Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

500,000 fat cattle, at $30 each
500,000 bales cotton, at $40
10 million pounds tobacco, at 10 cts.
200 million yards cotton cloth, at

10 cts.

$15,000,000 This interesting incident causes both pleasing 20,000,000 and painful reflections. It is gratifying to see 1,000,000 the respect paid to genuine manhood in the midst of a slave-holding community. Here is a 20,000,000 colored man, and one who had been a slave, but 6,000,000 who had manifested energy, intelligence, and integrity. The degrading colour is overlooked; 20,000,000 his former servitude is forgotten, or remembered 6,000,000 only to increase respect for the self-emancipated. All unite in whole-souled expressions of esteem for the man.

2 million yards woollen cloth, at $3 20 million pairs of shoes, large and small, at $1

2 million pairs boots, $3

80 million HARD DAYS' work by labourers on buildings, land, railroads, &c., at $1 a day


80,000,000 20 millions of do. by mechanics, $1.50 30,000,000 60 millions of do. by labouring women as domestics in families, 30 cts. 20 millions of do. by women in factories, by sempstresses, and the like, 40 cts. per day

3 million do. by seamen, $1

5 million gallons oil, different quality, 80 cts.

500,000 quintals fish, $3 100,000 doz. hats, $40

This tribute to genuine manhood is beautiful indeed; but how painful the thought that a man, and such a man, one whose manliness has commanded admiration, should be obliged to leave one of the States of our Union, and obliged to leave for a cause, too, which gives him addition8,000,000 al claim to esteem. Crowds of friends was he 3,000,000 surrounded by, friends endeared by years of acquaintance dear to him were the scenes of his 4,000,000 childhood, but all must be abandoned. He is a fa1,500,000 ther, and desires the true welfare of his children. 4,000,000 He cannot bear the thought that the minds entrusted to his care, should grope through life in the darkness of ignorance. He therefore leaves his native State, which, through her laws, declares that the light kindled by the Creator shall not shine, and seeks a home in a distant portion of the country; where a father does not become a violater of law, for seeking to educate his children.

$350,000,000 So much of the produce and labour of the nation will be required to settle up this "little war" with Mexico, for the recovery of a debt of two or three millions of dollars! But all this will not "settle up" the misery, the demoralization, the national dishonour of this war!"


The Rochester American, in a letter from Augusta, Ga., gives the following noble instance of man struggling to be free.

"The talk of the town to-day is the departure of Frank Shadwick, a self emancipated slave, his wife and children, to seek a more congenial home in the State of Pennsylvania. This slave, who is a native of this beautiful city, began his work of emancipation by purchasing his time from year to year, at about $100 per annum-the usual hire of a good servant. Possessing great energy and much intelligence, with perfect integrity, he could both oversee other slaves and labour well himself, and very justly commanded his wages. His surplus earnings soon bought him horses and drays, and enabled him to hire good servants of such as had them to spare. Thus established in business, in the course of 15 years he had money enough to buy himself at about $1,000, to pay a larger sum for his wife and children, and take to Harrisburg three or four thousand dollars besides. Some ten or twelve of the first men in Augusta united in giving him a letter of high commendation. It was with pain and reluctance that Frank left his troops of friends and the scenes of his childhood. The only motive was the lawful education of his children—an advantage denied them by the laws of Georgia."

We regret, for Georgia's sake, her loss of such a man, and we trust that in Pennsylvania he will find such cordiality of reception, and such aid in accomplishing his noble plans for the education of his children, as will leave him no soil.-Louisville Examiner cause to lament his departure from his native soil.-Louisville Examiner


Let us take heed we do not sometimes call that zeal for God and his gospel, which is nothing else but our own tempestuous and stormy passion. True zeal is a sweet, heavenly and gentle flame, which maketh us active for God, but always within the sphere of love. It never calls for fire from heaven to consume those that differ a little from us in their apprehensions. It is like that kind of lightning which the philosophers speak of, that melts the sword within, but singeth not the scabbard; it strives to save the soul but hurteth not the body. True zeal is a loving thing, and makes us always active to edification, and not to destruction. If we keep the fire of zeal within the chimney, in its own proper place, it never doth any hurt; it only warmeth, quickeneth, and enliveneth us; but if once we let it break out, and catch hold of the thatch of our flesh, and kindle our corrupt nature, and set the house of our body on fire, it is no longer zeal, it is no heavenly fire, it is a most destructive and devouring thing.

[blocks in formation]

CONGRESS.-On the 10th, the Oregon bill, from the House, came up in the Senate, with the proposed amendments noticed in our last. Senator Webster made a short speech, opposing the Missouri Compromise preamble. He declared that he would vote for the bill as it came from the House, but if amended as proposed, he should vote against it. He would oppose the further extension of slavery, and the increase of slave representation in Congress, at all times, under all circumstances, against all inducements, against all combinations, and against all compromises. After a long debate, an amendment, moved by Douglass of Illinois,

directly extending the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific ocean, was adopted; yeas 33, nays 21. The bill as amended was finally passed, yeas 33, nays 22. On the 11th it again came up in the House. The Senate amendment, giving the territorial governor the veto power, was negatived by a vote of 92 to 106. The Missouri Compromise amendment was also negatived, 85 to 121. A committee of conference was appointed by the two Houses, upon the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill, the House having stricken out a great number of the Senate amendments. Among the items thus stricken out, was one providing for pay. ment for the Amistad negroes. The Oregon bill finally passed the Senate, on the 12th, as it came from the other house, without the Missouri Compromise, by a vote of 29 to 25; it has been signed by the President, and is now the law of the land. Congress closed at noon on Second day last, the 14th inst.

BUFFALO CONVENTION.-The National Free Terri tory Convention met at Buffalo on the 9th inst. It was very large, and the proceedings were characterized by much enthusiasm. Chas. F.Adams, of Boston, (son of J. Q. Adams,) was appointed President. Martin Van Buren was nominated for President, and Charles F. Adams for Vice Pres dent of the United States. Resolutions were adopted, declaring it to be the duty of the General Government to abolish slavery wherever it had the constitutional power; declaring slavery in the states to be solely under the control of state authority, and that slavery in the territories should be prevented by combined action.

MEXICO. It appears that the Government forces under Bustamente have totally defeated the army of Paredes, and that the rebellion is effectually crushed. The celebrated Father Jarauta, second in command under Paredes, was taken and shot.

EUROPE. The steamship Acadia left Liverpool on the 28th ult., and arrived at Boston on the 13th, bringing intelligence about one week later than heretofore received. The very excited and critical state of Ireland, appears to be the absorbing theme of interest in England. The habeas corpus act has been suspended, so far as regards Ireland. The scene in the House of Commons on the 22! ult., when Lord John Russell moved for leave to bring in a bill for that purpose, is said to have been one of the most exciting ever witnessed. The arguments of the minister, and the state of things in Ireland, enabled him to carry the convictions of almost the whole House with him. The bill passed the House of Lords on the 24th, and received the Royal assent on the 25th. The Government is continually augmenting the military, and is evidently determined to repress every outbreak tolerably tranquil, and Paris as resuming someamong the Irish. France is represented as being thing of its wonted appearance of life and business. They are sadly puzzled to know what to do with the vast number of prisoners taken during the late


A Friend residing near this city, wishes t engage a female teacher in his family. Applica tion may be made, by letter or otherwise, to Josiah Tatum, 50 north Fourth street.






Published Weekly by Josiah Tatum,
No. 50 North Fourth Street,

Price two dollars per annum, payable in advance, or six
copies for ten dollars.
This paper is subject to newspaper postage only.

For Friends' Review,


No. 49.

as though they had none, and they that bought as though they possessed not.

Perhaps it may not be inappropriate in this place, earnestly to recommend our young friends to cultivate an acquaintance with our writers of the latter part of the 17th century. As this is done, their taste may be disciplined-their judgments matured and strengthened, and their minds mercifully prepared for the reception of the good seed of the kingdom. Thus, being preserved and a great favour it is to be preserved from the many frivolous, and worse than useless publications, that are thrust into our very doors and windows, they will be qualified to distinguish the realities from the illusions of life, and dwelling as we do in a south land, in our ceiled houses, they may draw a useful lesson from the contrast between their situation, and that of our early Friends, who were so frequently called upon to uphold their doctrines and testimonies, at the expense of their personal liberty, their worldly possessions, and, in some instances, of even their lives.

William Crouch was born in Hampshire, in the south of England, in 1628; and was one of those whom the Lord prepared in the early period of our Society, to stand as living witnesses to the excellency of his free grace, and to raise the voice of warning against the oppressions and ceremonies of that highly professing age. When about eight and twenty years old, he" came to be, in some measure, convinced of the everlasting truth of God, revealed and made known to a despised people called Quakers." It pleased the Lord to place his sins in order Appended to the Memoirs alluded to above, is before him, and clearly to show him his "woful a preface written by Richard Claridge, in which state and condition," and that "salvation is only I find some remarks on the subject placed at the in and through Christ Jesus, the gift of God, and head of this communication, that appear to me light of the world, given of the Father for a well worth the space they will occupy in the Saviour unto the ends of the earth." Under columns of the Review. I do not by any means these exercises and convictions, he was greatly send them because I apprehend the subscribers humbled and contrited before the Lord, and his to this paper are particularly at fault, in the vice will was in good measure reduced into subjec- of evil speaking, nor because I am so blind as to tion to the law of Righteousness. In acquies-look upon my own hands, and flatter myself cence with the Divine will concerning him, he that I see them unsoiled. could say, "let not thine eye pity, nor thy hand spare, but in and through Christ Jesus, the only mediator and Saviour, give me favour with thee, and life eternal, whatever it cost:" and for our encouragement, he adds, "the Lord heard me, and delivered me."

William Crouch died in 1710, "in a good old age," says Richard Claridge, "an old man and full of years, rich in faith, fruitful in good works, and replenished with hopes of enjoying a blessed eternity."

In the 11th volume of Friends' Library, may be found the Memoirs of William Crouch, detailing, in a few pages, much of the experience and travail of the burden-bearers of that day, when indeed they appeared to be sensible that the time was short; that they that had wives, should be

While a watch-word may injure none, it may prove salutary to some who may be in danger of forming the habit of dwelling rather upon the failings of others, than seeking to discover their own, and build against their own houses. It is certainly not indicative of a Christian spirit for any-particularly brethren of the same household of faith-to be found busily endeavouring to pull each other down, and instead of cherishing a disposition to commend the good in others, be striving to search out only the evil and putting the worst possible—or even a forced construction upon all we can find that does not coincide with our own prejudiced views. Defamation is an odious vice, totally incompatible with the meekness and humility of one who is sensible of his own short comings, and hence,

dwells under the conviction, that to him belong | tions which he hath laid down for the prevenblushing and confusion of face. tion and cure of it.

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Our Book of Discipline says, what every one must know is true, that the "manifest tendency of detraction" is to lay waste the unity of the body, by sowing the seeds of dissension, strife, and discord among brethren and neighbours, as well as to unfit those who either propagate or listen to evil reports, for being of that service to the persons reflected upon, which they might be, if the order prescribed by our blessed Lord to his church, was strictly observed." We find in the London Book of Discipline, an extract from the printed Epistle of 1804, which discourages evil speaking in very strong terms. "O the precious care that attends the mind in which Christian charity is become habitual. . . The mind in which it dwells, ascribes its own preservation, and the cleansing of its former sins, to the unbounded love of God in Christ Jesus; and it prays that all may partake of the same benefit. How opposite that disposition, which delights to report evil, and to accuse! Shun it, dear friends, as the poison of asps." William Penn, in his Reflections and Maxims -a sterling little book by the way, in which, when I was a boy, we used frequently to read at school-declares that " charity makes the best construction of things and persons, and is so far from being an evil spy, a backbiter, or a detractor, that it excuses weakness, extenuates miscarriages, makes the best of every thing, forgives every body, serves all, and hopes to the end." It is, says he, "a universal remedy against discord, and a holy cement for mankind. It is love to God and the brethren." If this divine virtue were more diffused among the professors of Christianity, we should doubtless "mind piety more than controversy, and exercise love and compassion instead of censuring and persecuting one another, in any manner whatsoever." Z.

There is, says Richard Claridge, an error that should be cautioned against, and that is, when some men are not so good as they should be, to catch at any story, though ever so groundless, that reflects upon those who are better than themselves; and thereby endeavour, as archbishop Tillotson observes, "to bring men to a level, hoping it will be some justification of them, if they can but render others as bad as themselves."

Add to this another passage of his, "Men look with an evil eye upon the good that is in others, and think that their reputation obscures them, and that their commendable qualities do stand in their light; and therefore they do what they can to cast a cloud over them, that the bright shining of their virtues may not scorch


And because evil speaking is become almost an epidemical fault, take these rules and direc

1. "Never say any evil of a man, but what you certainly know.-He that easily credits an ill report, is almost as faulty as the first inventer of it: for though you do not make, yet you commonly propagate, a lie. Therefore never speak evil of any upon common fame, which for the most part is false; but almost always uncertain whether it be true or not.

2. "Before you speak evil of any man, consider whether he hath not obliged you by some real kindness, and then it is a bad return to speak ill of him, who hath done us good.

3. "Let us accustom ourselves to pity the faults of men, and to be truly sorry for them, and then we shall take no pleasure in publishing them. This, common humanity requires of us, considering the great infirmities of human nature, and that we ourselves also are liable to be tempted.

4. "Whenever we hear any man evilly spoken of, if we know any good of him, let us say that. It is always the more humane and the more honourable part, to stand up in the defence and vindication of others, than to accuse and bespatter them.

They that will observe nothing in a wise man, but his oversights and follies; nothing in a good man, but his failings and infirmities; may make a shift to render a very wise and good man very despicable. If one should heap together all the passionate speeches, all the forward and imprudent actions of the best man; all that he had said or done amiss in his whole life, and present it all at one view, concealing his wisdom and virtue; the man in this disguise would look like a madman or a fury: and yet if his life were fairly reported, and just in the same manner as it was led, and his many and great virtues set over against his failings and infirmities, he would appear to all the world to be an admirable and excellent person.

5. "That you may not speak ill of any, do not delight to hear ill of them. Give no countenance to busy bodies, and those that love to talk of other men's faults.

6. "Let every man mind himself, and his own duty and concernment. Do but endeavour in good earnest to mend thyself, and it will be work enough for one man, and leave thee but little time to talk of others.

7. "And lastly, let us set a watch before the door of our lips, and not speak but upon con sideration: I do not mean to speak finely, but fitly; especially when thou speakest of others, consider of whom, and what thou art going to speak: use great caution and circumspection in this matter; look well about thee, before thy words slip from thee; which when they are once out of thy lips, are for ever out of thy power."

The reducing of these rules to practice, con

tinues R. Claridge, would be an especial means to purge out that leaven which sours conversation; and renders it so dangerous and unsociable.

I should have had no occasion to mention them here, but because the tongues of some men run into that unbridled liberty, as to spare neither the living nor the dead.

For Friends' Review.


(Concluded from page 741.)

want of room in them, being ill suited to their accommodation, he solicited permission of his friend, the late pious Samuel Emlen, to occupy part of a square of ground owned by him in the south-western section of Philadelphia, with buildings for the residence of the neutrals. The grant being promptly made, Benezet proceeded to collect subscriptions, and was soon enabled to purchase materials and erect a sufficient number of small houses, to which they were immediately removed. The supply from the public treasury ceasing on their change of situation, he was The victims of the dreadful policy of the pro- obliged to devise modes of employment for them vincial councils were widely dispersed over this to procure a livelihood; and among various occontinent. Some ultimately joined their country-cupations, to which he directed their attention, men in Louisiana-others adopted the precarious life of the hunter and trapper in the far West, while a few, pining for the pleasant lands of their childhood, attempted to return from Georgia and the Carolinas to Acadie, but were arrested in Massachusetts, and dispersed amongst the towns of that province. About 500 of the wanderers reached Philadelphia. We take from Vaux's Memoirs of Anthony Benezet the narrative of their reception.

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was the manufacture of wooden shoes and linsey cloth; the material for the composition of the latter article, was principally obtained by their gathering rags from the streets of the city, which they washed, and otherwise prepared for the purpose. In addition to the personal services thus rendered, he paid out of his small income annuities to several of the most ancient and helpless. It is related of him, among other proofs of his kindness toward them, that his wife, having made unsuccessful search for a pair of blankets which she had recently purchased for the use of the family, came into the room where her husband was writing, and expressing some surprise as to what could have become of them, his attention was arrested, and when he understood the cause of her uneasiness, Oh! (said he) my dear, Igave them some evenings since, to one of the poor neutrals.' Thus, for several years he devoted himself to the advancement of the interests of those people, who by death, and removal to different places, were ultimately reduced to a very small number. Such was his assiduity and care of them, that it produced a jealousy in the mind of one of the oldest men among them, of a very novel and curious description; which was communicated to a friend of Benezet's, to whom he said: It is impossible that all this kindness is disinterested; Mr. Benezet must certainly intend to recompense himself by treacherously selling us.' When their patron and protector was informed of this ungrateful suspicion, it was so far from producing an emotion of anger, or an expression of indignation, that he lifted up his hands, and laughed immoderately."

"The melancholy story of their sufferings, would have awakened compassion in the most obdurate heart, and intensely acute must have been the feelings of Benezet, when introduced to the knowledge of their dreadful fate. He at once adopted them as his children, and proceeded to employ every exertion in his power to soften the rigour of their condition. As he was enabled to converse with them in their own language, it facilitated their necessary intercourse with the inhabitants, whilst it was a circumstance that could not but have mitigated their sorrows, since they had found in him, not only a friend who yielded them all the comfort and consolation he could bestow, but an interpreter, who was qualified and willing to hear, and make known the history of their afflictions. On their disembarkation, the neutrals were taken charge of by the conservators of the poor, and conveyed to a building which had been occupied as a lodging for soldiers. Many of them were labouring under disease, some were enfeebled by their crowded condition, and the scanty fare of the passage; others were disconsolate in consequence of being separated from their nearest connexions, whilst all were dejected with the striking reverse of their former comforts and independence. How touchingly this narrative illustrates the Though the funds for their support were for a truly Christian character of Anthony Benezet! time supplied from the public purse, Anthony Who can refrain from contrasting him while enBenezet undertook to provide for their sub-gaged in this work of mercy, with the instigator sistence, in the purchase and distribution of of that policy from which so much suffering reevery thing which they required. To the sick and dying, he administered relief, so long as human exertion was availing, or could hope for success, and when death terminated the sufferings of any of them, he would perform the last office of respect to their remains. The inconvenient construction of the barracks, as well as

sulted? Not more forcibly does the course of the one, portray the desperate wickedness of the unregenerate heart, than the devotedness of the other exhibits the beauty of that greatest of Christian virtues, charity that never faileth. Another reflection may not be without its use. The principal events which have been related,

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