Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Ensign John Douglas William, 68th regt. N. I. under orders | for Allahabad.

Ensig Campbell Mac Willam, 22d regt. N. I. at Nusse-rabad
Ensign Alexander Brathwaite Fenwick, 60 h regt. N I at Mbow
Ensign Edward Cook, 6th regiment native infantry at Meerut
Ensign Henry Beresford Melvile, 54th regt. N I at Mee: ut
Ensign Charles Edmund Hickey, 1st regt. N. L. at Saug r
Ensign James Irwin Mainwaring, right wing of the European
regimant at Agra,

Ensign Andrew Ogilvie Farquharson, 38th regt. N. I at Delhi
Ensign James Hutton, (not arrived) 19th regt N I at Cuttack
Ensign William Chester, 67th regt. N, I. at Khyouk Phy00.
Ensign William Robert Cunningham, 6th regt. N. I. at Cuttack
Ensign Walter Birch, 7th regt. N. I under orders for Cawnpore
Ensign James Garner Holmes, 59th regt N. I at Moradabad.
Ensign John Colpoys Haughton, 32st regt N. I at Allahabad.
Ensign William Henry Oakes, 45th regt. N. I. at shahjehan


Ensign Lauchlean Alexander McLean, 3d regt. N L, ander orders for Barrack pore.

Ensign Thomas Elliot Ogilvie, 39th regiment N. I. at Neemuch Ensign Colin Charles Robertson, 11th regt. N I under orders for Saugor.

Head Quarters, Camp, Samalka 14th December 1937.-No. 85.Her Majesty has been pleased to make the following appointments in the regimen s serving in India:

16th eight d agoons -Captain Lawrence Fy'er. from the 77th regiment of foot, to be captain, vice Deverill, who exchanges, 5th u y 1837.

13th foot-Gentleman cadet F ancis Levett Bennett, from the royal infitary c lege, to be ensign. by purchase, vice Tidy ap posed to the 1.th regiment of foot, 25th July 1837

40th foot.-Ensign Charles Philips, from the 1st West In1a regiment to be quarter master, vice Walsh deceased, 5th July 17.

The commander-in-chief has been pleased to make the following promotin un il Her Majesty's plea-ure shal: be known: 2d foot.-Ensign T WE Holdsworth to be lieutena t by purchase, vice Moodie, who retires, 7th December 1837.

Several applications having been made to the commander-inchief by officers commanding corps, for the unconditional d scharge of oldiers of bad character. without pe sion, but who, from length of service were entitled thereto; his excellency makes known, that by intruccions from the general comanding in ch ef, such recommendations for discharges. cannot be enter tained, it not being within his lordship's power to recommend to the commissioners of Chelses to withhold from a soldier the rate of pension to whi h he may be entitled: the forfeiture of pension being a point which sh uld be decided by the court martial, before which a culprit may have been arraigned.

His excellency also desires, under instructions from the general cominandini chief that no money may hereafter be received for the discharge of a soldier, by purchase, before such aischarge

Ensign Frederick Cooper Tombs, 18th regiment N 1 at Secrole, has been authorize.. Benares.

Ensign Neville Bowles Camberlain, 52d regiment N. I. at Nus. seerabad

Ensign William Tierney Fergusson, 27th regt. N I. at Kurnaul Ensign Edward Dayot Watson, 44th regiment N. 1. under orders for Etawah and Baudah.

Ensign Arthur Henry Cole Sewell, 47th regt. N I at Agra.
Ensign Thomas I ulloh, 33d regimeut N. I. at Jubbulpore.
Ensign William Edward Mulcaster, 2th regiment N. I, under
orders for Mynpoorie.

Ensign James Wardlaw, 24th regiment N 1. at Midnapore.
Eusign John Monckton Swinton, 61st regt. N. I. at Aimorab.
Ensign Trever Henry Shum, 25th regiment N. I. under order
for Saugor.
J. R. LUMLEY, Major General,


Adjutant General of the Army.



Rank & File 135
Children ..

The regimental order by the officer com

18 manding 11th light dragoons, dated 3d insta t appointing sergeant Thomas Goonlass to act as provost Sergeant, and corporai George Archer as quarter master sergeant to the 1t division of the regiment proceeding 27 to the presidency, as per ma gin. under the command of Major Jenkins, is confirmed.


The undermentioned officers have leave of absence : 7th oot-Lieutenant J Mockler, to England, for 2 years from date of embarkation, on private affairs.

Ditto.-Lieutenant J H Shadforth, ditto ditt.

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Head Quarters, Camp, Kurnaul, 18th December, 1837.-No. 87. Her majesty has been pleased to make the following promotions and appointments in the regiments serving in India:

3i Light Dragoons -Lieutenant Richard Blagden Hale to be captain, by purchase, vice Philips, who retires. 10th July 1937. Cornet Richard A Moore to be lieu enaut, by purchase, vice

ORDERS ΤΟ THE QUEEN'S Hale, 10th July 1837.

Head Quarters, Camp, Dehli, 7th December, 1837. No 84.-The presidency division order dated the 12th ultimo, granting leave of absence to lieutenant J Lumax 16th foot, to pro. ceed to England, for 2 years from date of embarkation, on medit al

certificate is confirmed.

Capt J Tritton


Lieut J Martin

EG Swinton

Cornet J. White

The division orders by major general Sir Stevenson, dated the 29th ultimo, directing the officers named in the margin, (removed from the 11th to the 3d light dragoons) to do duty with the detachment of volunteers for the latter corps, at Cawnpore, under the command of captain Bond: and that, dated 1st instant, appointing assistant surgeon Menzies, 16th foot, to the medical charge of this detachment until the arrival of the bead. quarters of the corps, are confirmed.

The leave granted by His Excellency lieutenant general Sir John Keane, to Dr. Collier deputy inspector general of hospi tals, to proceed to England, is confirmed."

The leave of absence granted by His Excellency lieutenant ge. neral Sir P Maitland, to the following officers of Her majesty's 45th regiment, to proceed to England, via Egypt, is confirmed:

Captain F. Pigott; capt H Cooper; ensign W R. Lewis. The undermentioned officers have leave of absence: 13th light dragoons captain R Ellis, to England, for 2 years from date of embarkation, on private affairs,

Ditto-aptain T Atkinson, in extension from the 1st November 1836 to the date of joining the regiment from England.

16th foot-Lientenant J. Lomax, from 1st October to 1st Decem ber 1837 in extension, on medical certificate.

31st ditto-Ensign TJ Bourke, from 10th December to 9th Feb ruary 1838, to Calcutta, for the purpose of appearing before a medical board.

49th ditto.-Lieutenant J. L, Bennis, from 15th December to 4th June 1838, to visit Meerut, on urgent private affairs,

To be Cornets, by p rchase -Henry Wood, gent 10th July 1837.
Edmund Roche, gent vice Ralston who retires, 11th July 1837
Horatio Hol ingworth, gent vice Moore, 12th July 1837.
Quarter Master Thon.as Atams, from the 7th Dragoon Guards,
to be Quarter Master, vice Higgins, who exchanges, Luth
July 1837.

Sergeant Major-Sullivan to be Adjutant (with the Rak of Cornet) vice Janes, who resigns the Adjutaucy only, 9th July 1837 13th Light Dragoons Cornet James Hussey to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Geihin, who retires, 7th July 837.

Thomas William Smith, gent. to be connet, by purchase, vice Hussey, 7th July 1837.

4th Foot, to be Lieutenant Colonels -Lieutenant Colonel Richard England, from the 75th Regiment of Foot, without purchase, 7th July 1837.

Brevet Colonel Gideon Gorrequer, from the half par, unattached, vice England appointed to the 41st Regiment of Foot, leth July 1837.

Major James England by purchase, vice Gorrequer, who retires, 11th July 1837.

Captain Henry Houghton Irving to be Major, without purchase, vice England, 11th July 1837.

Lieutenant James Espinasse to be Captain, vice Irving, 11th
July 1837.
To be Lieutenants.-Lieutenant Dennis A Courtayne, from the
45th Foot, 7th July 1837.

Lieut. Charles Shipley Teale, from the 26th Foot, 7th July 1837.
Lieutenant Abraham Collis Anderson, from the 54th Foot, 7th
July 1837.

Lieutenant William Charles Sheppard, from the 57th Foot, 7th July 1837.

Lieutenant W. H. Middleton Ogilvie, from the 6th Foot, 7th July 1837.

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Fnsien John Cameron, from the 54th Foot, 7th July 1837.
Ensign Christopher M Wilson, from the 26th Foot, 7th July 1837
2d Lieutenant Robert Hawkes, from the 5th Foot, 8th July 1837.
Ensign Robert O'Neil, 9th July 1837.

Ensign James Symington Shortt, 10th July 1837,

To be Ensigns-Ensign Wadham Wyndham Bond, from the 24 West India Regiment, vice O'Neill 9th July 1837

54th Foot.-Ensign Charles Fade Heatley to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Anderson appointed to the 4th Regiment of Foot, 7th July 1837.

Ensign William Macpherson, from the half pay of the 44th Re. giment of Foo, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Heatly, 7th July 1837.

Henry Andrew Hinsworth, gent. to be Ensign, without pur. chase, vice Cameron promoted in the 4th Regiment of Foot, 18th

Ensigu James Alexander Madigan, from the 7.st Regiment of July 1837. Foot, vice Shortt, 10th Ju y 1837.

57th Foot-Lieutenant William Jones, from the Ceylon regiQuarter Master John Potter to be Adjutant and Ensign, vice ment, to be Lieutenant, vice Sheppard appointed to the 4th RegiEspinasse, 11th July 1837. ment of Foot, 7th fuly 1837.

Sergeant major Samu 1 Sexton to be Quarter master, vice Po ter appointed Adjutant, 11th July 1837.

6th Foot --Lieutenant John Duntze Macdonald, from the 24 West India Regiment, to be Lieutenant, vice Ogilvie appointed to the 4th Regiment of Foot, 7th July 1837.

63d Foot.-Lieutenant Edward Hill, from the half-pay of the 20th regiment of Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Henry Croly promoted, 7th July 1837.

Brevet.-Captain Charlton Brown Tucker, of the 3d light dra

9th Foot-Brevet colonel Sir Edmund Keynton Williams K.goons, to be major in the Army, 10th January 1837.
C. B, from the 41st Regiment of Font, to be Lieutenant Colonel,
vice Cus'a ce appointed to the 10th Regt. of Foot, 10th July 1837.
26th Foot-Lieutenant James Williams Gryles, from the Ceylon
Regiment, to be Lieutenant, vice Teale appointed to the 4th Regi-
ment of Foot, 7th July 1837.

41st Foot -Lieutenant colonel Richard England from the 4th Regiment of Fost, to be Lieutenant colonel, vice Sir E. K. Wil liams appointed to the 9th Foot, 10th July 1837.

Majo William Booth to be Lieutenant colonel, without purchase, vice Purdon deceased, 11th Jly 1837.

Captain James Frere May to be major, vice Booth, 11th July


Lieutenant John George Bedingfield to be captain vice May, 11th July 1837.

Cancels his Promotion Ensign Jobu Didep to be Lientenant vice Noit deceased. Vice Bedingfield, 11th July 1837

Charles Anderson Morshea', gent. to he Ensign, vice Diddep,| 11th July 1837.

The Commander in Chief in India bas been pleased to make the following promotion until Her majesty's pleasure shall be known.

The promotion of ensign Holdsworth to this vacancy has not taken place.

2d Foot.-Ensign H. W. Stisted to be lieutenant, by purchase, vice Moodie, who retires 7th December 1837.

Lieutenant Speedy of the 3d Foot, and Lieutenant Holcombe of the 13th light infantry, having passed the prescribed examination as interpreters before a district committee, are deemed, by the Commander in Chief in India, entitled to the allowance sanc. tiond in gn ral orders by Government, No. 208, of the 26th September 1828.

By Order of the Commander in Chief,

R. TORRENS, Major Genl.
Adjt. Genl. to Her Majesty's Forces in India.

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Jan 1 English Barque Resolution, A. R. Dixon, from Madras 26th November.


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4 English Bark Susanna. J P. Ridley, from Port Jackson 3 t October and Carnicobar Island 21st December, and English Barque Monarch, A. McNeilage, from, Glasgow 22d August.

5 English Bark Couriere, J. Dixon, from the Cape of Good Hope 23d October.

6 English Brig Elizabeth, J. Manook, from Rangoon 20th December; English Ship Susan, J. Young, from Bombay 1st, Calicut 22d and Alleppee 29th November

9 English Barque Dorothy Gales, G. Moore, from Liverpool 22d July, and the Mauritius 19th November.

15 English Schooner Margaret, W. C. Spain, from Rangoon 17th December,

17 English Barque Sir Edward Ryan, J. M. McGowan, from Moulmein 31st December.

18 English Ship, Paragon, J. Coleman, from Liverpool 24th August; Euglish Bark Tinamara, G. Wilson. from Liverpool 27th August; French Bark Robert Le Diable, M. De Laporte, from Bourbon 28th Novmber,

English Bark Sesostris, A. Yates, from Portsmouth 8th August, Cape of Good Hope 30th October, and Madras 23d December.

French Big Alceide, J. P. Querouare, from Bourbon 10th December.

H. M. Ship Larne, Cant. P. J. Blake, from Moulmein
8th January; English Barque Sylph, Tho.. Viall, from
China 18th, and Singapore 27th December.

American Ship Dover, J. Austen, from Boston 29th
August, and the Cape of Good Hope 23d November ;
English Brig Soundraponey, Nacoda, from Penang
13th November, and Arracan 12th January.

24 English Big London, M. King, from Liverpool 12th

25 English Ship Futty Salam, J. L. Gillett, from China 6th and Singapore 23d December, and Penang 6th January ; English Brig Arethusa, A Piko, from Moulmein 4th January.

26 English Ship Zenobia, J F Owen, from London 12th and Portsmouth 21st September, Madeira 9th October and the Cape of Good Hope 5th December; American Barque Norfolk, J S Ballard, from Boston 20th Sep. tember; English Barque Baboo, G B Brock, from the Mauritius 5th December.

27 English Ship Royal Saxon, R Renner, from London 5th and Portsmouth 20th September.

28 English Barque Bahamian, M Tizard, from Liverpool 12th October,

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Per Bark Susanna, from Port Jackson-Mrs Wolton; Cap. Swiney; Mr and Mrs Robertson; Brigadier Penny: Mrs tain Witon, H 44th Regt; Mr Leigh, Surgeon

Messrs Haines, Ba

Per Conriere. from Cape of Good Hope thurst, and Low, HCSTC Robinson, Esq; Dr McWhir, MD, Capt and Mrs Frazer and Mr Frazer; Mr and Mrs Main and 6 Children; Mr and Mrs Thomson and 4 Children, and Mr Malish.

Per Sir Edward Ryan.- HP Twentyman, Esq, and Mr Gallasteen, merchants.

Per Sesostris from London-Mrs Yates, from the Cape of Good Hope Mrs Gr nt and infant; Miss Pattle; C H Came ron, Esq. law commissioner; J Grant Esq, Surgeon, Bengal establishment; Capt harlton. 74th Regt. BI; Mr Land, late officer. Royal William, from Madras. -Capt Gillett, Country Service; Mr Rogers, merchant; Mr Robt Saunders, Pilot Fstablishment; Mr Tapley, late Chief Officer Ship


Per Paragon, from Liverpool.-Mr and Mrs Perry; Emila Deben, Melitaire.

Fraser and
Per Futty Salam, from Canton--Messrs
Browne. From Singapore.-Mr and Mrs Dobbs : Mr Douglas
and Mr Johannes. From Penang.-Mr and Mrs Reid and


Per Zenobia.-Mrs Turner; Miss Woodley: Revd J Nor. gate; Mr A Galloway, cavalry cadet; Mr WH Williams, infantry ditto; Mr W W Burkinyoung, attorney at law; Mr J Burkinyoung; Messrs Pehmollir, McCa thur, Cowing and Spink, from England, Mrs Sheriff and child; A Cumming and C. Grant, Esqrs civil service; J Langstaff, Esq, medical Board; Capt sheriff, 48th regt BN I.

Per Baboo from Mauritius.-C Betts, Esq, merchant.
Per Norfolk, from Boston.—Mr Edward 8 Mosely, mer


Per Madagascar -Mr and Mrs Siddons; Dr and Mrs Dorin; apt and Mrs. Roberts; Mrs Forbes; Mrs Birrell, Captain Webster; Miss Siddons; Lieut. Bazett; Lieut Siddons; G. J. Millman and R J Savi, Esqrs.

Per Samuel Hurrocks, for Singapore.-J H Whitehead and J S Clarke, Esqrs.

Per London-Mr and Mrs. Valpy and family; Dr Innes and family; Capt and rs Evans and family; Mrs Vrignon and Son; Mrs Page and family; Mr and Miss Cunningham; Mrs Major Ramsay and chil: Mrs Capt Liptrap; two Misses Watson; Miss Low; Masters Wilkinson, Thompson, Hudson, and Parker.

Per Duke of Bedford.-J Maclean, Esq; Lieut Boileau and family; Lieut Inglis; Mrs Major Lister; Mrs Bedell ; his Highness Nawab Ikbal ood Dowlah, and Captain Goventry.

Per Repulse-Colonel Andree; Colonel Morrison; Mrs Armstrong, and Mrs Shuttleworth.

Per St. George.-Sir C Metcalfe, KC B.; Capt. and Mrs Higginson: Mr and Mrs W Dick.

Per Scotia.-Mrs. Brutton and Mrs Stonehouse; Misses Bratton, Lemarchand, Taylor and M Taylor; Col. Shubrick, 7th light cavalry; Col. Brutton, late ith light dragoons: Col Cock, 231 NI; Col Taylor, 29th N 1; Col Watkins, 6 dNI; Jas Gordon and G R Budd, Esqrs, 3d light cavalry: T L Harrington, Esq., 5th ditto; G. stonehouse, A. Guthrie, J Purvis and J Garrett, Esqrs.; Master Brutton.

Per Windsor.-Lady Ryan and 2 children; Miss Ryan: Mrs Franks and 2 children; Mrs F. D Smith and child; Mrs Boswell and child; Capt. Chadwick and 3 children; RBW Ramsay, Esq., C. S.; and Master shaw; Colonel

Per Frances Warden from Penang.-Mrs McKintick andard Mrs Boileau and 2 children for the Cape; sir John and children; Mr. Carapiet, Messrs. McKintick and P Joaquim, | Lady Herschel and family will embark on board the Windsor merchants; Master McKintick.


Jan. I British Monarch, W Purvis, and Calcutta, J H
Bentley, for Moulmein; Ruby, J Randell, for Sin
gapore and China; Fattle Barry, Nacoda for


at the Cape for London.

Per Lord Hungerford for London-Mrs. Jennings and 3 children; Mrs. G P. Thompson and 4 children; Mrs TreveIvan and child; Mrs Newmarch and 3 children; Mrs. Mansell : Misses Jeremy and White; Hon'ble T B Macaulay; Mr. Trevelyan; Capt. Mansell, Commanding HM Troops; Capt Farquharson; Lieuts Shortread and Farquharson; 2 Masters Caulfield; Master Grote; Sergeant Hogan, and 52 of Her Majesty's troops.

Per Jeillinghee-Mrs. Mathews. Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs Hogue and Mrs. Armstrong; Misses Whish and Miss Macan; F. C Smith, Esq.; R. J. R. Campbell, Esq.;

Antelope, Nacoda, for Juddah; Duke of Bedford,ajor Anderson; Major Fernie; Lieut. Graham; Ensigns
WA Bowen, tor London.

John Hepburne, B Robertson, for Rangoon.

12 Christopher Rawson, C Edwards, for Mauritius; Lord Hungerford, Farquharson. for London; Windsor, Henning, for London; Hoogly, Jeanso lin, for Bourbon.

18 Rob Roy, J McKinnon, for China; Theodosia, E Underwood, for Liverpool,

15 Carnatic, Jas. Richard, for the Mauritius.

17 Fatima, G Fethers, for Liverpool via St. Helena.
18 Shaw Allum. E Evans, for Bombay.
Dona Carmelita, Thos. Foss, for the Mauritius.
19 Allalevie, A R Clarke, for Bombay; Fatima, G Fe-
thers, for Liverpool; Hammonshaw and Futtay
Mobarruck, Nacoda, for Muscat.

23 Brigand, D Wemyss, for Penang and Singapore;
Elizabeth, Glass, for Ceylon; Cabras, Nacoda,
for Mocha; Abassey, Nacoda, for Muscat; Lucon,
Arnaud, for Bourbon.

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Per Ship Repulse for London.-Countess of Cardigan Mesdames Rotton, White, Betson, Norman, Armstrong, Campbell, Shuttleworth, Woodin and Gillard; Lieutenant Cols Andrie and Morrison, Majors Rotton and White, Captain Bambrick, Dr Sandham, Lieut Ready, quarter master Betson Colonel the Earl of Cardigan, H M's 11th light dragoons;

and Cornet Reynolds, H M's 11th dragons; Lieut Norman, 31st dragoons; Mr Tiel; Monsieur Gilliard, Advocate General at Chandernagore. Steerage Passengers.-Mr Jordan, 7th cavalry; Mrs. Jordan and two children; Mr Townsend, and three children. Per Victoria, for Bristol.-Mr John Biddle.



Oct. 25 At Agra, Mrs. Jacob Hoff, of a daughter.

At the Cape, the lady of J H Vanrenen, Esq of a son. 29 At Rondebush, near Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, the lady of Charles Macsween, Esq, of the Bengal civil service, of a son.

Dec. 13 At Jubbulpore, the lady of C. R. Brown, Esq, Ase sistant Agent, Governor General, of a son.

16 At Benares, Mrs George Archer, of a son.

27 At Hoshungabad, the lady of M C Ommanney, Esq, CS of a daughter.

29 At Sumbulpore, the lady of C L Babington, Esq,

of a son.

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The wife of Mr Lawrence D'Silva, of Seebpoor, of a Dec. 26

Jan. 1 At Calcutta, Mrs Chas Gardener, of a son.

2 At Calcutta, the wife of Mr A Dozey, Junior, of a



At Calcutta, the lady of Henry Chapman, Esq, of

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a son.


At Purneah Catholic Church, by the Revd Florian, Mr A A Thomas, to Miss H Carnal

it Agra, by the Reverend R Chambers, Mr J F Pinto, assistant in the office of the political and general department, to Miss Louisa Scott.

At Calcutta, at the Principal Roman Catholic church by the Revd. Mr Oliver, Mr Thomas Scallan, of H C Marine, to Miss Anna Simonin.

4 Mrs Amelia P Auslin, wife of Mr A P Auslin, of a son Jan. 1 At Delhi, at St James's Church, by the Reverend R

At Chowringhee, the lady of Alexander Beattie,
Esq, of a son.

At Furreedpore, the lady of RB Garrett, Esq, Civil
Service, of a daughter.

5 At Calcutta, the lady of John D Loch, Esq, of a son.] At Calcutta, the lady of John D Loch, Esq, of a son.

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Jan. 5 At Allipore, Mrs M Jones, of a daughter.

6 At Calcutta, on board the Duke of Bedford, the lady of Lieutenant Boileau, horse artillery, of daughter.

8 At Intally, Mrs T S Sheppard, of a son.

At Calcutta, Mrs D Oman, of a daughter.

At Entally, Mrs J Rue, of a son.

At Calcutta, Mrs Wm Ryland, of a daughter.


At Calcutta, the lady of Markham Kittoe, Esq, of a daughter.

10 At Simla, Mrs W Philipe, of a son.

At Chinsurah, Mrs T B Barber, of a son.

12 At Kishnaghur, the lady of C Steer, Esq, of a son.

13 At Calcutta, the lady of D. Pringle, Fsq, of a still born child.

14 At Dum-Dum, the lady of Lieutenant Burnett, artillery, of a son.

At Goruckpore, the lady of R J Taylor, Esq, civil service, of a son and heir.

16 At Calcutta, the lady of Joseph Agabeg, Esq of a daughter.

Ir At Chowringhee, the lady of T Savi, Esq, of a son.

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At Calcutta, at the Old Church, by the Venerable
the Archdeacon, Monsieur A Charnier, to Harriett,
Widow of the late Captain William Souter, of the
66th regiment native infantry.

At Calcutta, at the Cathedral, by the Reverend H
S Fisher, Mr Oliver smith to Mrs Mary Barbara

At the Cathedral, by the Revd H Fisher, C P Nor-
ton, Esq, of Colgong, to Miss Eliza Isabella

At Calcutta, at the Cathedral, by the Rev. H. s.
Fisher, Mr. John Graves, Conductor of Ordnance,
to Mrs Isabella Miller.

At the Cathedra!, Col. M. Beresford, millitary Se
cretary to the commander-in-chief, to Caroline,
daughter of W. Fane, Esq., of the civil service.
At Calcutta, at St. James's Church, by the Rverend
RB Boswell, Mr. James Price, to Miss Rose, second
daughter of Mr. S. DeCastro, of Williams' lane.
Mr. R. Williams, to wrs. Rosa, the widow of the late
Mr. Francis DaCruz.

25 At the Scotch Kirk, by the Revd. James Charles, J. W. Carnegie, Esq., interpreter and quarter master of the 15th Regt. N. 1., to Jane, dauter of the late David Scott, Esq., of the civil service.

April 23

Aug. 19 Sept. 10

At the Old Church, by the Venerable the Archdeacon, W. D. H. Ochme, Esq., 10 Anne, youngest daughter of H. Barrow. Esq.


Near Cape St. Vincent, on a voyage to Cadiz, Miss
Louisa Maria, eldest daughter of ajor Thomas Gil-
bert Alder, late of the Bengal establishment, aged 18

At Chittagong, the infant son of Mrs. J. E Bruce
At Sea, on board the barque Bengal, William Mori-
son, Esq.

At Sea, on board the Royat William. Assistant Sur-
geon George Macfarlane Watson, of the Medical

Nov. 17. At Agra, Lieutenant and Adjutant Cardew, of the artillery.


27 Dec. 2

At Agra, Robert Henry Rebello, the third son of Mr H Rebello, aged 3 years, 11 months, and 3 days. At Agra, the infant child of M Woollaston, Esq. On the river, at Cawnpore, on her way from Calcutta to Futtygh ir, rs. Arabell Graham, wife of Mr. John Graham, head draughtsman, surveyor general's depart Jan. 1 At Calcutta, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Gardener.


At Agra, Ensign M. W. Tytler, 22d native infantry. 3 At Calcutta Mr Thomas Teyen, assistant in the civil auditor's office, aged 36 years, 2 months and 15 days.

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At Seharunpore, Cecelia Evelina, the infant daugh
ter of John and Caroline Powell.

At Calcutta, Sarkies Owen, Esq. aged 72 years.
At Intally Mr. P Jaco i, formerly coach builder.
At Mhow, Conductor Charles, Gale, in charge of the
Ordnance Depot at that station

5 At Calcutta, mr. Charles James Daniel Murray, aged 37 years.


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At Howrah, Miss Sophia Smith Read, of cholera, aged 30 years and 6 months.

At Calcutta, Mr E. C. M Minx, aged 28 years,
At the Howrah Hospital, Mr. John May, Boatswain
of the Windsor, aged 36 years

At the Howrah Hospital, mr. John May, Boatswain
of the Windsor, aged 36 years.

At Calcutta, at the residence of C. M. Latour, Esq.,
C. M. Baz re, Esq, aged 35 years.

At Calcutta, Mr.harles Smith, an assistant in the
Financial Department, aged 35 years.

At Calcutta, Master William Halhed Terraneau, Esq., aged 2 years and 3 months.

At Calcutta Miss Louisa Sarah Nisbett, daughter of
Mr John Wm. Nisbett, aged month and 5 days.
At Kidderpore, the infant child of Mr. William
Cleghorn, of the Government Steam Department,
aged 5 months and 2 days.

A Calcutta, George Thomas, fourth son of Mr. and
Ms Samuel Smith, aged 4 years, 6 months and
26 days.

13 At Howrah, Mrs. Margaret Le Fevre, aged 64 years At the General Hospital, Calcutta, Mrs Maria Anne Barbara Wiltshire, wife of Apothecary G. D. Wiltshire, aged 37 years and 13 days.

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