Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

(e) In the beginning of the year, on a dark night, the Persians sailed away, so that they might not be compelled to fight against the Greeks.

(f) The King promised to give weapons and houses to all who had helped him.


(The answers are to be given up in two separate bundles, which are to be marked clearly A and B. Answers given in the wrong bundle will receive no marks. Each sheet must be clearly marked with the letter A or B.)


1. Translate into English, extracts from Michaud, La Première Croisade.

2. (a) Conjugate in the Present Indicative (in full)—accroître, jeter, fléchir, élevaient.

(b) Put down the Future (one person only) of-couvrent,
devenus, élevaient; and the Past Participle of-couvrent,
mettent, fuir, accroître.

(c) What is the Gender of the following nouns-main,
incendie, malheur, visage, tour (à leur tour), vues?
their derivation.

3. Translate into French


Jason went back sadly, and told the heroes what he had heard. And they leapt on shore, and searched till dawn; and at dawn they found the body, all rolled in dust and blood, amongst the corpses of those monstrous beasts. And they wept over their kind host, and laid him on a fair bed, and heaped a huge mound over him, and offered black sheep at his tomb, and Orpheus sang a magic song to him, that his spirit might have rest. And then they held games at the tomb, after the custom of those times, and Jason gave prizes to each winner. To Anceus he gave a golden cup, for he wrestled best of all; and to Herakles a silver one, for he was the strongest of all; and to Castor, who rode best, a golden crest; and Polydeuces the boxer had a rich carpet, and to Orpheus for his song was given a sandal with golden wings. But Jason himself was the best of all the archers, and the

Minuai crowned him with an olive crown; and 80, the
songs say, the soul of good Cyzicus was appeased, and the
heroes went on their way in

4. Translate into English (at sight)—

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Mon père et ma mère," dit Mistriss Hutchinson dans ses
mémoires, "me trouvant assez belle alors et plus intelli-
gente qu'on ne l'est communément, s'occupèrent de moi
avec un soin particulier, et n'épargnèrent aucune dépense
pour me donner une éducation distinguée, ce qui me rendit
de fort bonne heure un objet d'admiration pour toutes les
personnes qui voulaient flatter la tendresse paternelle. . . .
Je me souviens que vers l'âge de sept ans, j'ai eu pendant
quelque temps huit maîtres à la fois, maîtres de langues,
de musique, de danse, d'écriture, d'ouvrages à l'aiguille.
. . . J'aimais mieux un livre que tout cela... et j'allais
me cacher partout où je pouvais trouver moyen de lire à
mon aise.
Mon père voulut me faire apprendre le
latin, et malgré l'incapacité de mon maître, qui était le
chapelain de la maison, je réussis à dépasser mes frères
qui allaient à l'école.
Ma mère aurait fait meilleur
marché de ce genre d'études et aurait désiré que je me
livrasse avec plus d'ardeur à d'autres objets. Je fis peu
de progrès dans la musique, et dans la danse; je ne
touchais jamais à mon luth ni à ma harpe que lorsque
mon maître arrivait; et quant à mon aiguille, je la
détestais absolument. Je dédaignais aussi de jouer avec
les autres enfants; quand j'étais forcée de m'entretenir
avec ceux qui venaient me voir, je les fatiguais de discours
plus graves que ceux même de leurs mères.


1. Translate into English, extracts from Elster, Zwischen den Schlachten.

2. (a) Give the genitive singular and nominative plural of Herz, Sturm, Angriff, Friede, Wort, Auge.

(b) Give the principal parts of bringen, liegen, geben, vorgehen, sehen, denken.

(e) Form adjectives from Stein, Holz, Zufall, Silber, Feind,

3. Translate

(a) Give him my kindest regards.
on Saturday.

We shall be with you

You must go, for it is getting late. Long live the king! We are going to the country, but we hope to be back in a week.

(b) Seven years, my lord, have now passed since I waited in your outward rooms, or was repulsed from your door; during which time I have been pushing on my work through difficulties of which it is useless to complain, and have brought it, at last, to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour. Such treatment I did not expect, for

I never had a patron before.

4. Translate (at sight)—

Es waren schwere Zeiten. Nicht nur die brandenburgischen Länder, sondern ganz Deutschland batte der unselige Krieg in einen Trümmerbaufen verwandelt, und unter diesen verzweifelten Umständen trat Friedrich Wilhelm im Alter von nur 20 Jabren die Regierung an. Alle Hoffnung auf Frieden und Wiedergeburt schien geschwunden, und da war es der Kurfürst, der dem abgestorbenen Körper neues Leben einzuflößen verstand. Seine Verdienste um sein Land baben ibm mit Recht den Beinamen des Großen Kurfürsten eingetragen; mit allen Herrschertugenden ausgestattet, wurde er recht eigentlich der Begründer eines einheitlich regierten, mächtigen Preußischen Staates, auf dem sich in einer fpäteren Zeit das neue Deutsche Reich erbeben fonnte. Als Feldberr stand er einzig da, und sein Heer war stets das schlagfertigste von der gesammten deutschen Reichsarmee. Aber er war auch ein geschickter Diplomat, und schon im Anfang seiner Regierung batte er sich durch sein entscheidendes Auftreten die Achtung Aller verschafft.



1. Find the smallest number which when divided either by 11, 13, 17, or 19 gives a remainder 7.

2. If 3 tons 7 cwt. 3 qrs. 9 lbs. cost £13 16s. 8d., find the value of 7 tons 11 cwt. 1 qr. 15 lbs.

3. Find to the nearest inch the side of a square field whose area is 10 acres 3 roods.

4. Multiply 23-7693 by 000764251.

5. Express 11 of 2÷÷10 as a recurring decimal, and

-0925 .3571428

as a vulgar fraction in its lowest terms.

6. Find the sum which ought to be paid on March 11th in satisfaction of a debt of £175 due on August 15th, the rate of interest being 4 per cent. per annum.

7. Find the compound interest on £1763 10s. for 4 years at 3 per cent. per annum.

8. A cask contained 27 gallons of spirits; 9 gallons were drawn off, and the cask was filled up with water; 9 gallons of the mixture were then drawn off and replaced with water, and the operation was repeated once more. In what proportions were the spirits and water finally mixed in the cask?

9. A merchant by selling corn at 3s. 5d. per bushel of 61 lbs. makes a profit of 63 per cent. Find the price per ton which he paid for it; find also the loss per cent. he would incur if he sold it at 2s. 11d. per bushel.

10. How many children can be accommodated in a school-room 45 feet long, 27 feet wide, and 15 feet high, so as to allow 200 cubic feet of space for each child?



1. Define the following terms, homogeneous, symmetrical expression in a be, index, power, root of an equation.

2. Express in algebraic symbols the quantity which multiplied by itself is equal to the quantity obtained by subtracting from a the product of b and c, and then adding to the remainder the quotient obtained by dividing d by Find its value when a=6, b=2, c=3, d=8 and e=2.



3. Find the continued product of a+b+c, b+c-a, c+a-b and a+b-c.

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6. Find the G.C.M. of 2x3- 13x2+27x-18 and 23-21x2 + 67x-60.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

9. Describe the process pursued in solving a quadratic equation of the form ax2+bx+c=0, explaining the reason for each step taken.

10. If the numerator of a certain fraction be increased by 17 the fraction becomes equal to 2, but if the denominator be increased by 14 the result is . Find the fraction.



1. What are Definitions, Postulates and Axioms?

Define Parallel Straight Lines, a Parallelogram, a Circle, a Rectangle.

2. Draw a perpendicular to a given straight line from a given point without it.

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