Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

1. Tilly stammte aus einer edeln Familie in Lüttich, und hatte in dem niederländischen Kriege, der damaligen Feldherrnschule, seine Talente ausgebildet.

2. Bald darauf fand er Gelegenheit, seine erlangten Fähigkeiten unter Kaiser Rudolph dem Zweiten in Ungarn zu zeigen, wo er sich schnell von einer Stufe zur andern emporschwang. 3. Nach geschloffenem Frieden trat er in die Dienste Maximilian's von Baiern, der ihn zum Oberfeldherrn mit unumschränkter Gewalt ernannte.

4. Nach geendigtem böhmischem Kriege wurde ihm das Commando der liguistischen Truppen und jezt, nach Wallenstein's Abgang, das Generalat über die ganze kaiserliche Armee übertragen.

5. Ebenso streng gegen seine Truppen, eben so blutdürftig gegen den Feind, von eben so finsterer Gemüthsart als Wallenstein, ließ er diesen an Bescheidenheit und Uneigennüßigkeit weit hinter sich zurück.


Grammatical Questions on the above passages:

1. Why is the augment ge inserted in the past participle ausgebildet (No. 1), and not in übertragen (No. 4)? Give also the reason why in emporschwang (No. 2) the prefix is not separated from the verb, and why it is in ließ. . . zurück (No. 5). Write out the past participle of ernannte (No. 3), and the infinitives of all the verbs that are mentioned in this question.

2. Why is the preposition in in No. 1 followed by the dative, and in No. 2 by the accusative?

3. Why has the attributive adjective kaiserliche (No. 4) the termination e, and the attributive adjective finsterer the termination er?

4. Explain the reason why the words der damaligen Feldherrnschule (No.1) and dem zweiten (No. 2) must, according to the rules of syntax, be used in the dative case?

[blocks in formation]

1. What are the main points of difference in structure between exogenous and endogenous plants?

2. Describe the seed of a dicotyledonous plant, and the changes that take place in it during germination.

3. Draw outlines of leaves of the following forms: linear, lanceolate, ovate, obovate, spathulate, cordate.

4. What are the principal forms of the roots of plants? Give examples.

5. Name some of the principal plants useful in commerce, medicine, or the arts; and state from what countries they are obtained, and to what purposes they are applied.

6. Assign to their proper class, order, or family, either in the Natural or in the Linnean arrangement, the following plants:the rose, the pea, the lily, the crocus, the potatoe, the fir, the oak, the apple. Give, if you can, the scientific names of these examples.


1. Why has the name Mammalia been given to the highest class of vertebrate animals? Into what orders has it been divided by naturalists ?

2. In what respects do the Marsupialia differ from the Placental Mammalia?

3. Describe the transformations of a frog in respect to the organs of locomotion and of respiration.

4. Into what parts is the body of an insect divided ? On which of these parts are the legs, wings, and breathing apertures placed ? 5. Trace the growth of a bird from the egg to its perfect form. 6. Refer the following animals to their several classes and orders-The elephant, the cow, the dog, the rabbit, the crocodile, the eagle, the sparrow, the herring, the sturgeon, the lobster, the snail, the oyster, the star-fish.



WEDNESDAY, June 29th.-Morning, 10 to 12.

Examiner-Dr. ADAMS.

1. Parse each word in the following line :

"'Tis Greece, but living Greece no more.

2. Give the feminines of colt, monk, hart, steer, earl, abbot, votary, fox, spinner, wizard, beau, Czar, Sultan, Landgrave.

3. Give the plurals of genus, species, family, valley, automaton, appendix, series, beau, Scotchman, German, echo, stigma, genius, terminus, crisis, seraph, stratum, mouse, house, catastrophe, fatherin-law, and step-son.

4. Give the genitive or possessive, singular and plural, of child, fox, brother, church, wife, echo, cherub, success, and son-in-law.

5. Give the comparative and superlative of friendly, far, old, froward, late, troublesome, little, much, and many...

6. Write out in full the present tense of can, possess, owe, do, go, fly, and flee.

7. Give the perfects of go, do, fly, guess, ring, swim, put, send, and sit.

8. Give the perfect participles of strive, intend, send, cut, wind, sing, tell, grow, be, go, melt.

9. Analyse:

"He that has light within his own clear breast,
May sit in the centre and enjoy bright day:
But he that hides a dark soul and foul thoughts,
Benighted walks under the mid-day sun."

10. Write a short account of some mineral, metal, or plant.

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