COPYRIGHT, 1918 BY WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1919 BY WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1920 BY WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY (39 SUP.Cr.) AMENDMENTS TO RULES SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 October Term, 1918 Order: It is ordered by the court that section 3 of rule 37 of the Rules of Practice of this court be amended so as to read as follows: 37. reason for denying the petition. Thirty printed copies of such petition and of any brief deemed necessary shall be filed. Notice of the date of submission of the petition, together with a copy of the petition and brief, if any, in support of the same shall CASES FROM CIRCUIT COURTS OF AP- be served on counsel for the respondent at PEALS. 3. Where an application is submitted to this court for a writ of certiorari to review a decision of a Circuit Court of Appeals or any other court, it shall be necessary for the petitioner to furnish as an exhibit to the petition a certified copy of the entire transcript of record of the case, including the proceedings in the court to which the writ of certiorari is asked to be directed. The petition shall contain only a summary and short statement of the matter involved and the general reasons relied on for the allowance of the writ. A failure to comply with this provision will be deemed a sufficient least two weeks before such date in all cases except where the counsel to be notified resides west of the Rocky Mountains, in which cases the time shall be at least three weeks. The brief for the respondent, if any, shall be filed at least three days before the date fixed for the submission of the petition. Oral arguments will not be permitted on such petitions, but they may be submitted in open court by counsel or by the clerk on request of counsel, and no petition will be received within three days next before the day fixed upon for the adjournment of the court for the term. Promulgated November 4, 1918. For other rules, see 32 Sup. Ct. v; 36 Sup. Ct. v: 37 Sup. Ct. iii; 38 Sup. Ct. iii. 39 SUP.CT. ALLOTMENT OF THE JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FIRST CIRCUIT. Comprising Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. JUSTICE OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, of Massachusetts. Appointed De cember 4, 1902, by President Roosevelt. SECOND CIRCUIT. Comprising Connecticut, New York, and Vermont. JUSTICE LOUIS D. BRANDEIS, of Massachusetts. Appointed June 1, 1916, by President Wilson. THIRD CIRCUIT. Comprising Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. JUSTICE MAHLON PITNEY, of New Jersey. Appointed March 13, 1912, by President Taft. FOURTH CIRCUIT. Comprising Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and JUSTICE EDWARD D. WHITE, of Louisiana. Appointed February 19, 1894, FIFTH CIRCUIT. Comprising Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. SIXTH CIRCUIT. Comprising Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee. JUSTICE WILLIAM R. DAY, of Ohio. Appointed February 25, 1903, by Presi dent Roosevelt. SEVENTH CIRCUIT. Comprising Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. JUSTICE JOHN H. CLARKE, of Ohio. Appointed July 24, 1916, by President Wilson. EIGHTH CIRCUIT. Comprising Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Ne braska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. JUSTICE WILLIS VAN DEVANTER, of Wyoming. Appointed December 16, 1910, by President Taft. NINTH CIRCUIT. Comprising Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. JUSTICE JOSEPH MCKENNA, of California. Appointed January 21, 1898, by |