Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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formerly terminated in en in the Nominative (der Namen, der Willen), and are even now met with in this obsolete form, from which their other cases are derived: der Name, des Namens, dem Namen, den Namen.

The two words: der Schmerz, the pain, and das Herz, the heart, have in the Genitive des Schmerzens, or Schmerzes; des Herzens; in the Dative dem Schmerze, dem Herzen or Herze, and in the Accusative den Schmerz, das Herz.


§ 11. The second declension comprehends only masculine nouns. The Genitive is in n when the Nominative terminates in e, and en when it terminates in any other letter. The other cases of the Singular preserve the termination of the Genitive. Ex.:

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12. The second declension comprehends:

1. All masculine nouns of men and animals, terminating in e, as:

Der Knabe, the boy;

der Erbe, the heir;

der Bote, the messenger;

der Bürge, the bail;
der Affe, the monkey;
der Hase, the hare.

2. The names of nations ending in e:

Der Deutsche, the German;

der Franzose, the Frenchman,

der Sachse, the Saxon;
der Schwede, the Swede.

Those ending in er follow the first declension: der Spanier, des Spaniers.

3. The following nouns of men and animals:

Der Held, the hero;
der Graf, the count;
der Fürst, the prince;

der Hirt, the herdsman;

der Mensch, the man;
der Herr, the gentleman;

der Gesell, the journeyman;

der Ged, the dandy;
der Thor, the fool;

der Narr, the fool;

der Bär, the bear;

der Ochs, the ox.

4. Most nouns of persons derived from foreign languages, and

terminating in a long syllable:

Der Soldat, the soldier;

der Jesuit, the jesuit;
der Adjutant, the adjutant;
der Student, the student;

der Katholik, the catholic;
der Theolog, the theologer;
der Philosoph, the philosopher;
der Astronom, the astronomer.


§ 13. The third declension comprehends all feminine Substantives. It is distinguished from the two former ones, by not having any inflexions in the Singular. Ex.:

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III. Of the formation of the Plural.

§ 14. The plural of German substantives is formed by adding to the Nominative Singular e, er, en or n, or it is like the Singular. 1. PLURAL IN e:

1. All monosyllables, with few exceptions:`

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2. The following monosyllables:

Der Geist, the mind;
der Leib, the body;
der Gott, the God;
der Mann, the man;

Das Amt, the office; das Band, the ribbon; das Bild, the image; das Brett, the board; das Buch, the book; das Dach, the roof; das Dorf, the village; das Blatt, the leaf; das Kind, the child; das Kleid, the dress; das Lied, the song; das Loch, the hole;

der Rand, the border; der Wald, the forest; der Wurm, the worm; der Ort, the place.

das Faß, the cask; das Feld, the field; das Glas, the glass; das Glied, the limb; das Grab, the grave; das Haus, the house; das Huhn, the chicken; das Kalb, the calf; das Schloß, the castle; das Thal, the valley; das Volk, the people; das Weib, the woman.

3. PLURAL IN 11:

1. All Substantives of the second declension, which take n in the Genitive of the Singular:

Der Knabe, the boy;

der Deutsche, the German;

die Knaben, the boys;

die Deutschen, the Germans.

2. The feminine Substantives in e, el and er:

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1. All Substantives of the second declension, which take en in the Genitive Singular:

Der Fürst, the prince;

der Soldat, the soldier;

die Fürsten, the princes; die Soldaten, the soldiers.

2. The Substantives ending in heit, keit, schaft, in and


Die Freiheit, liberty;

die Artigkeit, politeness;
die Freundschaft, friendship;
die Wirthin, *) the hostess;
die Meinung, the opinion;

3. The following Substantives:

Das Bett, the bed;
das Hemd, the shirt;
das Herz, the heart;

das Ohr, the ear;

die Freiheiten; die Artigkeiten; die Freundschaften; die Wirthinnenz die Meinungen.

die Art, the kind; die Pflicht, the duty; die Uhr, the watch; die Zahl, the number;

*) Words ending in in double their end-consonant in the Plural.

die Frau, the woman;
die Schlacht, the battle;
die Welt, the world;
die That, the deed;

die Schrift, the writing;
die Schuld, the debt;
die Zeit, time;

die Qual, the torment.


1. The masculine and neuter Substantives in er, el and en:

der Spiegel, the mirror;

der Adler, the eagle;

das Mädchen, the girl;

die Spiegel, the mirrors;

die Adler, the eagles;

die Mädchen, the girls.

2. The two feminine nouns, die Mutter, the mother, die Tochter, the daughter, form their Plural: die Mütter, die Löchter.

15. When the Nominative Plural terminates in n, all other cases have the same termination; but when it does not terminate in n, only the Dative takes this letter, and the Genitive and Accusative are like the Nominative. Ex.:

Nom. die Grafen, the counts;
Gen. der Grafen, of the counts;
Dat. den Grafen, to the counts;
Acc. die Grafen, the counts;

die Hände, the hands;
der Hände, of the hands;
den Händen, to the hands;
die Hände, the hands.

Nom. die Häuser, the houses;
Gen. der Häuser, of the houses;
den Häusern, to the houses;
Acc. die Häuser, the houses.

In this way are declined the Plurals of:

der Schuh, the shoe;

der Tisch, the table;

das Kind, the child;

der Held, the hero;

die Schuld, the debt;
das Ohr, the ear.

§ 16. Most Substantives in the Plural change the radical vowel a into a, o into §, u into ů, and au into åu, as:

1. All Substantives which take the ending er:

Der Mann, the man;

der Irrthum, the error;
das Loch, the hole;
das Haus, the house;

2. The Masculine and termination e:

Die Hand, the hand;

der Sohn, the son;
der Hut, the hat;

The following masculine

Der Arm, the arm; der Laut, the sound; der Dolch, the dagger; der Hund, the dog;

die Männer, the men;

die Irrthümer, the errors;
die Löcher, the holes;
die Häuser, the houses.

feminine Substantives, which take the

die Hände, the hands;
die Söhne, the sons;
die Hüte, the hats.

Substantives are exceptions:

ber Stoff, the stuff;
der Schuh, the shoe;
der Punft, the point;
der Tag, the day.


3. The following Substantives, which do not change in the Plural:

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§ 17. The proper names of persons are declined with or without the arte. If declined with the article they do not change in the Singular. Ex.:

Nom. der Karl, Charles;
Gen. des Karl, of Charles;
Dat. dem Karl, to Charles;
Acc. den Karl, Charles;

der Schiller, Schiller;
des Schiller, of Schiller;
dem Schiller, to Schiller;
den Schiller, Schiller.

Without the article, proper names take no other inflexion than an or eẻ in the Genitive. Those terminating in a hissing sound mostly take ens, as: Voß, Voßens, Friz, Frizens. Ex.:

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The proper names of women are declined like those of men, except those ending in e, which take in the Genitive ns, and in the Dative n. Ex.:

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