Front cover image for Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

W. W. Tarn
Tarn's Alexander the Great, first published in 1948, has become a classic and its importance for subsequent Alexander studies can hardly be exaggerated. Based on a lifetime's work and elegantly and persuasively written, both volumes evoked immediate admiration - and very soon sharp reaction.
Print Book, English, 2002, ©1948
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England], 2002, ©1948
volumes : map ; 23 cm
9780521225854, 9780521531375, 052122585X, 0521531373
V. 1. Narrative
v. 2. Sources and studies
"Vol. I consists in the main of ... chapters XII and XIII in volume VI of the Cambridge ancient history ... carefully corrected and brought up to date."
First published 1948