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This is the party now in jeopardy - the party whose existence is so interwoven with the life of the nation, that to destroy the one is to permanently injure the other.

Is a party record, so glorious and praiseworthy, to be destroyed by the breath of slander, or blotted out from the hearts of a grateful people, by the efforts of partizan malice? Is a party that has given such transcendent evidence of its ability to govern wisely, and justly, and honestly, the affairs of a great nation, to be laid aside, just as the fruits of its noble labors are ripening

to the touch? No! We speak for the American people, who are not ungrateful, who still bear in remembrance the services of the past, who are yet unwilling to trust a country saved by loyal blood and treasure in the hands of those who encouraged its destruction-when we say that despite the efforts of Democracy, and the schemes of bad men, the Republican party will still be supported by the loyal element of the country as the only party that has been faithful to its trust, and that is able to protect the nation's honor, while advancing the nation's prosperity.


M. Laboulaye, Chairman of the Committee The struggle between Imperialism, Mon
of Thirty in the Versailles Assembly, who archy, and the Republic had continued for
were charged with the consideration of all over four years, from the date of the estab-
measures relating to organic laws, declared lishment of peace, and the removal of the
that the French Republicans of all shades, National Assembly, so-called, from Bordeaux
accepted the compromise measures finally to Versailles. That assembly, elected to
adopted, "through the love of country, in close the war between Germany and France,
order to obey that requirement of peace and refused under the reaction created by the
union, which is the desire of a people ex- Commune rebellion, to give place to a Con-
hausted by war and tried by revolutions." stituent Assembly, and succeeded in making.
The speaker, a leader of the left centre or itself the government of France, for the time
moderates of his party, did not make too being. At the begining of this provisional
large a claim on the respect and admiration period, the reactionaries had a clear majority
of mankind for those who acted with him, in of between two and three hundred. When,
the foregoing declaration. History holds however. it came to be a question of who
within its ample folds, few events more should reap the results, the majority di-
worthy of praise, than those which have in vided, and the Legitimatists, the Orleanists
the main marked the advent of the present and Imperialists, could not be induced to
Parliamentary Republic of France. That agree on an executive or the form of govern-
praise is due to the various divisions of the ment. The first and third of these factions
Republican party, which, under the leader- determined to accept the Comte de Chambord
ship on the one side, of Thiers, Grévy, and as Henri V., but that logical acceptor of the
other converted Constitutional Monarchists, "right divine of kings," refused to con-
and of Leon, Gambetta, Laboulaye, Jules quer his prejudices" to constitutional guaran-
Simon, Emanuel Arago and others who have tees or a national flag, the tricolor, under
always been Republican in politics, have which his family had been driven out of
kept steadily in view the establishment of France. These parties combined to defeat
that form of Goverment, which, as M. Thiers Thiers and substitute McMahon, but could
so tersely put it-"divides France the go no further.

The constitutional bills under which the Republic in name has been definitely established were adopted in a full Assembly by a majority of 174, on the 25th of February, 1875.


On the other hand time has been the most efficient ally of the Republicans. It has soothed away their own differences; healed the sore partizanship, which is the curse of all political leadership in France, and finally.

brought nearly all divisions under the acknowedged leadership of Thiers and Gambetta. No man ever gave another more loyal service than the fiery and impetuous Republican orator has accorded the astute and vetèran statesman, who, loving the country more than his own opinions, assumed the functions of Republican leadership with the same earnestness that he served King Louis Phillippe and opposed Napoleon III.

In the four years of struggle, many members who sat on the Right or Right Centre benches have died. In the vacancies created by death or other means, au ounting to about one hundred and fifty, the Republicans have gained largely on the popular vote, carrying at least one hundred and twenty-five of the elections. They have also received accessions from other parties.

It became evident from all these facts that the Republic represented the will of a majority of the PEOPLE of France. As this became more apparent daily, the Republican policy shifted. The Left, while still deny ing the power of the Assembly to make a definite Constitution, accepted such proclamation of the Republic as is involved in the laws now adopted, and stand ready to go to the country when the Assembly is dissolved. Under the organic laws adopted last February, working details of which are now being discussed, the Government of France presents the following features:

1. A distinct acceptance of the Republic as the future government of France.

2. A National Assembly to consist of two Chambers-Senate and Deputies, the latter of which is to be elected by universal suffrage, for three years, unless dissolved by


the President, the Senate concurring. Deputy must be a Frenchman, without civil disability, and not less than twenty-five years If the Chamber of Deputies is dissolved, a new election must be ordered with

of age.

in three months thereafter.

3. The Senate is to consist of three hundred members, to be chosen in the following manner: Two hundred and twenty-five by the departments and colonies, and seventyfive by the Chamber of Deputies. The term

thereto, which will be done by selecting one hundred to go out at the end of three years, the same number at the end of six years, and the remainder at the end of nine years. The qualifications for Senator are French citizenship, without any disability; age to be forty years and upwards.

The Senate is to be elected, (except those selected by the Deputies,) by an electoral college in each department and colony chosen in the following manner: the Deputies representing the department; the Consul-General and district (arrondisement) councils, (bodies of an administrative character chosen by the popular vote and not heretofore charged with any direct political functions;) and by delegates from each commune (or municipal township,) in the department-said delegates to be chosen from among the electors, by the Commune council. In this way the bodies charged with the election of Senators will become provinc al assemblies, and skillfully handled, must hereafter exercise a great influence in national affairs.

The department of the Seine and Nord, (in which Paris and Havre are situated,) are to have five Senators each. Six others, one near Paris, and in which are Calais, Lyons, Marsailles, and other principal cities, will have four each. Twenty-seven others will have three each; the others two each, and the colonies of Martinique, Guadaloupe, Reunion, and the French Indies (Cochin China, etc.,) are to have one each. There are in all 130 departments. Gambetta has declared that the introduction of the Commune

delegates as an agency in the election of Senators, is practically the most Democratic measure yet adopted in France.

The electoral college, so-called, will vote the whole list of its nominees, no Senator to be declared elected without a clear majority of the votes cast. The Chamber of Deputies. is to choose its seventy-five Senators by ballot. The Senate must be elected one month before the present assembly dissolves, and to assemble for organization on the day of that dissolution.

of service for Senators is to be for nine years, 4. The two Chambers are to constitute after the first Senate has adjusted itself the National Assembly.

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This body elects the Chief Executive, or President; votes supplies, declares war or peace, and provides by law for the general operations of the government.

5th. The executive power is vested in a President, to be elected for seven years, and to be twice eligible for re-election. The President is to be commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces; has the right of pardon, but not of veto. Ministers are responsible to the executive, who, however, is liable to impeachment. He makes all appointments, civil and military. Treaties to be negotiated by the Executive, but are not ratified until approved by the National Assembly.

A small body of the extreme Left, headed by Louis Blanc, are, however, in partial hostility to the policy of conciliation, supported by M. Gambetta. In a recent speech, M. Blanc declares that the policy of Gambetta was really voted "a non-hereditary monarchy in a country where for a century no being has bequeathed his throne to his son." The historical correctness of the statement ought to have taught M. Blanc that he exaggerates the danger arising from the considerable powers now intrusted to the French executive. The Radical orator holds the existing government to be "only that of a Monarchy, and not that of a Republic. The Pres

ident summons and dismisses the ministers

like a king. He appoints all public officials like a king. He can command armies; he can be re-elected twice, and govern for twenty-one years."

These are the principal features of the organic laws under which the government of France is now being organized. The right to declare war and make peace was first claimed for the executive, but has been set- M. Gambetta's policy, as indicated by tled as stated. The chief topic still under his speeches and the paper which reprediscussion is as to the manner in which Dep-sents him, is very clear and distinct. He uties shall be elected-whether by general lists in each department or by seperate districts. These are termed respectively scrutin d'liste and scrutin d'arrondisement.

sees plainly that the old order is on the defensive; that the new or Democratic forces are advancing and aggressive, but that the power of resistance in the first is ample enough (and likely to remain so for some time to come) to hinder any too rapid development, or crush any rash effort to achieve to-day what could only be fairly and fully secured to-morrow. The ex-Dictator comprehends that to establish a Republic se

The Republicans and Legitimates in the present assembly support the first named method, and the Napoleonists and Orleanists the second. The reasons are obvious to those who are acquainted with French politics. The administration or executive has so much influence, by reason of its numer-curely there must be Republicans, and while ous appointments, that its influence and those favoring local celebreties, will be most successfully exerted under the district method; while by the general lists, the great parties and public men of national character will carry far more weight.

It is probable that the parties of the Right and Left will succeed against those of the Centres and the Buffét ministry; while at the polls there seems to be little doubt but that a Republican victory will be obtained. Probably a working majority in the new assembly will crown their sagacious and persistent patriotism. When this question of voting by departments or arrondisements is settled, there will be little left for the assembly at Versailles to do but to prepare for its own dissolution.

there can be little doubt to any impartial observers that a majority have ranged itself on that side, yet it is equally as evident that the large minority have the wealth, patronage, with both culture and ignorance, and prestige of centuried rule behind them. long breathing spell is wanted for intelligent apprehension of Republican ideas, and for their peaceful formulation into laws and habits and administration thereof.



ited quantities," say the Ohio Democrats.
"A sound currency of coin or its equivalent,"
say the Maine Democrats. "A tariff for rev-
"A tariff
enue," say the Ohio Democrats.
for revenue only, say the Maine Democrats.
And yet the Ohio and Maine Democrats call
themselves by the same name, and profess to
belong to the same political church.


The Lovebrity which caused the issue of a therefore, and to restore the circulation to its normal condition, preparatory to still further reduction, inflation in the future is absolutely forbidden.

paper currency to meet the exceptional wouts of the war, caused also a great increase in private and national expenditure by disturbing values, and by driving out of circulation the world's currency-gold and silver. It will be observed that the Republican *tatesmen who prepared the bill governing the issue of currency, were well aware of the effect it would have; and they constantly kept in mind the time when paper should be of equal value with gold. Of course, it is not to be expected that the subject of National finance is scientifically understood by all who are sent as representatives to Congress. And it may be readily conceived that circum-pected from it. stances might arise in which the solution of A difficulty was said to lie in the issue of more greenbucks, or in allowing the issue already out to remain undisturbed. Such persons, especially if they represented communities who had suffered from financial pressure from any cause, were inclined to throw their influence in the direction of the issue of more currency, and of putting further off the period of return to specie payments. But in view of those who had charge of the finances of the country, it required continuous labor to provide for a judicious contraction of the volume of greenbacks in order to pave the way for spoole resumption, and for a reduction from ruling prices.

When there is a redundant supply in the market of any commodity, it is always cheap, no matter what the commodity is. And if there is a redundant supply of paper money in circulation beyond the demands of business, it is always depreciated, because gold goes up. The greenback, therefore, buys less than it would if there was less difference between its face value than its quoted value in gold. To inflate the currency would bring upon the people the reverse of what was exPrices would rise; and with the rise in price, men of fixed incomes derived from labor, would find that they could not obtain from their labor the necessities and comforts they formerly received when gold was low. As an evidence how inflation ran up prices, we have only to refer to any period when the volume of the currency was increased. Then, the stationary incomes which did not increase, and on which families had lived in economical respectability, were felt to be inadequate unless the expenses were diminished in the ratio of increased cost. This was the experience in thousands of cases; and heads of families who had silently borne the pressure of the times in the hope of better days coming, looked around with sorrow on the fact.

The difforance of opinoin thus existing has Had Mr. Bristow, the present Secretary of caused delay on various occasions, and led to the Treasury, the administration of the Act dustua ions which have raised or depressed of Congress of 1866, which provided that values. It has cortainly interfered with the $10,000,000 of United States notes or greenapproximation of paper with gold, and pre-backs might be retired and cancelled within Vented gold and silver from being accessible to persons who desired that greenbacks might be convertible at will. While the country has so largo an amount of paper currency in viroulation, a poople so disposed to speculate as ours, will do so rogardless of its effects, And had no measures been passed to redeem a given amount of groenbacks, and to withdraw and cancel them, that they might never again be issued, a panic might always be threatened by men who thrive on the destruction of others. To guard against panics,

six months from the passage of the act, and under which $44,000,000 were retired by Mr. McCulloch when the provisions of the act were suspended by the act of February 4, 1868, we do not think that he would have sanctioned the reissue of any part of the 44,000,000. At all events, he is decidedly that he has directed the retirement and deagainst inflation in any form. And we find struction of $1,292,420 in legal tenders, being eighty per cent of new national bank circulation issued during the present month.

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to the consideration of what should be done to lessen the dangers of our coast navigation and to save life and property from shipwreck. And from this arose the Life Saving Service, which is allied to the Revenue Marine.


At the beginning of the year 1872, the Revenue Marine consisted of twenty-five steamvessels, (including two steam-launches), and ten sailing vessels, which, with the exception of two steamers upon the lakes, whose services were not required, were in commission and distributed along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and upon the lakes. The vessels of the Revenue Marine, patrol

There are some things in the history of the past, which show how little the country has been indebted to the Democratic party for its progress and development of the higher instincts of our nature. But there is abundant evidence of noble actions having been performed by individuals or by communities, dwelling on the banks of rivers or by the seashore, who sought to save life at the risk of their own and frequently with pleasing success. Their inspiration, however, was not obtained from the Democratic party. That party was in power for many years, and only relinquished it when Mr. Lincoln assumed the office of Chief Magistrate. The quarter of a century immediately preceding the war, our waters chiefly to protect the public revewas a most eventful period in our annals.nue against smuggling, and to lend assistSteam, and railroad and telegraph came into ance to mariners and vessels in distress. As common use. The world beyond took gigan- illustrating the great improvement which has tic strides, which were followed by men of been made in the service during the past two energy with us. But the Democratic party years, the following is a comparative statewas too dull to be influenced by the spirit of ment of the service rendered by revenue progress. The opportunity was presented, vessels (exclusive of those of a special nature, but it failed to take advantage of it. National which cannot be easily ascertained), for each advancement had no charms for the unter-year from 1860 to 1870, inclusive, with those rified. To confront the known dangers of navigating our own waters, and to plan the means of rescue, was an occupation too flat, stale and unprofitable to be worth Democratic attention; for the highest ambition of the Democratic party, then as now, was to yield, with proud satisfaction, the control of the country, to the threats of the enemies of liberty, and to shape its legislation in the interest of their patrons. In consequence, 1860.. there were but few inter-State amenities between the South and the North; few efforts were made to build up that humane senti- 1865.. ment which should mark the nobility of a free and intelligent people; and fewer efforts still were made to carry out those broader views of duty which spring so naturally from the principles of the Republican party, which governed during the war of the Rebellion, and which continue to govern in its dealings with the affairs of men. Fierce political conflict was, however, softened by discussions It is proper to say that 1,101 of the 1,594 of the claims of humanity exposed to suffer-vessels seized or reported for the violation of ing and peril. One of these discussions led revenue law in the last fiscal year were re

rendered in the last fiscal year. The statement is made by calendar years, because the information happens to be more easily obtainable in that form :






88 129







12,991 20


134 143

147, 455

9.728 23


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