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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Resolved, That a committee of three on the part of the senate, and five on the part of the house, be appointed to prepare such address, and submit it to a meeting of the whigs on Monday morning next, the 13th inst. at half past 8 o'clock. "
Journal of the Senate of the State of Delaware, at a Session of the General ... - Σελίδα 134
των Delaware. General Assembly. Senate - 1887
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Journal of the Senate, Τόμος 119

Massachusetts. General Court. Senate - 1898 - 1218 σελίδες
...office of justice of the peace ; and recommending that a joint special committee to consist of two on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the House, be appointed to present said address to the Governor (see House, No. 1107); Of the committee on Public Charitable...

Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the General Assembly, Τόμος 50

Tennessee - 1898 - 120 σελίδες
...Senator Isham Or. Harris; therefore Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate and five upon the part of the House be appointed by the Speaker of the Senate and the Speaker of the House respectively...

The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union ...

United States. War Dept - 1899 - 1082 σελίδες
...the Confederate and United States Governments. Resolved (the Souse of Representatives concurring), That a committee of three on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the House of Representatives be appointed to investigate and report upon the condition and treatment of the prisoners...

Acts of the State of Ohio, Τόμος 94

Ohio - 1900 - 836 σελίδες
...the 74th general assembly. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That a joint committee of three on the part of the senate, and five on the part of the house, be appointed to propose and report joint rules for the two houses. AG REYNOLDS, Speaker of the House of Representatives....

History of the Judiciary of Massachusetts: Including the Plymouth and ...

William Thomas Davis - 1900 - 486 σελίδες
...Probate for the County of Suffolk. " And your committee further recommend that a joint committe of two on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the House be appointed to present said address to the Governor." The address was adopted by the Legislature and presented...

Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia

Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates - 1901 - 244 σελίδες
...they request the concurrence of the House. Mr. HTTNLEY offered the following concurrent resolution : Resolved, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate and three on the part of the House of Delegates be appointed to confer and report on the matter of disagreement...

At a General Assembly Begun at Dover, in the Delaware State ..., Τόμος 22

Delaware - 1901 - 1104 σελίδες
...Senate and House of Repretentritive* of the State of IMmonre in Gen-eral Assembly met : House joint That a Committee of Three on the part of the Senate and awointnfeut' five on the part of the House of Representatives be appointed by forTnaiT'unf- tne Pres'ding...

Acts of the State of Ohio, Τόμος 95

Ohio - 1902 - 1050 σελίδες
...commitee to wait upon the governor. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, .Thai a committee of three on the part of the senate and five on the part of the house be appointed to wait upon the governor, and inform him that the general assembly is now in session, and ready to...


Mississippi. Legislature. Senate - 1902 - 586 σελίδες
...Adams, Crawford and Taylor. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Moore, was on motion adopted, viz.: Resolved, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate, and on the part of the House, be appointed to notify the Governor that the two Houses arc in readiness...

Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the General Assembly

Tennessee - 1905 - 1478 σελίδες
...resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring, That a committee of nine members, four on the part of the Senate and five on the part of the House, be and the same is hereby appointed, whose duty it shall be to fully investigate the matter of complaint...

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