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FOR STATE DIPLOMAS AND STATE LIFE DIPLOMAS. [Subdivision 9, Section 25, Oregon School Laws.]



And Conducted by the County School Superintendents and County Examiners.


1. In examinining applicants for State and life diplomas, apply the rules and regulations relative to county examinations so far as the same may be necessary and applicable.

2. All questions prepared for the examination of applicants for State diplomas and State life diplomas will be forwarded to each county superintendent, who shall have charge of such


3. Each county superintendent may conduct the examination in person, or he may delegate this power to a member of his board of county examiners.

4. Applicants for State certificates must hold a first-grade county certificate, and have taught three years successfully in the public schools of the State. In making allowance for the actual service of teachers in our public schools, county superintendents may count 7 months actually taught in each calendar year, or 22 months' actual service in the school-room for a State certificate. The standard of 7 months is taken as the highest average yet attained by any county in the state. Similarly, applicants for State diplomas must have had at least 30 months actual service in the public schools, and for State life diplomas 45 months' actual service.

5. When the examination of applicants for State diplomas and State life diplomas has been completed, all manuscripts furnished by applicants must be forwarded to the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, by mail or express. The list of questions in each branch must be inclosed in the manuscript relating thereto and returned at the same time.

6. The papers of each applicant must include a recommendation from the county superintendent and county board of examiners, and the required fees as set forth in sections 25 and 17 of the school laws. The fees should always be sent by postal order whenever the same is practicable. 7. County superintendents may give one (1) day to the examination of applicants for State diplomas, and one and one-half (1%) days to the examination for State life diplomas, For State diplomas, applicants must pass an examination in Bookkeeping, Composition and Physical Geography, and for State life diplomas, applicants must pass in Algebra, English Literature, Oregon School Law and General History.

8. County superintendents shall be entitled to three dollars per day for the time actually employed in conducting examinations for State and life diplomas. In forwarding fees for diplomas to the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the county superintendent will deduct and retain the amount due him as above mentioned, and also deduct the cost of postage necessary in transmitting the examination papers.


1. Write your name, age, postoffice address, and the date.

2. How many montht have you taught?

3. Did you attend the last teachers' institute held in the county in which you reside? If not, why not?

What books have you read on the subject of teaching?

5. Do you take a school journal?

6. Number your answers to correspond with the questions, and give due attention to capitals and punctuation.

No communication or reference to books or memoranda permitted during the examination. Write carefully. Spell correctly, and write a full analysis of all examples in algebra.




Prof. J. B. Horner, State Examiner.

What is the difference between English literature and American literature? 2. Give three quotations from Shakespeare.

3. What can you say of Milton?

[blocks in formation]

8. Who wrote "No man who needs a monument ever ought to have one." "It is better to know much of a few things than a little of many things."


What English writer is poet laureate? Give a selection from his writings. 10. Who, in your opinion, is the greatest American author of fiction? historian.

The greatest living

[blocks in formation]

1. Tell what nations were the greatest during the different ages of the world up to the beginning of the present century.

2. Give a short history of Alexander the Great.

3. What were the Punic wars? 4. What were the crusades?

was the influence of the crusades?

How many were there? Who was Peter the Hermit? What

5. Say what you can about Cromwell.

6. Give an account of the Gunpowder plot.

Name in chronological order the most important events of the fifteenth century.
State what you can in relation to Martin Luther.



[blocks in formation]

1. Define quantity, exponent, power, root, equation, algebra, binomial, residual, degree, homogeneous quantity.


What is meant by higher equation?

3. Give eleven axioms.

4. Factor x y z2-x2 y2.

5. Two men commenced trade together; the first put in $10 more than the second, and the stock of the first was to that of the second as 5 to 4. What was the stock of each?

[blocks in formation]

7. What number is that, the fourth part of whose square being abstracted from 8 leaves a remainder of 42

8. A laborer dug two trenches, one of which was 6 yards longer than the other, for 17 pounds 16 shillings, and the digging of each trench cost as many shillings per yard as there were yards in its length. What was the length of each ?


What is the sum (arithmetical progression) of n terms of the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. 10. Two quantities are to each other as m to n, and the difference of their squares is d2. What are the quantities?



Prof. J. B. Horner, State Examiner.

1. State some of the advantages of laws made by the State to regulate schools.

[blocks in formation]

3. Who compose the S ate board of education?

4. State the duties of a teacher.

5. What are the duties of directors?

6. What steps must be taken before a teacher is legally hired?


State the conditions upon which students are received into the schools for deaf mutes;

also the school for the blind.

8. What are the terms upon which students are received into the State university and the State normal schools?

What is the substance of the law that authorizes tree planting by public schools?

10. What influence upon a teacher's work will a thorough acquaintance with the State school laws probably exert ?



President Van Scoy, State Examiner.

1. Give form for dating, subscription, folding and directing a letter.

2 Give a topical analysis of an essay on the subject "Contentment."

3. Describe the style of a good essay.

4. What is meant by purity, propriety, precision and ambiguity of style? 5. Define tautology, perspicuity, irony and egotism.

6. What should be the general divisions of an oration?

7. What is poetry?

Define personification, apostrophe and hyperbole.

9. What is a metaphor, allusion and allegory?

12. What process is necessary in developing a subject?



President Van Scoy, State Examiner.

1. Of what does Physical Geography treat?

What are volcanoes? What connection have they with the interior of the earth?

3. Name three noted volcanoes of the Mediterranean sea.

4. What do you understand by lines of trend?

3. What is the freezing point of ocean water?

6. Explain the origin of constant currents.

Distinguish between continental and oceanic islands.

Define river system, basin, water-shed, source and mouth.

9. What is silt?

10. In what different ways does the atmosphere receive its heat from the sun?



President Van Scoy, State Examiner.

1. What are resources and what are liabilities?

2 What is the difference between single entry and double entry book-keeping? Describe the principal books used in double entry.

4. What is the general rule for journalizing?

3. What is an account?

How many kinds or classes of accounts are there?

When does an account show a loss, and when a gain?

When does an account show a liability, and when a resource?

How are accounts that show losses and gains closed?

10. What is a balance sheet?

[blocks in formation]

What are some of the more important problems investigated in physical geography?
What general cause may be supposed to give rise to earthquakes? With what velocity

des the earthquake wave move?

What is the relief of a continent, and how does it differ from altitude? In what respects

de the oceanic islands differ from the continental?

Trace the water of the Atlantic ocean from the Cape of Good Hope to North Cape, naming Becurrents, and the coasts and islands bathed by each.

6. Describe the formation of the Mississippi basin. Continental slopes?

What is the effect of the inequality of

Where are the regions of greatest heat? Where is the northern isothermal of 70° farthest from How do the temperatures of the ocean compare with those of the continents in summer?

Le equator?

7. What are the conditions of the equilibrium of the atmosphere? What are winds a how are they classified and named?


What are cyclones? Tornadoes? Waterspouts? Describe the rains in the zone of cal 9. What are the principal coffee districts of the New World? Where are our three m gold fields? Where are our principal petroleum regions?


What is the general law of the development of life in nature? Explain the formation intermittent springs.





Prof. I. W. Pratt, State Examiner.

What is composition? What is an argumentative discourse?

Which affords the higher degree of pleasure, beauty or sublimity? Why?

3. What does figurative language imply? Which is more important, the thought or its dre 4. What is essential to an honorable position in literature? To what does exact proport of parts contribute?

5. To what must art be addressed? What is the desire to see and hear new things called 6. What is the simplest form in which sublimity develops itself? Give some famil examples.


What are figures of orthography? What are figures of syntax?

8. In what does purity consist? What is the only standard of speaking and writing?

9. What are redundances? Enumerate the three faults opposed to clearness.

10. Define fiction. What is meant by the plot of a fictitious composition? What is essent with respect to a plot?



Prof. B. J. Hawthorne, State Examiner.

1. State the difference between algebra and arithmetic.


Define the apparent sien of a fraction, The real sign. Give an example of each. 3. If from of my height in inches 12 be subtracted, % of the remainder will be 2. WE is my height?

4. A young man received a fortune from England, and spent two-fifths of it the first yea and three-fifths of the remainder the following year, and then had only $5,000 remaining: wb was the fortune?



Define ratio. Problem. Involution. Evolution. Coëfficient.

A gentleman divided 80 between his two sons in such a manner that the product of the shares was 600; what was the share of each ? Find two numbers whose product is 3 times their sum, and the sum of their squares is It The difference of two numbers is 3, and the difference of their cubes is 117; required t




9. There are two square grass-plats, a side of one of which is 10 yards longer than a side the other, and their areas are as 25 to 9; what are the lengths of the sides?

10. Find two numbers, such that the sums of their squares may be 80, and their sum mu plied by the greater may produce 104.



Prof. I. W. Pratt, State Examiner.

Define the double entry system.

What is an account?

How are resources, liabilities, losses and gains shown in the ledger? Write a promissor





What is an account? Rule a ledger page.


State six steps in closing the ledger.







What is meant by shipment or adventure? How do they differ from merchandise?
What is posting? What should the pupil keep in view when journalizing?
How many classes of accounts are there? Why is a trial balance so called?

Is the trial balance a sure test of the correctness of the ledger? What is a bill of exchange
What is the process of closing an account? What is the first step in the order of closing
What is the rule for ascertaining the present worth of a concern? What is the conditio

of every complete entry upon the ledger ?



Prof. B. J. Hawthorne, State Examiner.

1. Give some account of the Aryan nations?

2. How far back does history, which we can fully trust, go?

3. In what nation did real freedom and real civilization begin?

4. Name some of the causes that led to the founding of the Roman Commonwealth.

5. Explain the origin of fiefs.

6. Who were the inhabitants of Britain when the Aryles and the Saxons began to colonize that island?

7. What was the condition of language and literature in the Middle Ages? The causes of that condition?

& What nation holds the fortress of Gibraltar?

9. The people of what nation brought the first slaves from Africa into the New World? 10. When was Oregon organized as a Territory?



Prof. B. J. Hawthorne, State Examiner.

1. How are text-books selected?


How often may a third-grade certificate be issued to the same person?

3. What is the law with reference to compulsory education?

4. A person holding a State diploma from any one of the State normal schools is entitled to

a State Life Diploma, under what conditions?

5. What are the qualifications of a voter at a school meeting?

6. All persons applying for certificates with the intention of teaching in any county shall be examined in what branches?

7. When is Arbor Day? What does the law require?

What is the penalty for failure upon the part of a teacher to attend a county institute? What recourse has a teacher in case a County Superintendent does him an injustice on examination?


10. How long may a teacher without a certificate draw public money?



Prof. B. J. Hawthorne, State Examiner.

1. What is the subject of Beowulf's poem?

2. What was meant by the "King's English"?

3. Who wrote the "Shephearde's Calendar'?

4. What is the difference between the style of Samuel Johnson and that of Addison?

5. How old is Tennyson?

6. Where was Bunyan's best work partly written?

7. What is the earliest form of popular literature among every people?

8. What is the difference between satire and irony?

9. In what respect is Shakespeare not original?

10. Mention the names of two famous American prose writers. Of two poets. Quote one extract of prose and one of poetry.


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