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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Speaker shall, or any member may call him to order ; in which case the member so called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain ; and the house shall, if appealed to, decide on the case, but without debate ; if there be no appeal... "
Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York - Σελίδα 20
των New York (N.Y.). Common Council - 1841
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Manual of the corporation of the city of new york

1859 - 694 σελίδες
...unless permitted to explain ; and the Board, if appealed to, shall decide on the case, butwithoutdebate. If there be no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. XXVn. All questions shall be put in the order they arc moved, eicept in filling up blanks — the longest...

Manual of the corporation of the city of new york

1857 - 658 σελίδες
...XXVI. A member called to order, shall immediately sit down, uniera permitted to explain; and the Hoard, if appealed to, shall decide on the case, but without debate. If there he no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. XXVII. All questions shall be put in...

Our Rulers and Our Rights: Or, Outlines of the United States Government; Its ...

Anson Willis - 1869 - 524 σελίδες
...order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain ; and the house shall, if appealed to, decide on the case, but without debate ; if there...appeal the decision of the chair shall be submitted to. If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed ; if otherwise,...

Our Rulers and Our Rights: Or, Outlines of the United States Government; Its ...

Anson Willis - 1869 - 540 σελίδες
...immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain ; and the house shall, if appealed to, decide 01* the case, but without debate ; if there be no appeal the decision of the chair shall be submitted to. If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed; if otherwise,...

Brevier Legislative Reports: Embracing Short-hand Sketches of the ..., Τόμος 11

Indiana. General Assembly - 1869 - 444 σελίδες
...shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain; and the Senate shall, if appealed to, decide the case, but without debate. If there be no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. If the decision be in favor of the Senator called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed. If otherwise,...

The Young Debater and Chairman's Assistant: Containing Instructions how to ...

1869 - 186 σελίδες
...down at once, unless permitted to explain. If the body be appealed to, it shall decide the question without debate ; if there be no appeal, the decision of the chair shall be submitted to. If the decision be in favor of the member, he shall be allowed to proceed; if against him, he shall...

The Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin, Τόμος 8,Μέρος 1869

1869 - 302 σελίδες
...sit down, unless permitted to explain ; and the honse shall, if appealed to, decide on the case, bat without debate ; if there be no appeal, the decision of the chair shall be submitted to. If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed ; if otherwise,...

A Digest of Parliamentary Law: Also, the Rules of the Senate, and House of ...

Oliver Morris Wilson - 1869 - 588 σελίδες
...the Whole, by adoptbating amendments, and was reported ing a recommendation to strike out debate;1 if there be no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed; if otherwise,...

Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates Elected by the ...

Tennessee. Constitutional Convention - 1870 - 480 σελίδες
...shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain ; and the Convention shall, if appealed to, decide on the case, but without debate ; if there...appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. If the decision shall be in favor of the person called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed...

Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates Elected by the ...

Tennessee - 1870 - 468 σελίδες
...shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain ; and the Convention shall, if appealed to, decide on the case, but without debate ; if there...appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. If the decision shall be in favor of the person called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed...

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