The Irish Quarterly Review, Τόμος 4W. B. Kelly, 1854 |
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Σελίδα 119
... nature or special conditions . As regards Ten- ant compensation - the future difficulty would be greatly reduced by express contracts , and diminished competition . As to retrospective compensation I at last thought there might be safe ...
... nature or special conditions . As regards Ten- ant compensation - the future difficulty would be greatly reduced by express contracts , and diminished competition . As to retrospective compensation I at last thought there might be safe ...
Σελίδα 131
... nature , its recommendations , and the objections advanced against it : -not at all fearing an im- peachment of our candor for having already asserted , that which we shall proceed to show is admitted by the enemies as well as the ...
... nature , its recommendations , and the objections advanced against it : -not at all fearing an im- peachment of our candor for having already asserted , that which we shall proceed to show is admitted by the enemies as well as the ...
Σελίδα 150
... nature endowed with a towering and trans- cendant intellect , and that the vastness of his moral resources keeps pace with the magnificence and unboundedness of his projects . I thank God , that it is much more easy for him to transfer ...
... nature endowed with a towering and trans- cendant intellect , and that the vastness of his moral resources keeps pace with the magnificence and unboundedness of his projects . I thank God , that it is much more easy for him to transfer ...
Σελίδα 162
... nature and the extent of the restrictions which government , from the purport of its institutions , necessarily imposed on the natural freedom of man ; but to the task of contemplating the more than usurious repayment which in long and ...
... nature and the extent of the restrictions which government , from the purport of its institutions , necessarily imposed on the natural freedom of man ; but to the task of contemplating the more than usurious repayment which in long and ...
Σελίδα 164
... nature - that Elliot , the pure model of aristocracy - that the illustrious Ponsonby , the constitutional leader of the ranks of Opposition in this House , rever- ing alike the privileges of the Crown and the rights of the subject , are ...
... nature - that Elliot , the pure model of aristocracy - that the illustrious Ponsonby , the constitutional leader of the ranks of Opposition in this House , rever- ing alike the privileges of the Crown and the rights of the subject , are ...
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admirable amongst artist attended Banim Bill boys called Chaplain character Chester Castle child Committee considered convicted Court crime Cuckoo Dublin England evidence evil fact feel Gallery gaol genius heart hundred improvements industry Institution Ireland Irish IRISH QUARTERLY REVIEW Jerome John John Banim juvenile criminals Kilkenny Kilkenny College Kingsmill labor land landlord Legislature London Lord Malvina ment Michael Banim mind moral National nature never object offence painted parents Parliament partnership party Paturot Penny Gaff Pentonville Prison persons Peter Burrowes picture Plunket poet poor possession present principles prison prove question Ragged Schools Rauhe Haus Ravanne readers received Reformatory Schools religious religious minister rent Report Society special partners speech Teachers tenant tenant-right thing thought tion town truth whilst William Conyngham Plunket writes young دو
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 899 - It is a shameful and unblessed thing to take the scum of people and wicked, condemned men, to be the people with whom you plant; and not only so, but it spoileth the plantation; for they will ever live like rogues and not fall to work, but be lazy and do mischief, and spend victuals, and be quickly weary, and then certify over to their country, to the discredit of the plantation.
Σελίδα 272 - So runs my dream; but what am I? An infant crying in the night; An infant crying for the light, And with no language but a cry.
Σελίδα 677 - Wings from the wind to please her mind. Notes from the lark I'll borrow : Bird, prune thy wing; nightingale, sing, To give my love good-morrow. To give my love good-morrow, Notes from them all I'll borrow. Wake from thy nest, robin redbreast; Sing, birds, in every furrow; And from each hill let music shrill Give my fair love good-morrow!
Σελίδα 505 - OH ! BREATHE NOT HIS NAME. OH ! breathe not his name, let it sleep in the shade, Where cold and unhonour'd his relics are laid ; Sad, silent, and dark be the tears that we shed, As the night-dew that falls on the grass o'er his head.
Σελίδα 843 - O, how this spring of love resembleth The uncertain glory of an April day ; Which now shows all the beauty of the sun, And by and by a cloud takes all away ! Re-enter PANTHINO.
Σελίδα 951 - That from and after the passing of this Act no Person shall be removed, nor shall any Warrant be granted for the Removal of any Person, from any Parish in which such Person shall have resided for Five Years next before the Application for the Warrant...
Σελίδα 615 - Not to covet nor desire other men's goods; but to learn and labour truly to get mine own living, and to do my duty in that state of life unto which it shall please God to call me.
Σελίδα 871 - And forced himself to drive, but loved to draw: For fear but freezes minds; but love, like heat, Exhales the soul sublime to seek her native seat.
Σελίδα 673 - For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts, Fetching mad bounds, bellowing and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their blood ; If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound, Or any air of music touch their ears, You shall perceive them make a mutual stand, Their savage eyes...
Σελίδα 372 - But, what is yet more extraordinary, within this month, these little ragamuffins have, in great numbers, taken it into their heads to frequent the early morning prayers, which are held every morning at the cathedral at seven o'clock.