume annually a much larger amount of the raw material than is at present prepared or sent to market in this country, we have been obliged to import from Europe several hundred tons of the Flax fiber to supply our immediate consumption. This necessity has existed, not from the fact of the growth of Flax being unadapted to our soil or climate, but because the attention of our farmers has not for many years been drawn to the sub ject by any demand for the prepared fiber. Recent investigations have shown that more than two hundred thousand acres have been occupied the past year in our Western States with the Flax crop, it being grown entirely for the seed; in many places the stock and its fiber being thrown away. In Ohio alone over eighty thousand acres have been under Flax cultivation for the supply of the Linseed Oil Mills in Cincinnati, Dayton, and other parts of the State. • But while the seed is a valuable and important portion of the Flax crop, the fiber is deemed in Europe even more so; and in many places the latter is only cared for, from a false impression, that the two objects are incompatible with each other. The reports and exertions of the Irish Flax Society, however, and the experience of many parts of Europe, and of all modern science, have shown that, so far from the fiber being injured by a sufficient maturity of the Flax plant to fit the seed for the market, the reverse is the case, and with proper management both can be advantageously preserved. We are therefore desirous of calling the urgent attention of the growers of Flax and of the farmers generally in the West, to this long neglected branch of industry, and are prepared to offer direct inducements to them, so to modify their method of cultivation as to accomplish the end in view. "The secret lies in the proper preparation of the ground before sowing the seed. If the farmer would give the land a fall plowing, and leaving it over the winter to mellow, then plow it deeply again in the spring, reducing it as fine as possible without too much labor, he would, on good ground, average twenty bushels of seed to the acre. The Flax plant is peculiarly sensitive to such attentions, and amply repays them; the roots striking downward almost as deep and straight, where the ground is open and mellow, as the stalk shoots upward. It is not too much to say, that taking into consideration the increased seed as well as the fiber, every dollar so spent in plowing and pulverizing the ground would yield ten fold in the harvest gathered. "The land best suited for Flax is an open, rich loam, with a clay sub-soil if possible. In the next place for the fiber: If the farmer would sow 2 bushels or 2 to the acre, on rich ground so prepared, he would, while obtaining 20 bushels of seed, also obtain 2 tons to 25 tons of flax straw per acre. At present, with the poor preparation and thin sowing, not over 1 or 14 tons are obtained on an average. Every ton of straw yields 300 pounds of flax-fiber, so that he would then obtain if he chose to rot and prepare it, as was done in the days of our grandfathers, about 600 or 650 pounds per acre of flax-fiber rotted and scutched. This would give, by the slight addition of fall plowing, enriching if the land needs it, and after sowing a light brush harrowing or rolling, a great increase of profit to the farmer." From the London Friend. We propose, in order to give the growers an idea of our wants to deposit with well-known Deputation from the "Meeting for Sufferings" parties in each State adequate samples of the Flax fiber grown in our own and other countries, and imported by us within the past few months; and to affix to each sample the cash price we paid for those qualities, when laid down in New York, adding the charges for commission, freight, duties, exchange and other expenses. We will then bind ourselves to pay for twelve months from this date the same prices in cash for all the Flax fiber of equal qualities to the samples so deposited, which may be prepared and forwarded to New York by western parties; or to pay such prices less the freight and other charges to New York, on all Flax so delivered to our agents in Louisville, Cincinnati or Chicago. to the Emperor of Russia. The above deputation left London on the 20th of First month, and proceeded by way of Berlin, Königsberg and Riga, to Petersburgh, where they arrived on the 2d of last month. As the Mission was undertaken simply on religious grounds, and was wholly irrespective of political considerations, it was thought best not to communicate before leaving England, either with the Russian Ambassador in London, or with any member of the British Government; and the like reason induced the deputation, on arriving in Petersburgh, to make a direct application to Count Nesselrode, without the intervention of the British Ambassador, Sir Hamilton Seymour. Their motives were, however, By this means the western farmer will secure to himself not only the profits that have been subsequently stated, in personal interviews, both found sufficient to remunerate the European cul- to the Government at home, and to its repretivator, but the many charges to which such ar- sentative in Russia. rode, an interview was arranged for the presentation of the address, of which the following is a copy, at the winter palace on the 10th inst. ticles are subject in their transit; and also may, Through the prompt courtesy of Count Nesselwith proper management, obtain a larger amount of Flax Seed per acre than he now realizes. And we fully believe, that, after having been induced by the above extraordinary offer to try the experiment for one year, he will find Flax to be the most profitable crop that he can turn his attention to. We propose taking the Flax at some rate; unless it should fall too far below the lowest sample furnished, to be of any advantage for us to manufacture. We wish all the Flax either pulled or else cut with a cradle so carefully as to pre serve the stalk uninjured and the ends even; the seed taken off by a rippling comb, or by passing the heads of stalks through rollers, so as to avoid the present destructive effects of thrash ing; the Flax to be water-rotted and scutched; to be sent in bales and packages so as to be all AMERICAN LINEN COMPANY, Fall River, Mass., March 8, 1854. Those whom God has favored with superior faculties, and made eminent for quickness of perception, and accuracy of distinction, will certainly be regarded as culpable in his eye, for defects and deviations which, in souls less enlightened, may be guiltless. JOHNSON. Thou hast been permitted to partake of the feast of life; its good things are distributed in various portions among the guests; thou hast thy allotted share; complain not when thy portion is removed; it is not permitted to any one to remain always at the banquet. BLAIR. To Nicholas, Emperor of all the Russias. "May it please the Emperor, "We, the undersigned, Members of a meeting representing the religious Society of Friends (commonly called Quakers) in Great Britain, venture to approach the Imperial presence, under a deep conviction of religious duty, and in the constraining love of Christ our Saviour. "We are moreover encouraged so to do, by the many proofs of condescension and Christian kindness manifested by thy late illustrious brother, the Emperor Alexander, as well as by thy honored mother, to some of our brethren in religious profession. "It is well known that, apart from political considerations, we have, as a Christian Church, uniformly upheld a testimony against war, on the simple ground that it is utterly condemned by the precepts of Christianity, as well as altogether incompatible with the spirit of its Divine Founder, who is emphatically styled the 'Prince of Peace.' This conviction we have repeatedly pressed upon our own rulers, and often, in the language of bold but respectful remonstrance, have we urged upon them the maintenance of Peace, as the true policy, as well as manifest duty, of a Christian government. "And now, O Great Prince, permit us to express the sorrow which fills our hearts, as Christians and as men, in contemplating the probability of war in any portion of the continent of Europe. Deeply to be deplored would it be were that peace, which to a very large extent has happily prevailed so many years, exchanged for the unspeakable horrors of war, with all its attendant moral evil and physical suffering. "It is not our business, nor do we presume to |