Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Adding omissions, and the infinite number of minor conflagrations, he supposes, perhaps with justice, that it will be fair to estimate the entire loss for ten years at $275,000,000; or $27,500,000 per annum.

Of his catalogue of fires, $37,000,000 of lossor more than one-fourth the whole-occurred in the United States,-equal to $3,700,000 a year. Allowing for unrecorded fires, and the numerous direct and indirect losses," and adding "the expense of the fire-department," &c. &c., he rates the annual loss in the United States, for the last ten years, at from eight to nine millions, and supposes that we may anticipate a future loss of from at least five to six millions of dollars a year, an amount sufficient for us, he says, "to carry on the railroad proposed from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean, as fast as labour could urge it."

This is, indeed, a prodigious waste of property, and elevates fire, which man has made his servant, into the dignity of a tyrant, a mighty destroyer of his works and his wealth. But let us not even do fire injustice. Its powers of destruction are not so great as those of man himself. It took ten years for fire to consume one hundred and thirty-seven-or at best, two hundred and seventy-five millions of dollars' worth of property. Eighteen months of war have annihilated for the American government treasure, doubtless, to the full amount of the first named sum; and if we add the moneys sunk by the Mexican government, and the losses of individuals of both nations, we shall perhaps find the total waste equal to the last named sum.Fire is a fierce destroyer; but the folly of bad rulers is still more destructive. War is, in fact, a more consuming fire than fire itself. Against the fury of flames we have, besides the courage of firemen, the protection of Insurance Companies, which can make us compensation for losses. There are no underwriters to take the real war-risks of war, the losses from which are irremediable. Soldiers fight and victories are won; but the treasure that is expended can never be reclaimed; and the blood that falls in battle is lost for ever.



It is usual to attempt the management of children either by corporeal punishment, or by words alone. There is one means of government, the power and importance of which are seldom regarded-I refer to the human voice. A blow may be inflicted on a child, accompanied with words so uttered as to counteract entirely its intended effect; or the parent may use language, in the correction of the child, not objectionable in itself, yet spoken in a tone which more than defeats its influence. Let any

mother long since at rest in Heaven. Her sweet smile and ever clear countenance are brought vividly to recollection; so is also her voice; and blessed is that parent who is endowed with a pleasing utterance. What is it which lulls the infant to repose? It is not any array of mere words. There is no charm to the untaught one in letters, syllables, and sentences. It is the sound which strikes its little ear that soothes and composes it to sleep. A few notes, however unskilfully arranged, if uttered in a soft tone are found to possess a magic influence. Think we that this influence is confined to the cradle? No: it is diffused over every age, and ceases not while the child remains under the parental roof. Is a boy growing rude in manner and boisterous in speech? I know of no instru inent so sure to control these tendencies as the gentle tones of a mother. She who speaks to her son harshly does but give to his conduct the sanction of her own example. She pours oil on the already raging flame. In the pressure of duty, we are liable to utter ourselves hastily to children. Perhaps a threat is expressed in a loud and irritating tone: instead of allaying the passions of the child, it serves directly to increase them. Every fretful expression awakes in him the same spirit which produced it. So does a pleasant voice call up agreeable feelings. Whatever disposition, therefore, we would encourage in a child, the same we should manifest in the tone in which we address it.


The immense velocity of electricity makes it impossible to calculate it by direct observation; it would require to be many thousands of leagues long before the result could be expressed in the fractions of a second, Yet, Professor Wheat stone has devised apparatus for this purpose, among which is a double metallic mirror, a which he has given a velocity of eight hundred revolutions in a second of time. The Professor calculates, from his experiments with this appa ratus, that the velocity of electricity through a copper wire one-fifteenth of an inch thick, er ceeds the velocity of light across the planetary spaces, and that it is at least 288,000 miles per second. The Professor adds, that the light electricity, in a state of great intensity, does not last the millionth part of a second; but that the eye is capable of distinctly perceiving obs which present themselves for this short space of time.-Sharpe's Magazine.

From the Tribune.

DECREASE OF POPULATION IN CUBA. The last number of the Verdad has a search

one endeavour to recall the image of a fonding analysis of the statistical report of the Island

of Cuba for 1847, which, it says, the Govern- | exercise, but, after several unsuccessful efforts, ment, in the "inscrutable wisdom of colonial he relinquished the achievement, as a thing altoomnipotence," suppressed. By comparing the gether impracticable. Mr. Coleridge now tried population statistics of 1841 with those of 1847, his hand, but showed no more grooming skill it will be perceived there is a decrease of 112,736 than his predecessor; for, after twisting the poor slaves, in six years: horse's neck almost to strangulation and the great danger of his eyes, he gave up the useless task, pronouncing that the horse's head must have grown (gout or dropsy) since the collar was put on, for he said it was a downright impossibility for such a huge os frontis to pass through

White, Free Coloured. Slaves. Total.

Census of 1841 418,291 152,838 436,495
Census of 1847 425,770 159,233 323,759

1,007,624 898,752 112,736 108,872

It will be seen, if La Verdad has quoted correctly the Government returns, that this blotting out of a ninth part of the population of this Island has not resulted from war, pestilence, or emigration. It is an absolute extinction of over one hundred thousand slaves. They have not passed by emancipation into the ranks of the free coloured population, for the increase of that class is but 6,385 on 152,838, a moderate advance through births alone in six years. As little can they have disappeared by emigration, for there is no perceptible departure of coloured persons from Cuba-there is no outlet for that class of its inhabitants. What, then, becomes of the slaves that vanish from the face of the earth, at the rate of twenty thousand a-year? Hear the answer of La Verdad, a Spanish American paper printed here, but having its editorials on Cuba prepared in Havana, within sight and hearing of the palace of the Governor :

so narrow a collar! Just at this instant a servant girl came near, and, understanding the cause of our consternation, "La, master," said she, "you don't go about the work in the right way. You should do like this," when, turning the collar completely upside down, she slipped it off in a moment, to our great humiliation and wonderment, each satisfied afresh that there were heights of knowledge in the world to which we had not yet attained.-Cottle's Life of Coleridge.

Slandering is like opening a door, by which the faults of the slanderer himself are more exposed than they otherwise would be; while the errors or indiscretions of those who show no disposition to undervalue or backbite others, are easily passed by and forgotten.-Dillwyn.

Selected for Friends' Review.


"The real explanation is that the coloured race exists in a state of slavery and hardship unfavourable to life, and the country is still less favourable to increase than the cities, on account Parents, sisters, embrace thee, and brothers are near, of the greater severity of labour, the paucity of The smiles of affection around thee are shed, And guests often enter, thy spirits to cheer; females in proportion to men, the stinted and And the bosom of kindness oft pillows thy head; inferior quality of food, the harsh exposure, and But tell me, sweet sufferer, if each, all, impart the want of needful rest and sleep. All these A full cup of bliss to thine oft-thirsting heart. are more than sufficient to destroy the faculties When loved ones are sleeping and visitors gone, of man, moral, intellectual and physical, what-And thy drowsy nurse nods by thy bed-side alone; ever may be the colour of his skin or the latitude of his birth. Add to these causes the horrid slaughter made by the military commission of the Governor of Cuba, in which eight or ten thousand negroes were murdered in Matanzas and Cardenas alone, by eight or ten thousand modes of torture, to verify a supposed conspiracy, which in any ease could not have been known to more than a dozen of the race, and it will be easy to understand the loss of the slave population."


When the slow waning candle burns dim to thy sight,
And each scene around thee confesses to night;
Then tell me, sweet girl, if a Being is there,
Who can soothe every sorrow, and shield from despair.
When pain racks thy form, and thy low struggling breath
Seems almost engrossed by the stern victor Death;
When all hearts seem bursting with agonized sighs,
And the fountains of sorrow are flooding all eyes;
No dove with her olive appears o'er the tomb.
Then tell me, sweet friend, if no bright rays illume,

How charming is earth-how enchantingly dear
Are the ties and the treasures that fetter us here,
Yet all that we love from our sight must depart,
Every tendril be severed that clings to the heart,
And the Giver of all, in His purity known,
To reign in our bosoms and worshipped alone.
Then from sadness and darkness, what visions of light
Would mantle the future and burst on the sight;
prospect, whose glories no fancy can trace,
All fadeless in beauty and boundless in space;
Exhaustless in bliss and from mortal ills free,
The home of the sinless, a dwelling for thee.

I led the horse to the stable, when a fresh perplexity arose. I removed the harness without difficulty, but, after many strenuous attempts, I could not remove the collar. In despair IA called for assistance, when aid soon drew near. Mr. Wordsworth brought his ingenuity into

To the disenthralled spirit, that rises sublime
O'er its ruin of clay, and the turrets of Time,
This life seems a shadow, a dark troubled dream,
A bubble that floats on Time's rock bedded stream;
A desert that borders a region of bloom;

And, in short what it is—a sure path to the tomb.

Go ask the bright spirits that Earth once have trod,
If aught here could tempt them from bliss and their God;
Go offer the joys of life's sunniest day—
And they'd smile on the giver-yet spurn them away.
The harp of the angel-and seraphim's lyre,

They would tell thee, is theirs and nought else they

And list, gentle spirit, methinks a glad strain,
Even now, lingers 'round thee, beguiling each pain;
A minstrelsy, fraught with no accents of woe,
No earth-tainted notes with the sweet numbers flow-
But rapturous, full, is the melody given,
And answering echoes are warbled from heaven.

Then rest thee, sweet sufferer, thy friend bids thee rest,
While she chases each phantom of fear from thy breast,
And offers to heaven a low whispered prayer,
Invoking His blessings, protection and care;
His arm to support thee, when friendship is gone,
And his spirit to guide thee, through all, to thy home.

But when health strews her roses, and life spreads its

And pleasure invites thee with smiles to her arms,
Wilt thou pause in thy mirth, and remember that power
That enfolded thy spirit in sorrow's dark hour?
And would shelter thee still when afflictions impend;
Thy Father and God, thy Redeemer and friend.


CONGRESS.-Senate.-Hunter of Virginia and Davis of Mississippi have spoken on slavery in the territories, in connexion with the Oregon Bill. On the 12th J. M. Clayton moved that the Bill and all the proposed amendments be referred to a select committee of eight, four from the North and four from the South, equally divided also as to their party politics, and to be selected by ballot, who shall report what proposition, if any, can be accomplished. This motion was finally carried, 31 to 14. The committee consists of Senators Clayton, Atchison, Calhoun and Underwood from the South, and Bright, Dickinson, Phelps and Clarke from the North. The amendments relate to the question of slavery in the territory, and one of them proposes the extension of the "Missouri Compromise Line" to the Pacific. The adoption of this proposition would not affect Oregon, the whole of which lies North of that line, but the object of the Southerners is to procure the recognition of slavery South of the line, in the newly acquired Mexican territories.

House of Representatives.-On the 11th the remaining River and Harbor resolutions, of which the first was noticed last week, were passed. The second resolution declares "that the interests of our national commerce, the common defence, and general welfare of the United States require a judicious exercise of the foregoing power." Yeas 112, nays 53. The third declares the reasons assigned by the President for his veto of the River and Harbor Bill, passed at the close of last session, to be "insufficient and unsatisfactory." Yeas 91, nays 71. The fourth declares, "that it would be inexpedient to give the general consent of Congress, in advance of legislation by the States, to the imposition of tonnage duties by the several States, as a means of improving the ports and harbors at which such duties may be levied." Yeas 109, nays 59.

MEXICO.-The American troops, on both the Vera Cruz and Rio Grande lines, are rapidly evacuating the country. An insurrection against the government has broken out, headed by Gen. Paredes. Guanajuato and Lagos were in the hands of the insurgents. The revolutionists repudiate the treaty and the cession of territory, and call upon their countrymen to put down the government that agreed to the treaty. The plan published by Paredes contemplates a national convention of deputies to be elected by the people of the several States-the government to be conducted until the meeting of the Convention, by an executive body of three or five members, elected by a junta of one deputy from each State, Territory and District. A single chief, chosen by a majority of the Legislatures, is to exercise the whole executive power until the latter body is organized.

EUROPE. The steamship Niagara reached Boston on the morning of the 12th, in ten days and sixteen hours from Liverpool, including six hours spent at Halifax. Her dates are consequently to the 1st inst. The English money market was easy,-state of trade favourable,-corn not much changed,-cotton rather lower. The manifestations of disaffection in Ireland were increasing. The terrible news from France, however, engrosses almost the entire attention of the newspapers. The insurrection, the commencement of which was noticed in our last, was an awfully bloody one, and although the government finally triumphed, the struggle was long and severe. The first barricades were erected on the night of the 22d ult. On the 23d partial conflicts took place, and the insurgents took possession of, and fortified, an immense extent of the city. On the 24th, the combat raged with terrific fury. The Assembly declared itself in permanence, the Executive Government resigned, and General Cavaignac was invested with the sole executive power. Vast bodies of troops poured in from the departments around. One account states that there were 250,000 troops of the line, Guards Mobile, and National Guards, opposed to about 40,000 insurgents, the latter fighting with des perate fury, from behind almost impregnable fortifica tions. The contest continued unabated through the whole of the 25th, and on the 26th, the force of the insur gents was at last completely broken, and their remaining positions taken. On the 27th the insurrection was considered completely crushed. that the slaughter has been horrible, particularly among the troops. By some it is estimated that 10,000 of the troops were slain, while others place the entire loss in killed and wounded on both sides at 35,000. The Archbishop of Paris was killed by the insurgents, whilst approaching their barricades, on a mission of peace; 6000 prisoners are said to be in custody, and a decree for their transportation beyond the seas bad passed the Assembly, the punishment of death for political offences having been, as our readers will remember, abolished by the Provisional Government, immediately after the revolution. The causes of this terrible insurrection do not seem to be clearly known. It does not appear to have been a Bonaparte movement. The red flag of the Socialists and ultra Republicans was hoisted on the barricades. It is alleged that great quantities of gold had been distributed among the insurgents.

All accounts agree

The King of Prussia had published a decree, secur ing to the members of the Assembly the usual pri vileges of legislators, of freedom from arrest, and from accountability for words or votes in the Assembly. The cholera is said to be very severe at Moscow. I appears that Great Britain is willing to recognize the independence of Sicily. The proposed constitution of Sicily, now before the Assembly, provides for a limited Monarchy, with two Chambers. The Catholic religion is to be the religion of the State, to the exclusion of all


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Published Weekly by Josiah Tatum,

No. 50 North Fourth Street,

Price two dollars per annum, payable in advance, or six copies for ten dollars.

This paper is subject to newspaper postage only.


From the Western Monthly Meeting of Devonshire, Eng., concerning SARAH ABBOTT, who died at Plymouth the 1st of 7th month, 1843, aged 84 years; a Minister about 49 years. Whilst recording a few particulars of the life and last hours of a devoted servant of the Lord, and noticing the Christian virtues that adorned her character, it is not our intention to eulogize or exalt the creature, but to show forth the efficacy of that divine grace which brings salvation; that by her example, survivors may be animated to pursue the same blessed course, and enabled to reap the same reward of righteousness, peace, and joy, ascribing the honour and praise to Him alone to whom they are due.

No. 45.

of Christ easy, and his burden light, she was earnestly desirous that others might taste and see that the Lord is good. She expressed an humble opinion of herself, and observed, she could feelingly unite with the truth of the declaration, it is "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost."

It appears, by the minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Kendal, that she was acknowledged

a minister in the year 1794, and that whilst she in religious visits to the meetings and families of was a member of it, she was frequently engaged Friends in different parts of the kingdom, and occasionally had meetings with others not professing with us, in all which we believe her labours of love were highly acceptable.

On her marriage with our late dear friend, John Abbott, in the year 1806, she came to reside in Plymouth, and it may be truly said, that her example, both in a religious and social capacity, has been a blessing to many among us. The predominant feature of her mind was universal love-it was manifested in her daily walk through life, and was strikingly conspicuous in her ministry, qualifying her to impart counsel and encouragement to the rightly exercised, consolation to the afflicted, and warning to the lukewarm and the transgressors.

The subject of this testimony, our much beloved and valued friend, Sarah Abbott, was the daughter of Isaac and Rachel Wilson, of Kendal, whose religious characters and services are well known in our Society. She was born there the During her residence at Plymouth, she was 11th of the 6th month, 1759, and is described several times liberated with certificate from her by an elderly Friend who remembers her when Monthly Meeting, for religious services in various young, as being naturally of an amiable dispo- parts of the kingdom, and we believe these ensition, manifesting early a serious state of mind, gagements tended to the edification of others and and much interested in the spiritual and tempo- to her own peace. She was much interested in poral welfare of those around her; visiting and the right administration of our discipline, esteemrelieving the poor, particularly in sickness, and ing it essential to the good order and Christian evincing that alacrity in doing whatever her character of the Society; and although conhands found to do, which so remarkably cha-siderate toward human infirmity, she saw the racterised her in after life.

need that moral delinquency should be subjected to right judgment. Whilst confidently believing in the truth of our Christian principles, she was charitable in judging others who differed from her in religious profession, and evinced a due regard for the sincere of all denominations.

It does not appear that our deceased Friend has left any memoranda of her religious experiences, but she has frequently been heard to say, that "from early childhood she had mercifully known the drawings of the Father's love, through the Spirit of his beloved Son, our blessed Advo- In the domestic circle, she was kind, affectioncate and Mediator, and that she could testify to ate, and considerate, and this extended to every the all-sufficiency thereof, to sanctify and redeem, branch of her household. Being naturally of a to strengthen and lead along, in the way of safety cheerful disposition, her society was both pleaand of peace;" and having found the yokel sant and instructive to young people, many of

whom, connected with her own and her late husband's families, she had, at different periods of her life, taken under her immediate protection, to whom her warm affection, unceasing solicitude, and truly parental kindness, greatly and deservedly endeared her.

She was an example of Christian disinterestedness in the ordinary affairs of life. She sympathized deeply with the poor in their distresses, and was a liberal benefactor to them and to institutions for their benefit, experiencing, we doubt not, the truth of our Lord's declaration, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

About the seventy-second year of her age, she met with an injury from a fall, which occasioned lameness the remainder of her life. This was peculiarly trying to one of her active habits, but it was borne with exemplary patience and resignation, under the belief, that "all things work together for good to them that love God." Notwithstanding this infirmity, she was diligent in the attendance of our meetings, although it subjected her to great personal inconvenience and suffering, regarding it as a peculiar privilege, and believing that many sustained great loss from the neglect of it.

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With advancing years her bodily strength gradually declined, but she was favoured to retain her mental faculties with great clearness. About five years previous to the close of her life, she had an illness, apparently near unto death, during which she was mercifully preserved in patience, uttering many impressive observations. On one occasion, after much bodily suffering, having obtained some hours of refreshing sleep, her lively sense of gratitude was expressed in these words of elevated thanksgiving: "Adoration unto Him who is above all knowledge and beyond all praise ;-magnified be his name who has so helped me this night." Another time, being asked by one of her daughters if she did not feel the everlasting arms underneath, she replied, " Yes:-I have remembered the language, He upholdeth all things by the word of his power.' A remark being made as to the desirableness of being able to say "Thy will be done," she responded, "It has been my desire: Not my will, but thine be done, O God!" Another time she said, "I am not anxious about getting better, but desire to leave every care to the Judge of all-my great concern is, that love may prevail over all." Being for a short time supported in bed, she broke forth in a strain of devotional fervour ever memorable to those around her, "Fear not, I am with thee; be not dismayed, I am thy God. The eternal God is my refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms; yes, this is his assured language. Trust in the Lord at all times, and no disappointment will attend. I have no anxiety, but if it please Infinite Wisdom to sustain me a little longer in this dark valley, all is safe. The good Shepherd has been with me all my life long." On the

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words in Revelations being repeated to her, Worthy is the Lamb," she instantly, in a sweet and powerful voice, continued the context, "that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing," for evermore.

The illness which terminated the life of our beloved friend was only of ten days continuance, during which, from the oppression of disease, she was incapable of much conversation of any kind, yet at intervals, not a few precious and consoling expressions fell from her lips, evincing that her soul reposed in peaceful, humble confidence in her God and Saviour, whether for life or death, being enabled to commit all into the Divine hand, to cast herself in the full assurance of faith upon Him who, she thankfully acknow ledged, had helped her even from early youth. Gratitude for present mercies seemed to be the covering of her spirit, and solicitude for the spiritual and temporal welfare of her household, continued prominent even in this state of weakness. To one of her young relations who kindly attended her, she said with much fervour, "My dear, seek the Lord and his strength; seek his face evermore ;" and clasping her hands, repeated, "seek his face evermore." During much of the last night of her life, those who had the privilege of being with her were impressed with the persuasion, that whilst the redeemed spirit yet lingered here, something of a foretaste of the heavenly joy on which she was about to enter, was already granted her. That universal love which had distinguished her character and conduct through life, was still conspicuous as she ap proached the immediate presence of Him who is love itself. On being asked whether she had any particular message to her friends, she answered, "Love to all," adding with affectionate emphasis, "most sincerely, I wish none may be lost." Not many hours preceding the close, she uttered the vocal tribute," Render unto the Lord thanksgiving and praise," and remarked, in evident allusion to the prospect of dissolution,


His own appointed time is best, I hope my head will be kept above the waters," which was indeed graciously realized, and we doubt not she was found among the number of those servants, who, when their Lord cometh are found watch ing, with their loins girded about, and their lamps burning; that to her, death is swallowed up in victory, and that she has entered into the joy of her Lord.


One cannot pass over from Dover to Calais, without being struck with the immense expendi ture which has been lavished upon the animosi ties of the two countries. We hear with astonish ment of some hundred thousand pounds raised in England, for the dispersion of the Bible through the world; of £20,000 per annum

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