Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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284 An act declaring false entries in books of|

individuals, co-partnerships, or corpora-
tions, or false statements made by any
overseer, foreman, timekeeper, clerk,
bookkeeper, accountant, or other agent
or employé of any individual, co-partner
ship or corporation, to be forgery and
prescribing penalties therefor

285 An act to amend section two (2) of an act

entitled, "An act requiring compensation
for causing death by wrongful act, neg-
lect or default," approved February 12,

286 An act in relation to horse, dummy and
street railroads, and to repeal certain acts
herein referred to.
287 An act to amend an act entitled, "An act
providing for the payment, by the county
of Cook, of further compensation to the
judges of the circuit and superior courts
and the State's attorney of said county.
respectively," approved April 13, 1871, in
force July 1, 1851
288 An act to incorporate and govern Casualty
Insurance Companies and to control such
companies of this State and of other
states doing business in the State of Illi-
nois, and providing and fixing the pun-
ishment for violation of the provisions
thereof, and to repeal all laws now exist-
ing which conflict therewith,

289 An act to amend Article VI, of an act en-
titled, "An act to establish and maintain
a system of free schools," approved and
in force May 21, 1889, by adding thereto a
new section, to be known as section 29.

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292 An act to prevent interference with the ad-
ministration of justice in courts of rec-l






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290 An act to amend sections 5C, 6A, 6C and 6F
of an act entitled, "An act to amend an
act entitled, ‘An act to enable associations.
of persons to become a body corporate to
raise funds to be loaned only among the
members of such association,'" in force
July 1, 1879; as amended by acts approved
June 17, 1887, în force July 1, 1887; June
19, 1891, in force July 1, 1891; June 19, 1893,|
in force July 1, 1893, by amending sections;
five (5), six (6), fifteen (15) and seventeen
(17), and by adding thereto twenty-two
new sections, to be numbered five (5) B.
five (5) C, five (5) D, six (6) B, six (6) C,
six (6) D, six (6) E, six (6) F, seventeen
(17) B, seventeen (17) C, seventeen (17) D.
seventeen (17) E, seventeen (17) F, nine-
teen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21),
twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23), twen-
ty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six
(26), and twenty-seven (27), approved
June 16, 1897, in force July 1, 1897.
291 An act to amend section 1, of "An act in re-l
gard to attachments in courts of record,
approved December 23, 1871..



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297 An act relating to the manufacture and
sale of articles constructed in whole or in
part of gold or silver, or of alloy, or imi-
tation thereof, prescribing penalties and
declaring an emergency

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298 An act to amend an act entitled, "An act in
regard to evidence and depositions in
civil cases,
approved March 29, 1872, in

force July 1, 1872, and declaring an emer-

299 An act to amend an act entitled, "An act to
provide for the organization and manage-
ment of fraternal beneficiary societies
for the purpose of furnishing life indem-
nity or pecuniary benefits to beneficiaries
of deceased members or accident or per·
manent indemnity disability to members
thereof, and to control such societies of
this State and of other states doing busi-
ness in this State, and providing and fix-
ing the punishment for violation of the
provisions thereof, and to repeal all laws
now existing which conflict herewith,
approved and in force June 22, 1893.

[ocr errors]
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300 An act to amend section 1, of an act en:
titled, "An act in regard to garnishment.'
approved March 9, 1872, in force July 1.
1872, as amended by act of May 31, 1879, in
force July 1, 1879.







301 An act to regulate the practice of veterin-
ary medicine and surgery in the State of

302 An act to pay to Mrs. Adah J. Hunt five
thousand dollars on account of the death
of her son, Valentine H. Hunt, from
disease contracted while in the discharge
of his duty as a private in Company M.
First Regiment Illinois National Guard,
when in active service

303 An act to protect sidewalks and sidepaths
and to provide a penalty for its violation.




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304 An act to amend an act in regard to roads
and bridges in counties not under town-
ship organization, relating to the erection
of guide boards and posts upon highway

305 An act to amend an act in regard to roads
and bridges in counties under township
organization, relating to the erection of
guide boards and posts upon highway

306 An act to amend an act entitled "An act to
authorize county judges to interchange,
hold court for each other and perform
each other's duties," approved May 31,
1879, in force July 1, 1879

307 An act permitting railway companies to
charge a reasonable sum for use of cars
and giving lien for such charges.

308 An act making an appropriation to pay the
expenses for dedicating monuments
erected by the State of Illinois on the]
battlefields of Chickamauga, Georgia,
and in and about Chattanooga, Tennes-
see, including Lookout Mountain.Orchard
Knob and Missionary Ridge, marking the
locations where Illinois volunteers par-
ticipated in such battles, together with
actual expenses of the Illinois, Chicka-
mauga and Chattanooga Military Park
Commission, the expenses for the trans-
portation of the Governor and his staff.]
the transportation for the members of
the General Assembly and the transpor
tation for the surviving members of the
Illinois commands engaged in said
battles, now residing within the State of










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309 An act to amend section 203 of article VIII]
of "An act to establish and maintain a
system of free schools, approved and in
force May 21, 1889"

310 An act to amend an act entitled "An act to
authorize county judges to release cer-
tain children from custody of poorhouses
and to make contracts with persons for
their support, maintenance and educa-j
tion, approved June 21, 1895, in force
July 1, 1895"

311 An act to grant the City of Chicago certain
land under the waters of Lake Michigan
in the city of Chicago, county of Cook,
and State of Illinois. for use as pumping
station for its system of intercepting
sewers, so as to prevent the contamina-
tion of the waters of said lake.
312 An act to amend section 15 (as amended by
act approved June 6, 1889, in force July 1,
1889) of an act entitled "An act to revise
the law in relation to State contracts, ap-
proved March 31, 1874, in force July 1,

313 An act to amend sections 33 and 37 of an
act entitled "An act in regard to elections,
and to provide for filling vacancies in
elective offices, approved April 3, 1872, in
force July 1, 1872; as amended by act ap-|
proved June 3, 1897, in force July 1, 1897.
and act approved June 22, 1885, and in
force July 1, 1885, respectively".

314 An act to amend sections 1 and 2 of article

VIL of an ect entitled "An act regulating
the holding of elections and declaring
the results thereof in cities, villages and
incorporated towns in this State. ap-
proved June 19, 1835, in force July 1.

315 An act to amend sections 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5 of
an act entitled “An act to revise the law
in relation to mortgages of real and per
sonal property, approved March 26, 1874.
in force July 1, 1874, as amended by an acı
approved May 30, 1981. in force July 1
1881, and as amended by an act approved
June 16, 1887, in force July 1, 1887, and a-
amended by an act approved June 17.
1891, and in force July 1. 1891, by repeal-
ing sections 1. 2, 3, 4 and 5 of said act and
inserting in lieu thereof sections to be
known 1. 2, 3 and 4 of said act'

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